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Anarchy In Somalia

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posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:27 AM
So just what is it that you want from "The West"?Reperations?..oh, we know.....since we cant rule ourselves,and set up some sort of Government to feed and care for our own people,without the Whites we hate so much,then we want your us...we wont give it to warlords,and we wont let them take back over...we will only buy food....and I'M a racist?...oh,I forgot,pointing out flaws in other races,even if they richly deserve it,is considered racist by dim/libs and others who cant think of any other reply....the FACTS remain that all of africa wanted "The West"(Whites) out...we left,except for some misguided missionary's who think that the tribes appreciate medical and spiritual help,and now africans want our money and food because they cant fix their own problems....well well well

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:29 AM

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:44 AM
If govts didn't consistently bomb Somalia, they would have made much more progress by now.

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Homedawg

So just what is it that you want from "The West"?Reperations?..oh, we know.....

You are being COMPLETELY oblivious. It's not about reparations, although I do like how what you imply outs you even more.

since we cant rule ourselves,and set up some sort of Government to feed and care for our own people,without the Whites we hate so much,then we want your us...we wont give it to warlords,and we wont let them take back over...we will only buy food....and I'M a racist?

Yes, yes you are. Why? Because you keep hammering on skin color. You do know there are whites that would sell you right?

...oh,I forgot,pointing out flaws in other races,even if they richly deserve it,is considered racist by dim/libs and others who cant think of any other reply

I'm not a dim/libs even though you out yourself even more, for which I thank you. Flaws in other RACES? See you even admit to being a RACIST. But the funny part is, you don't have the intellect to even understand it

....the FACTS remain that all of africa wanted "The West"(Whites) out...we left

You left...when? Or would you like a list of coups and wars organized and funded by "The West" which you keep putting between brackets.

,except for some misguided missionary's who think that the tribes appreciate medical and spiritual help,and now africans want our money and food because they cant fix their own problems....well well well

Nobody WANTS your money don't you get it? It only creates more problems, but you don't understand how the money lending works so keep playing ostrich.

Why did the European Union have to forbid the Somali fishermen from fishing off their own coast?
And why did they afterward, dump nuclear waste off the Somali coast? And why is the US trying to bomb away the problem the European Union created? (You haven't responded to these points yet by the way, you've only waved them away)

You might be a little too young of mind to understand but the Europe's superiority complex has caused more harm than not, all you can do is point at the little good while ignoring the greater evil. Whatever floats your boat buddy.

Well, well, well...

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 12:29 PM

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 05:11 PM


posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 08:40 PM
whats the purpose of this post?...To allow a forum to bash the former colonial masters of afrca?...France is not "The West"..its the Eastern Hemisphere...unless you consider all Whites as
"The West"?...But wouldnt that be sort of....racist?...Lumping all people of one color into a group?..The West////Racial Profiling?

posted on Jul, 4 2011 @ 10:05 PM
Well I see this thread has been sufficiently derailed. Allow me to return to the topic at hand.

It is hard to really know anything without being on the ground. I can't see how the situation in Somalia, or many other countries in Africa could get worse than they are/were under a "state." I am very interested in how anarchist communal societies function. The events in Egypt showed how communities take over police, and emergency services without the state functioning. It is a fascinating lesson if it truly is improving without a state.

Props OP keep talking about this stuff. People are addicted to the state, or brain washed into believing they cannot survive without it. If you can get people to rationally think about life without a state they often will wonder why they never thought about it before. Sadly, most people turn off. They will not read anything, rationally examine the validity of the argument, or venture out of their intellectual safety blanket, There are a lot of other people who once they start to read about the idea of a state less society they want to know more. Keep it up.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 02:59 AM
reply to post by Homedawg

France is PART of the West. From America it might look like France is in the east, but since the world is round America is in the east to Japan. Does that make America the East? No...since the West is a name given to the "Western world" , not hemisphere. And the Western world are the colonialists. Which the US is part of. Or did you not know that?

America centrism, this is what it does to kids in school.

Go read some history books.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 03:12 AM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
I love it.

I remember a time when I would post an article supporting anarchy and get like 1 flag.


Now I got 4 in like 10 minutes.

It must mean progress is being made and people are waking up to the violence that is the State.

Is it so crazy to propose that people be allowed to keep the fruits of their own labor?

