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Life After Death? I'm convinced of something. Today.

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posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

well i hope the link works for you cause its not for me! I swear i checked it right after i posted it...this computer is dumb and is probably why it not working.

posted on Jul, 19 2011 @ 08:13 PM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

Haha, no it worked just fine for me.
I favorited the page and have gone through the first bit and chapter. Made me think of me and my wife.

Here you go, if yours isn't working.


posted on Jul, 21 2011 @ 01:26 AM
My father and grandfather passed back in 1994 about 5 months apart from each other. Luckily my grandfather passed before my father did, as no one should bury their child. Since their passing they have been a part of every important event of my life.

When I was a gangster, my father came in my dreams holding a Bible and in a white suit with a strange small hat, a conical hat that looked just like those worn by the Vietnamese farmers but much smaller. He was in tears and grieving but would not say a word to me. Soon afterwards I was locked up in jail.

Fast forward 7 years later, I had started a new life transferred from a community college to a state university and was applying for medical school. A week before my acceptance letter came my father came in my dreams once again. This time with the brightest smile, and I could see the joy in his face was radiant. He dragged a horsecart behind him and enthusiastically motioned me to get on, again without speaking a word and with fervor he gave me ride all around Korea. We stopped by my grandfathers house and I peered over the walls into my grandfathers courtyard where he and my grandmother were sitting side by side. This truly was the most joyous of all my dreams.

Fast forward 4 years later to early July of this year...after much hardships through classes I have now completed the classroom portion of medschool. I took my United States Medical Licensing Exam Step 1 in June 21st. Last year I took the test and failed it by a small margin. My fathers brother calls me and says that I passed the test this time around. Scores have not been reported yet, but hes adamant that I had passed. He tells me that my father and grandfather appeared in his dreams both extremely happy and joyous almost in tears. A week later my passing score is emailed to me.
edit on 21-7-2011 by DrChuck because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 06:44 AM
Its lovely to read all your stories of being comforted by a dead loved one in your dreams. Im still waiting for my comfort dream.
My Dad comitted suicide when I was 10 years old. I never really understood what was going on at the time and dont feel I have grieved or accepted his death, even after more than 20 years. The only dreams I have ever had of him are sad and horrible. In one dream I was trying to catch up with him. He was walking away from me in the school playground where he use to teach. I was running after him but I couldnt get close to him. He went behind a building and I never caught up to him. I only saw him from behind and never saw his face.
I think this reflects the way I feel in real life. I feel like im still searching for him, especially to say goodbye and that I love him.

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

I am sorry to hear this. One day, the dream will happen. I hope it is soon. You sound like you really want it, and I know you will get it

posted on Jul, 22 2011 @ 09:00 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

it was my dumb computer...but thanks!

I'm tellin will all make complete sense. Just got a new book today...different author thpough..but i am sucked in already...chapters are longer but deff. a good read so far!

Children's Past Lives: How Past Life Memories Affect Your Child
Carol Bowman (Author)

posted on Jul, 23 2011 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by MarshMallow_Snake

Thank you MarshMallow_Snake for you kind words. You are very right, I am desperate to hear from my Dad, even if it is only in a dream.

Take care

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 08:37 AM
My sister had a dream not long after he died about our Dad which again wasnt very nice.

In her dream our Dad was standing in the doorway of our bedroom. He looked almost transparent. She walked up to him but ended up walking straight through him which felt really negative and scary - like being possessed. She read the recent thread Ghosts, geriactics and wonders if he was saying goodbye, but she was too scared and ended the dream before any message could be conveyed.

Do you think this lack of contact with our Dad has anything to do with the circumstances in which he died, as he commited suicide?

posted on Jul, 28 2011 @ 09:26 AM
I too have been visited by everyone that I have known that has passed on. It is a very surreal experience and the conversation is usually me saying, "do you know you are dead?", with the usual "yes".

