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The Really Real World: A Closer Look At Reality's True Constituents

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posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:20 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

ok dont get lost now, our present reality is a virtual simulation.quantum mechanics is the study of the smallest pieces of matter we can study and how our universal laws(gravity,time,space,and all others) change at the atomic level. the atom is 10 to the minus 8 cm in diameter,and the nucleus 10 to the minus 13. the difference between the two is 10 to the minus 5, if you take that (volumetricly)and cube it(because our three dimensions) you get 10 to the minus 15.that is very close to the number of seconds in the history of the universe keeping in mind that the universe is 16 billion years old (10-16 or 10-17)a very very large number witch means simply that every thing we feel as solid is mostly empty feels solid because of the electrical simulation of the atoms sensing each others nearness.the atoms are like the comand prompt or what ever is called that tell a computer what to display, or how to run different programs. so if i say this world is virtual i am 10 to the 15 more close to reality than you are.
(i know i was supposed to keep my religious mumbo jumbo out but i couldn't resist)

edit on 26-9-2011 by SOILDERSUNITEDFORCHRIST because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:22 PM
ok dont get lost now, our present reality is a virtual simulation.quantum mechanics is the study of the smallest pieces of matter we can study and how our universal laws(gravity,time,space,and all others) change at the atomic level. the atom is 10 to the minus 8 cm in diameter,and the nucleus 10 to the minus 13. the difference between the two is 10 to the minus 5, if you take that (volumetricly)and cube it(because our three dimensions) you get 10 to the minus 15.that is very close to the number of seconds in the history of the universe keeping in mind that the universe is 16 billion years old (10-16 or 10-17)a very very large number witch means simply that every thing we feel as solid is mostly empty feels solid because of the electrical simulation of the atoms sensing each others nearness.the atoms are like the comand prompt or what ever is called that tell a computer what to display, or how to run different programs. so if i say this world is virtual i am 10 to the 15 more close to reality than you are.
LIFE IS THE VIDEOGAME GOD IS THE CREATOR OF IT. (i know i was supposed to keep my religious mumbo jumbo out but i couldn't resist)

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:25 PM
i can get more detailed if you would like...............

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:28 PM

reply to post by Cuervo

ok dont get lost now, our present reality is a virtual simulation.quantum mechanics is the study of the smallest pieces of matter we can study and how our universal laws(gravity,time,space,and all others) change at the atomic level. the atom is 10 to the minus 8 cm in diameter,and the nucleus 10 to the minus 13. the difference between the two is 10 to the minus 5, if you take that (volumetricly)and cube it(because our three dimensions) you get 10 to the minus 15.that is very close to the number of seconds in the history of the universe keeping in mind that the universe is 16 billion years old (10-16 or 10-17)a very very large number witch means simply that every thing we feel as solid is mostly empty feels solid because of the electrical simulation of the atoms sensing each others nearness.the atoms are like the comand prompt or what ever is called that tell a computer what to display, or how to run different programs. so if i say this world is virtual i am 10 to the 15 more close to reality than you are.
(i know i was supposed to keep my religious mumbo jumbo out but i couldn't resist)

edit on 26-9-2011 by SOILDERSUNITEDFORCHRIST because: (no reason given)

Thank you for giving a serious reply. What confuses me is that you have been arguing with me for about 100 posts and then you explain your take on the whole concept and it's not even contradictive to my OP. My whole point is that our reality is similar to a virtual world which is why we make virtual worlds in that fashion.

Now I'm thinking your account just got hacked by a rational person.

In any case, let's end this on a positive note and be happy to find a middle ground.

posted on Sep, 26 2011 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by Cuervo

no hate, give GOD a chance. i dint quite understand your post at first is why i came with maybe irrelevant things but yea i can get defensive i just don't have much time on the comp..

posted on Sep, 29 2011 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
Wow. Look at how many of our ATS trolls have managed to find a rickety old soapbox to climb up on.

I play video games. A lot. I have been good enough with FPS's to be forced to change my online name on XBOX Live, because no one would play when i entered a room (GTA IV, a couple years ago).

