posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:45 AM
reply to post by Solsthime331
I can not believe I am about to post this on ATS, but... wow.... here goes......
I have had dreams about a city for the atleast the last 15 years. The city I dream about is huge and has a curious mix of old (best I can describe is
maybe a small English village) to very modern almost futuristic. I can give directions to almost any place in that city. Hospital buildings, shops,
malls, offices, restaurants. I can navigate the city streets and know the motorway/highway system inside and out. I have dreamed of being in the city
both on foot and in a vehicle. I even know the housing suburbs and the interior of many of the homes. My dreams are so varied. From trying to make it
to an appointment, to shopping in the mall, to running from monsters, to setting in traffic and walking down the street to eat at a restaurant.
I have also had dreams with the same feel about other areas, mostly an entertainment type place. Almost like a mix between a large amusement park and
Las Vegas. Gambling and roller coaster type rides. I can see perfectly clear in my mind the approach to this area and many of the buildings/rides.
Sometimes I even think I could draw a map to get there from the city, but it is like something that I can't translate visually.
Once many years ago when I was working for a radio station I attended an "after work" promotion that the radio station put on at a local bar. It was
one of those, women come out after work for discounted drinks and free stuff sort of things. I was new to radio back then and went to see how that
type of promotion worked. As part of the "geared toward women" theme, they had a palm reader setup and she was doing mini-readings for $5. I was in
a new job and figured what the heck. She went thru my reading and at the end I just asked, can you tell me about the city? I did not give any details
or even mention dreaming, just that question. She replied that the city was where my past lives and my future lives were coming together. That my
dreams of the city was me trying to resolve my path. The city was just me trying to use what I did know with what I would know to get me though this
I don't know if that helps, but I'm glad I'm not the only one that says.... "I dreamed about the city last night". Thanks for your thread, now I
don't feel so alone!