I have carefully awaited what my next thread should detail, and even through many ideas I never felt comfortable sharing anything with you as I saw
that it would be somewhat redundant, however, through my personal disclosures I enlist in this message, I hope to be able to aide some of my fellow
beings into a introspective pursuit of self-divinity, universal connectivity and the mutual inheritance they share.
Before I start I must make some small disclaimers, as to better your understanding of my motives of sharing these thoughts as I write them now.
1. This belief system, is
my own, and I
encourage any and all to do searching within themselves to find their own personal
answers - as they exist no where else.
2. Throughout my writings you will gather that I am a very spiritual person, and do not necessarily accept reality as we
3. I have no reason or urge to change your beliefs. But please, do share them.
To start off, let me give you a (
hopefully) brief explanation of some of the more important events that have led me to my current pursuit of
perception (
enlightenment is a dangerous word). I'm sure many of you will be able to relate with the following.
Around 4 years ago I first discovered the utter nastiness of the form of government this world displays, and the general authoritarian structure the
worlds governments have grown to display, and at the very least - it was exceptionally unnerving.
As the youth I was, I was swallowed in hatred and fear towards the current circumstances of this little rock. My hatred was beyond measurement, and I
allowed myself to be engulfed in a completely negative mindset due to situations beyond my control. I encountered things within that time period that
are abnormal, I saw things I shouldn't have, and I experienced things that no one should have to experience. The events that transpired within this
time period completely reshaped my immediate understanding of reality.
I found myself in constant anxiety - severe anxiety and paranoia.
Life changed, I was unable to continue absorbing the blatant corruption, it had and was driving me insane. After my new understandings had managed to
take seat within my brain, the anxiety and paranoia persisted even after I had stopped researching these "fringe" topics. Unfortunately, I can thank
ATS for this time period of my life - although it was due time, and I wouldn't take back a day of it.
As I grew into my new anxiety and fear that I was displaced in, I thought most definitely I would live a life of anxiety and fear for the rest of my
days, or until some monumental world change occurred, I thought that this was my only hope for escape -
but what I hadn't realized is that there
was no escape, there is only now.
In late 2008, I had lost a parent. It was and is the most traumatic experience I have ever had to live through, this person had given me so much
beautiful belief, taught me how to love and be happy - how to express myself, and had always given me a comfort no one else could. Understanding that
was gone was the hardest thing I had ever grown to have to accept as truth.
As one could expect, all of my anxieties were amplified to a point beyond control. I literally could not carry through with working, I had
unimaginable panic attacks that literally made my perception of what's real flip upside down, it had felt at times as though I was going to faint. It
was what we would call hell, there was no worse feeling.
Well.. something had to change. I am a firm believer and have been that there is few medications that can suffice to change the way your consciousness
operates, because as we will read later on, I have grown to believe consciousness is very separate from the scientific/biological explanations that
exist, and while they are not wrong, they are not right in my opinion.
So I did what many others have done, and searched for the answers to everything I was looking for in personal acceptance by reading about
enlightenment, spirituality, metaphysics, philosophy and everything else.
I found that the more I would
know, the more severe the anxiety would become. It was as though I was beating my head against a brick wall in
hopes to get to the other side.
A wise man once told me during this time of great distress, "you can't fill a quart with a gallon", with a magnificently calm look on
his face, as he had always worn.
This important individual that I had met during my developments had studied Buddhism in South Korea for a period of 3 years, and had told me about his
many exceptional feats - but only when he
felt the time was absolutely perfect. If you were to ask me if I've ever met an alien, I'd
tell you I have.
This was the rough beginning of what landed me here today, I had experienced much after this which is notable, but nothing to extraordinary(by my
books, some may consider it unbelievable).
Breaking The Barrier between Mind, Soul and Body.
So, let's begin.
First off, you must understand from my viewpoint, consciousness is completely separate from the mind. This has even been demonstrated in some rather
interesting studies, such as - a baseball traveling at 90 miles per hour should not be able to be hit by a batter, because his eyes and the time it
takes to process the correct time to swing is not humanly possible, so now we're looking at what would be considered "luck". I'm not sure if this
study has been debunked or not, but say it has - there's plenty of other studies that support the fact that the brain is not capable of doing things
that humans can do.
So, now that we understand where I am coming from, let's begin breaking the barrier.
The body and mind are in synchronicity, a mutual existence and is near impossible for one to live without the other. I'm sure some of you are
familiar with the Russian experiment of the animated dog's head, a study which I find extraordinarily interesting. The dog shows all the functions an
average dog would show, however, it does not show interest in it's environment. In my opinion, this is because the hard coded neural pathways to
distinguish sight, smell, hearing - are just that, they are hard coded. However, discovering and exploring new things is something a more conscious
entity would desire - and this dog's head shows no interest in it's environment.
I believe it would be highly beneficial if this was done with a human head, as morbid as it sounds, it would be a profound development in the
scientific community - if it could be done with someone already deceased, etc.
Would the human head exhibit consciousness? Would it exhibit understanding of it's surroundings, would it have independent thought? I believe not. I
believe that once the consciousness has detached itself from it's physical matrix, it cannot be brought by force.
So now that you understand where some of my beliefs come from, let's understand how to break the barrier, or, what the barrier is.
Sex drive, one of the most primal instincts. This is a purely biological condition, which we are all familiar with. We desire this, because our mind
tells us that this is what will make us feel good.
Philosophy, one of the most esoteric activities and one that is notably the most provocative along side science.
Humans long for answers which cannot be attained. This is why we philosophize about them. We wonder, we star gaze, we try and contemplate, we try to
discover these answers with in ourselves and outside of ourselves.
These two actions, Sex drive and philosophy, can be polar opposites, although one could just as easily philosophize about sex drive as I am now, which
is somewhat of a paradox. Paradoxes are tasty treats for the
So, under the assumption that sex drive and philosophy being polar opposites in a given scenario, we can understand that one is a biological urge and
one is a "intellectual" urge, an urge which cannot be supplemented with biological condition, it is a urge that must be cured with conscious
I write this now as someone who stands on the cutting edge between living completely consciously and biologically. I find myself still harbored to the
simple world of biological desire, yet, vibrantly compelled into the conscious depths of the perceivable universe.
Well, how to break this barrier my friends?
I've broke the barrier, I can exist in pure states of consciousness, some may call meditation - and it's truly the most thought provoking and
rewarding experience a individual could ask for. It is where all of the problems in life can be solved, it is where all the possibilities can be
exploited, it is where all the answers lie, it is where all the questions perplex, it is inside of you right now and the solution is to break the
First of all..... stop worrying about the conspiracy theories. I don't mean to tell you to stop learning about them, I mean stop worrying about them.
They will drive you mad and pull your consciousness into a biological swirl of physical madness, hatred and anger.
“Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”
Once you stop worrying, start thinking. And I mean really thinking. Start asking yourself questions, start giving yourself answers. Stop looking in
places you've already looked, and start exploring places you didn't know exist. Walk places you've never walked, drive places you never drove, see
things you've never seen. Expand your mind. Open the gateway.
When you open the gateway, the barrier is broken between consciousness - the soul, and the body and mind.
We are subjected to this biological experience because no one can know of imagination who has not been subjected to the vanities and limitations
of the flesh
-Awakened Imagination
That is much as I can give you, right now. For I believe the answer to breaking the barrier exists in the last few paragraphs, and the reason to break
that barrier is because many of you have experienced similar to what I have.
If you've any questions, please, let me know.