I'm a PS3 guy, otherwise we'd have to do some Liberty City damage.

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
I also contribute to society. I do charity work through Rotary International, serve on civic boards, and run a company. Successfully raise 2 boys, and act as a loyal husband.

I swear, you people and your stupid stereotypes. Can we not talk about the deeper aspects of the philosophical debate posed by the OP? Or do we need to have a "You must be this tall to ride" sign on this thread for the mental midgets?

I hate to say it but society is waiting for certain elements to die out before it can move forward. I'm sure every generation has felt it (even more so, I'm sure) but it is no less frustrating. As far as the reputation digital gaming holds in society (and the art world), it is regarded the same as television was when it came out. And now we have entire institutions dedicated to the art of cinema and it now drives pop culture.

Originally posted by bigfatfurrytexan
OP: great post. I have often considered the holographic universe concept. You have really put some outstanding philosophical work into creating this thread. Of course, I will ponder it. And I will likely be back with more thoughts.

Don't let the reading challenged deter you.

Thanks so much, man. If you are interested in it, some places to start is Jean Fourier, Karl Pibram, David Bohm, and--if you want a quick and dirty rundown--Micheal Talbot. And of course just about any compelling video game!

posted on Oct, 4 2011 @ 03:42 PM
Very interesting information you gave there! I'm not a scientist, but my take on it is this: I look at it like it could very well be sort of a virtual virtual reality, if you know what i mean, virtual reality created in a holographic universe. And that the inboxing as you will, will not matter when you look at quantum physics. I think that just as in the movie "The Thirteenth Floor" Link we could someday discover that an inboxing of our own creation could very well be activating somekind of link to our reality.

posted on Oct, 5 2011 @ 07:11 PM
Let me see if I can put a thought out and stay enough on topic to make it relevant. Read just about all three pages of banter. While reading this I keep coming to a few conclusion. Entertain me if you will.

1. There is no time just an infinite Now how can you waste the Now ?
2. (gets fun here) If magik is the projection of will you could be doing a great number of things subconsciously during your gaming fun to the now experience.

I have seen a great many people get wrapped up in "content". There was a new story about a
Facebook. So obviously there is a bleed over effect with the weaker minded.

So I do agree that both realities are real and can/will have legitimate effects in the Now. So participation in either one is only as relevant to the results. To what degree is still your choice.

Still think it cool that you could be playing a video game and performing magik at the same time. Imagine while playing a violent video game. Your subconsciously beating your bully neighbor to a pulp. Lol Now I understand that not everyone believes in hocus pocus stuff. There is a different way to view that the magik is not it effecting the bully but removing the bully from his/her effect over your personal now. At least mentally
cheers and thanks OP
edit on 5-10-2011 by Nineofzero because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 02:27 AM
Snap bro, that is an amazing post you have put together. I dunno what's up with this one guy that thinks playing video games is a sin. He is undoubtedly over the age of 35. Strange stuff.
edit on 12-11-2011 by graphuto because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:07 AM
Do you think it will ever be realized that it is you who is projecting the film and it is you who is seeing the film.

On the tv there are people, places, 3d, space depth and time (from one sketch to the next) all this when the tv is on. There is the belief in all of it. Then turn the tv off. What remains is the screen. The screen was always there and had to be there for the pictures (people, things, space, depth etc) to appear.

You are the screen and what you see is the screen.
The 3d world that you see is no more than pixels appearing on your screen.
There are no things. It is the screen only.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:18 AM
Whenever you check you will find it is always now, and you are present.
That now and you combined make the screen. You and now can not be separated.
The screen (you/now) is always constant whether there are images appearing or not.
Deep sleep is like when the tv is off, the screen is still there but there are no pictures.
When the eyes open it is like turning the tv on. The screen seems to disappear and we don't notice the screen at all. The belief in the 'things', separate 'things' is born.
Really there is just the screen with tiny flecks of light appearing.
The flecks of light are virtual particles appearing and disappearing in what you are.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

Cuervo - S + F. Sorry I missed this thread when it was first posted.