Is it so crazy to propose that the protection of private property should be voluntarily funded?

Is it so crazy to propose that the use of coercion to fund government is just as much a crime as if a private citizen did it?

NO - I say.

edit on 30-6-2011 by mnemeth1 because: (no reason given)

I can't believe you look to Somalia as a beacon of light, I used to make fun
Using Somalia as an example. Making $$$$ the only concern in the world
Makes life worse IMO.

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 04:28 AM
reply to post by Janky Red

I can't believe you look to Somalia as a beacon of light, I used to make fun
Using Somalia as an example. Making $$$$ the only concern in the world
Makes life worse IMO.

I agree with you, you can't look to Somalia as a beacon of light as much as you can read your post as a beacon of ignorance.

??? at the underlined bit. The Somali are fighting to eat. The Americans are fighting for $$$. Ignorance fits you like a snug hat.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 06:57 AM
So what do those people want from "The West"?...moral support?..ok...I morally support them....other support?..that means money and again,thats what it is all for fighting to eat,let the warlords that rule them feed them or they can rise up and overthrow them...with my moral support

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by stephinrazin

love your post.

You are right on the money.

The State is a safety blanket that protects people from the evils of competition and personal responsibility.

I love how people go on and on about markets creating monopolies and that without a State some private entrepreneur would eventually take over the world and act like a tyrannical king. While in reality, the State is solely responsible for creating and maintaining monopolies.

The Federal Reserve is a cartel of private banking interests.

The Post Office is one of the largest monopolies in the world.

The patent and copyright system was put in place for the sole purpose of CREATING monopolies.

The railroads were monopolies that leveraged State funds to build their rails, used the State to confiscate the land needed to build their rails, and they used the State to cartelize the railroad markets.

The oil industry is entirely cartelized through federal regulations. A private land owner can not access the oil on his land if it has been deemed to be part of the "national reserve" - and the licenses to get at the oil are next to impossible to acquire unless you have a million dollar lobbying arm in congress.

Etc.. etc.. etc..

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by mnemeth1
reply to post by stephinrazin

love your post.

You are right on the money.

The State is a safety blanket that protects people from the evils of competition and personal responsibility.

I love how people go on and on about markets creating monopolies and that without a State some private entrepreneur would eventually take over the world and act like a tyrannical king. While in reality, the State is solely responsible for creating and maintaining monopolies.

The Federal Reserve is a cartel of private banking interests.

The Post Office is one of the largest monopolies in the world.

The patent and copyright system was put in place for the sole purpose of CREATING monopolies.

The railroads were monopolies that leveraged State funds to build their rails, used the State to confiscate the land needed to build their rails, and they used the State to cartelize the railroad markets.

The oil industry is entirely cartelized through federal regulations. A private land owner can not access the oil on his land if it has been deemed to be part of the "national reserve" - and the licenses to get at the oil are next to impossible to acquire unless you have a million dollar lobbying arm in congress.

Etc.. etc.. etc..

Corrupt societies create corrupt governments. We are partially to blame for them being at an advantage in this society. Right is Right. Wrong is Wrong. Period. But do we believe that across the board?

People tend to believe the central-nannystate will always have their back when the going gets tough. Most of the time the nannystate is a pretty good sideline official for private property and defending rights. But people can be bought,suicided, or threatened,tortured into compliance. Resources in the form of money or other materials tend to corrupt people. History confirms that is true. What happens when a state is corrupted by corrupt people? Because they are just a group of people with flaws and differing opinions.

What happens when the nanny-state is working almost exclusively with a small private group of families and business and not the general public?

What happens when the public management department is warped into a yoke,chains, and whip for the corporate "masters"?

Big Private has a rather large rent-a-serf racket going on. Problem is the middle-upper chaste/class serfs are "house-serfs" for the Private interest cartel. As long as they are getting their tasty carcinogenic food rations, "VIP" materialism, mind-numbing formulaic entertainment, and cheap beer they are content.
They are "better" than the struggling serfs in the fields and the coal mines so who cares.

The elites and corporate have been playing this psyop sideshow for years now.We are just now starting to catch on to their games because they got arrogant or impatient and tried too much too fast.Creating a world police state takes time. Its like we are playing chess with a grand master that is constantly cheating and has a 4 turn lead on us.
edit on 9-7-2011 by John_Rodger_Cornman because: (no reason given)

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