As for the OP, I think you have mistaken what your Mom meant when she said she would haunt you. She didn't mean "haunt" in ghostly hauntings, but through you in your everyday life. The nuances and the feelings you get over things that she placed within you, this is how she is with you! If you are doing something and suddenly she "pops" into your mind, or something she said in the past should happen to run through you, then this is her and not just a working of your mind. It is the Spirit of your Mom which is forever embedded within you, that bond that keeps the two of you close. Even if you did not have the closest relationship with a person, related or unrelated, if they "appear" in any fashion it is because they have just "haunted" you!

I have a whole list of people that I will haunt if I ever should leave this place; but then, I get the sneaky suspicion that when I leave, everyone will leave at the same time!

posted on Jul, 30 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

my sons father committed suicide when our son was 2.5 years old (at least that what we were told..there are fishy things with it all) but he comes to me at least a few times a year in dreams. Usually in the dreams i'll be doing everyday things and all a sudden he wanders up to me and i am speechless (don't know what to think,say or how to react to it) and then he will say," Yes..its me" These dreams seem so real too!! I wake up soo confused and have to actually think about weather it really happened or if it was a dream and of course i am in bed so, its a dream.

Please read the one book i mention above to the OP...i think it might help you!! There is a link to the chapters online. "Only Love Is Real" By Brain Weiss MD

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 05:59 PM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

You bet. Things seem to happen when we really need them. It is coming. I know it

posted on Jul, 31 2011 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

I do not know about the suicide aspect. I mean, if you think about it, then anything is possible. However, we really won't understand the rules until we get there ourselves.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 06:02 AM
reply to post by MarshMallow_Snake

Thanks for your u2u. I did try to reply, but I wasnt able to, I can only reply to staff!

Thank you for the information and for helping me, im very greatful.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by dizzie_lizzie79

Thank you for recomending me a book, I will give it a read.

Do your dreams feel positive or do they leave you feel upset?

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

I have to explain a story for this to make sense… I believe people are “gone” before they are technically “gone”. The night my mother passed away, at about… 11:30pm (ish) I was Lying there watching TV in a depressed trance.. My house had just caught on fire, and my mother was in a medically induced coma for pain reasons. Anyway.. Out of the corner of my eye was something standing at the door way.. I looked and the “Figure” moved through the door into my grandparents room.. And I knew what was happening At 1:00am The phone rand and it was the hospital saying my mother had passed it didn’t surprise me.. .. Now, Unless this “figure” I saw was someone warning my grand mom that tonight was the night.. My mother was there.. an hour and half before she “Died”… So I have been there. It is odd But, yes I do think that there is life after death, I believe the afterlife has a “Roaming” period, where they get to say their good-byes.. and they will take this opportunity however they can, whether it be in a dream or physically being seen.

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 12:44 PM
reply to post by Demoncreeper
I had a similar experience and wrote about it in my 'Can You Speak To The Dead?' thread. I'm curious.. how did you speak together in the dream? Was it words? Telepathy? Just a knowing?

edit on 1-8-2011 by Balkan because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 05:56 PM
reply to post by Balkan

When I spoke to my Cousin in my dream, it was a regular conversation. It was like I was there with him, and it was pretty cool!

posted on Aug, 1 2011 @ 07:57 PM
reply to post by afraidofthedark

they have always been positive...but confuse me when i first awake...they seem soo real like i the point at even though i am in bed i still question if it really happened or not....but they have always been good dreams of him, i am thankful for that, in a way it reassures me he is still here, and watching over our son.

If anything...i am more disappointed then upset...disappointed that it was a dream but at the same time reassured, specially with how angry i have been at him for what he did, and maybe thats why i dream of him every so often.
edit on 1-8-2011 by dizzie_lizzie79 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 01:56 AM
reply to post by Balkan

You know, that is an interesting question. But I'm sure it was spoken. When I woke up, I felt as though I was just speaking. If that makes any sense.

posted on Aug, 3 2011 @ 02:01 AM
reply to post by Demoncreeper

yes I have heard many stories like this... very odd things. Elizabeth Kubler Ross wrote a book about these things...not dreams as such but of people saying things while they were in their final hours. It is a very interesting read.

It is lovely for you and don't doubt it...just believe it. Sometimes we become cynical when we scrutinize things.

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