Really interesting stuff, and it dovetails neatly with the Holographic universe model that I find incredibly intriguing.

Keep up the great work!

Edit: Star anyway....can't flag it.
edit on 11/12/2011 by Riffrafter because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:13 AM
People like excitement that's why they play games.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 09:37 AM
What you are describing as 'reality' OP is the self contained human cultural mind bubble that your brain partakes in - (or more accurately the world of the Archons)

Real reality is being energetically connected to the rest of the universe - something so many people become increasingly disconnected from during childhood.

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 10:27 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood

Real reality is being energetically connected to the rest of the universe - something so many people become increasingly disconnected from during childhood.

Then what makes your preferred aspects of reality any more valid than other aspects in the universe? I guess what I mean is that, no matter what you are being "disconnected" from, you are always being connected to something else. You can't get disconnected from the universe no matter how hard you try. Or as System of a Down so delicately puts it:

"You know that every time I try to go
Where I really want to be,
It’s already where I am,
Cause I’m already there."

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:01 AM
reply to post by Cuervo

it is funny what u do, u say reality is fake, then why dont u say what true reality is or why do u keep calling it reality and justify it as virtual one
if it is fake then what created it is not seeing it virtually, it is like u keep asking to get it all for good use to u

what is fake is known from smthg not fake, why cant u say what is not fake at least to emphasize on fake since that is what u want

posted on Nov, 12 2011 @ 11:13 AM
You can never be disconnected but you can believe that you are. Plant the idea early and deep and it is believed with no questions asked.
How can you be separated from yourself?
It is yourself that you are missing, you have been looking at 'the things of the world' and have totally missed the point.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 01:30 AM
This thread has been amazing so far, I've read every post. I'm gulad you two stopped arguing over nothing, that made me laugh with enjoyment when homeboy was like "why the eff do you not agree wit me right now??? we're saying the same thing!" Cause it's true. Christians always eff up by being too defensive about cosmology

Been gaming my entire life, my first game was Madden Football 93 on Genesis. (funny it started on genesis haha).

My first online game was gta iv, I in my life have been ridiculous when it comes to GTA. There is no effing stopping me when one of those games come out, they are like no other sandbox game ever if you ask me. GTA is the bees knees of everything game related. When I started playin that game online, August 2008 I was at a point it was my drug. If I wasn't on it, I was dreaming about it, dead serious!!!!

I ate rarely, cared not to use the bathroom much, and did not leave the trailer no matter what, my homie was lookin out for me makin sure I didn't have to leave much haha. Seriously sick times, my friends did not understand why I could not take myself off that game. all the FPS games I've murdered and prestiged on were cool too, but GTA was the bizzzzz.

I'm lookin hard for a job, which I plan to keep, mostly so I can get internet and a new (fourth) ps3 by the time GTA V comes out. I've had my game collection stolen and many ps3's crash, but I will never give up on gaming as long as they keep making GTAs.

What really baffles me, is what my grandchildren's games will look like in the virtual world 0_0

/I love Christ
edit on 25-2-2012 by FinalAccount2008 because: Because I can!

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by JohhnyBGood
What you are describing as 'reality' OP is the self contained human cultural mind bubble that your brain partakes in - (or more accurately the world of the Archons)

Real reality is being energetically connected to the rest of the universe - something so many people become increasingly disconnected from during childhood.

In a clan, on a server, with spoiled brats and hood grown ups,, talkin smack, playin a game, talkin bout life...

I haven't gamed in a while (over a year) but until you've immersed yourself in the experience you truly won't understand! bein a nerd and a gangster are just parts of life, and unless you have truly seen and experienced any one part of life you just can't judge it, bro.

posted on Feb, 25 2012 @ 04:23 AM
Find out the only fact. What do you 'know' for sure without it being negated?
You are having an experience. You can say 'I am' but you can not say 'I am not'.
Everything else is hypothetical.
Then you can examine what it means to experience.
If you want to know reality, you have to start with something that you know is real.

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