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What will you do? :Survival: --SHTF--

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:10 AM
Okay, so most of us on here think there could be a possile collapse of society in our lifetime.
So my question is, What will you do? Im not asking for locations or anything, but im asking how you will survive, will you be by yourself, with your family, join a group, or even start a group, if you start a group, how will you be setup, how many people will you have, will you try to re-organize society or bring down other group that are trying to re-organize, will you conquer other groups and start a nation, or will you hide from enemy groups? Things like that.

So... what would (will) you do?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:12 AM
I would check the search button and read the 100 or so other posts about this subject

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:14 AM
I'll go with the flow. I'll join some group as long as they don't dictate what I do or not do. If they start telling me what to do or not to do I'm out.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:14 AM
this post is different, all the other posts are like where you would go and how you would survive, im not asking that, im asking about a group setting and how you will grow and thrive.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:15 AM
reply to post by zeon9010

I would ask "loves a conspiracy" what he/she found during his/her search.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:18 AM
How many people would you have in your group? What jobs would you have in your group?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by TheLoneArcher

I dont worry about having to survive an event that hasnt happened.

Im not really big on the whole survival thing, to be honest you can plan all you want but it wont change anything.

Ive read a few threads in this section, and they are all pretty much the same. Someone asks a question....similar/identical then a load of other people come in with weird and wonderful ideas about how they would survive a disaster.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:20 AM
reply to post by zeon9010

grab my fishing gear, a heap of beer, a pack of smokes and find a nice little fishing hole in the bush.........wait a minute, thats what i do twice a week anyway because tshtf constantly around here

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:25 AM
I'm not planning to survive a SHTF situation.

I do however have 8 cases of 16.9 ounce bottles of water right now
but they'll be gone by the next delivery too.... oh well - no matter - whatever will be will be ♥

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:32 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

But that is why people post these threads. It is to hear the ingenious ideas that sprout up from time to time, ideas that can save your life or better your life someday. There are people all over this country experience SHTF right now! It doesnt have to be apocalyptic, it can be a wildfire, it can be a flood, tornado, tsunami, earthquake, nuclear meltdown, economic collapse.... I can go on.
If anything take SHTF threads with a grain of salt, but try and learn something if your going to spend the time attempting to discredit someones "hypothetical" question.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:36 AM

Originally posted by zeon9010
So... what would (will) you do?

Find 1 of the honeycomb entrances and ask the natives if WE can stay a bit for some tea and movies, if we dont smell too bad to them. Then upon getting to know 1 another better the interior natives and I, I will ask what type of work (if possible) can WE assist to help out around (displacement area) in order to build up some credit to ya know use some of that interior transportation technology. If agreed then I would learn the techs correct way of use and STAR jump to get more help to assist the HERD.

OR just sit and wait till densities change and roll out.

edit on 6/30/11 by Ophiuchus 13 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:36 AM
I plan on staying where I am, my garden is being bought under the spade more each year, I am adding more water butts each year, (big roof!) more long term food storage (rotated) seeds are accumulating, and pickling jars.
Usual stuff really, just not bugging out. And 'defence' items are being added from time to time.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:39 AM
I have 2 people in my group.
We have stored food for at least a few years with lots of handtools and hunting and fishing equipement.
We also have about 70000 heirloom seeds for our veggies.

Don't wait to get it now.
Proper planning prevents piss poor performance.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 08:39 AM

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:00 AM
I think it depends on the situation, is it a long term survival or a short term thing,
I am lucky enough to have land that many people can live on, however i would be very selective of the people that i would allow to stay, they would have to be able bodied and motivated to have an input into the small "society" that we could have. There would be strict rules and very severe consequences and no more than thirty people.
We would not try to join other groups but maybe try and work some arrangement out with other groups. NO MONEY!! NO RELIGION!! NO POLITICS!! Just honest, hard working people devoted to each other and surviving.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:11 AM
Personally I have me and 5 other people (and their families), we will be staying in my neighborhood, one of them lives across the country, but he will be here in a few months to stay. (We believe it could happen in the next couple of years.) We will start a group in that neighborhood and grow slowly, but then before winter we will be going south, most likely go somewhere safer, with less people. We will grow and expand from there. And then we could start a new organized group there. Every once in a while we will have a small group of people go out and find other people that could join us, that way we can expand a lot faster, and we can help other people that are struggling to survive. We will be especially looking for people with better skills that we are weaker in.

Some jobs in my group will be cooks, security, soldier/scout, hunter/gatherer, teacher (for our chldren), and things like electrical, mechanical, construction, doctors, and more. Just anythings that can help us better.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:25 AM
Well if I look back at various experiences over the years I can tell you one thing I have learned from experience. Been through floods, fires, chem spills, quakes, medical emergencies, rescues, and the various other things that keep life from being boring.

Have assumed incident command on more messed up disasters than I care to think about. Those experiences with assessment and asset deployment have always lead me to the same conclusion, when they were over. In the follow up meeting, no matter what you did your going to look like an idiot. Expect that.

Bottom Line:

If you plan for it, and are trained and prepared with the right equipment, Old Man Murphy isn't going to let it happen. He is gonna wait and jerk your chain with things you never could have imagined, have no experience with, and have zero resources to accomplish.

Read that again. There is a big truth there.

edit on 30-6-2011 by Shadowalker because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:32 AM
Knowledge is power, the neanderthals easily could have made combustion engines and computers and things like that, but they just didnt have that knowledge, today we do have that knowledge, and we need to use that knowldge to expand and grow, im making an archive of information for my group to use so we can grow stronger and expand and thrive.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:19 AM
reply to post by loves a conspiricy

eeeeer so why post to a thread in the survival section

personally I would be looking after my family 1st then friends if I could - but keep it simple

i have finally started planning for a couple of scenarios that i now think are a real possibility either this year or next, they are:

1. total economic collapse. No Job, no money, no food in the shops, or at least not that I can afford.

2. No power - this relates to the upcoming solar maxim - so no power for an extended period - which would of course would include the above scenario.

other than that I don't really see much point in planning for an extinction event, id rather go down with the rest than try to survive that

so im getting ready, and if they don't happen then I'll have a load of food, some fishing kit, a load of camping gear, petrol, and loads of other bits and bobs that will last for years, everyone's a winner right

edit on 30-6-2011 by doubledutch because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:25 AM
We got seeds, cattle, chickens, pigs, lots of guns, lots of ammo, med kits, natural spring on the land, 500 gal tank of diesel, 500 gal tank of 91 fuel, 55 gal drum of heating oil. all the tools you need. well i still need one more thing. body armor and a grain mill
edit on 30-6-2011 by camaro68ss because: (no reason given)

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