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Chemical that makes male mice act more like females.

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:06 AM
I'm very new to threads, I have only made 1 so far, so if I have done anything wrong or posted this in the wrong topic, mods, please let me know. I apologize for any inconvenience. I have also done a quick search and haven't found anything to do with this article. I also do not know how to post the article properly, so I will just give the link to the page.

This is really messed up. I'm not a homosexual, and have nothing against homosexuals. But this is so morally wrong, and disgusts me. It has gone past mind control, and propaganda. They've been targeting us on a chemical level... who knows what else they can do. I wouldn't doubt that they can cause "depression", "ADHD", or maybe even make us crazy. This is chemical warfare from our own government, and they're attacking us mentally.

Now this makes me wonder, would they spray this chemical, or any other chemical that messes with us mentally, in the air?

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by anicetus
I'm very new to threads, I have only made 1 so far, so if I have done anything wrong or posted this in the wrong topic, mods, please let me know. I apologize for any inconvenience. I have also done a quick search and haven't found anything to do with this article. I also do not know how to post the article properly, so I will just give the link to the page.

This is really messed up. I'm not a homosexual, and have nothing against homosexuals. But this is so morally wrong, and disgusts me. It has gone past mind control, and propaganda. They've been targeting us on a chemical level... who knows what else they can do. I wouldn't doubt that they can cause "depression", "ADHD", or maybe even make us crazy. This is chemical warfare from our own government, and they're attacking us mentally.

Now this makes me wonder, would they spray this chemical, or any other chemical that messes with us mentally, in the air?

Well they are talking seriously about putting anti-depressants in the water supply.... They have been adding fluoride to the water supply for 50+ years....

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