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High Strangeness tonight in Texas

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:17 PM
Just got home from work and had to post about this.

I work in downtown Orange, Texas and tonight something strange happened. I'm not sure if I'm posting in the correct forum and if I'm not I'm sorry but I'm not sure where to put this because in my opinion it is truly in the grey area (hoping that doesn't mean the grey aliens).

Anyways, while me and my co-worker were closing up shop we experienced something quite strange, and I'm sure a lot of others in this small town. I had just turned the lights off in the building and I was cleaning up a bit when he and I noticed the night sky outside suddenly turned red very briefly followed by a power surge or something and all of the street lights went off. My co-worker and I were stunned as to what had happened and even started thinking of reasonable explanations as to the cause.

For people who know the Orange area which is not too far from Beaumont or the Louisiana border you'll know that there are a lot of power plants, some of which have caught on fire or exploded but when this happened the sky was always orange and it lasted quite a while. What we saw was very bright and very brief. I thought maybe a transformer but within a matter of minutes the street lights were back on. I'm not sure what it was that happened tonight but it was definitely strange and with all the high strangeness going on lately I figured I had to share this.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:21 PM
Yeah it was definitely strange.Something similar happened 2 years back in our own
vicinity.We were also unable to make out what was it.

Anyways nice thread and let's see what others will say.


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:23 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Could have just been a transformer that had a breaker tripped. A car could have hit a pole/limb fell on it/ whatever, and it tripped and then reset.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:25 PM
That would have given you a nice scare, never experienced that before seems pretty darn unusual.
Going to watch this thread too see if anyone comes up with an explanation cause i sure don't have one :\

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:25 PM
or could have blown a transformer and the rest of the lines took up the slack as they are designed to do in such a case.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Living in Texas myself, one of the things I am noticing is the heat and wind. From the basics of science, there has been alot of dust and smoke from the west blowing in, that would cause the sunsets to be a deeper color than normal, to include orange/red.
The rolling blackouts/power outages, however, is something that I have noticed in the past year, where it seems like there is a surge, then a black out, then the power pops back on.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:27 PM
Forgot to add I live in Wise county.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:28 PM
reply to post by webpirate

Don't transformers blow out blue or white?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:32 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Solar flares my friend!

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:36 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101

Wait....just the street lights went out? Or did power inside buildings where you were go out too?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:41 PM
reply to post by Xandyr101
Red very briefly Did you hear a bang? I have seen a transformer blow the explosen was white raining down and starting grass fires glow from a fire would have lasted longer. Traffic accident ? Could dust in the air (as one poster stated ) have caused the white flash from a transformer to be Red ?

edit on 28-6-2011 by granpabobby because: add usefull information

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:45 PM
Have there been reports of meth heads stealing copper wire from any utility company or eletric poles near you?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:45 PM
reply to post by webpirate

Just the street lights mainly, but I did notice the convenient store across from the place I work out had no power and even when all the lights seem to come back on, theirs was still out and even closed up when they should have stayed open for another two hours.

There really was no noise from outside, but there was like an electrical surge noise at the place I work at but other than that nothing I noticed.

I can tell you that in my opinion it wasn't a transformer blow out cause I've seen that happen many times and it doesn't happen when a flash of red light. I'm not exactly sure what it was, but I know me and my co-worker couldn't have been the only ones to notice this tonight.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 12:23 AM
Blown transformers, wind crossed wires, almost all things high voltage-electrical will blow with a greenish bluish glow. Copper will burn green, while aluminum will burn bluish-white. My dad is a 36 year journeyman lineman. If you were in western texas, my area, I would explain away the reddish glow to dust storm, or static discharge, but in your area, which I believe to have much more vegetation, it would be harder to explain.

Have you noticed more plane/jet traffic in the night sky lately? I have seen a lot of low-flying craft lately that I've never seen before. One of which was red/orange in color, very small with no strobes. It would have been impossible to see were it not lit up by the two escort planes.

It might not be related, or mere coincidence, but after it passed over the processing plant that I manage, our electronic sorters went berzerk.

Just keep your eyes on the skys. Not for the little green dudes, its our stuff, or it would be engaged instead of escorted.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 12:28 AM
reply to post by Xandyr101

OP - did you hear a crackling sound in the air? A couple of years ago, we had something go haywire at a power grid located around the corner from our house and we had the same strange orange effect along with a distinct crackling sound (for lack of a better description). My husband (at the time), insisted on driving over to check it out and came home feeling so ill that we didn't want to even go out of the house for a few days until the crackling sound stopped. We could never get an explanation as to what happened but it sounds somewhat similar. Keep up posted!


posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 12:40 AM
reply to post by timidgal

Didn't hear anything like that. The only thing I heard was the electrical noise within our building, which is normal when power goes out, but strange thing is the power didn't go out in our building so I'm not sure what that means.

As for the previous poster, I haven't seen any weird planes or anything like that. Only thing that comes to mind is a few months back when I was in my house and heard a low flying plane, not the normal crop dusters or anything, it sounded louder and deeper. By the time I went outside I didn't find the source of the noise, but then again my view was obscure by trees and nearby houses.

I'm always aware of the skies as of lately with all the weird aerial phenomena going on across the world. I'll definitely keep you guys posted especially if any explanation is given tomorrow.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:14 AM
I firmly believe it was a UFO. Iv seen red ones fly by my in total silence at dark and they can glow reddish or even a orange color. A mother ship may have flew by and its anti proton generator may have cause the power outage. I must warn you thoe the red and or orange glowing UFOs are the dangerous ones see humanity the same way a farmer would look at his herd of cows. Also they usually are the ones involved in abductions. But don't not fear them. Humans have a hidden power that they can not handle. A awake person knows it.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:47 AM
More than likely, the street lights are controlled by a photocell (like on a security night light) and the brief flash triggered them into going off until that same sensor rediscovered that it was still night and turned the lights on again. That sequence happens a lot with lightning storms.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Aliensun

Interesting theory, I never thought of something like that. Only one problem though, it was a clear night. We have been having some interesting weather as of late, but nothing tonight that would cause lightning.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 06:43 AM
A little update:

Yesterday I asked a few customers if they had any power problems the previous night and most of them said yes. A few of them even said they too saw the red bright flash of light right before the street lights went off. As far as any sound goes, none of them said they heard anything out of the ordinary.

On an interesting side note:

I went to dinner with a friend last night, she lives in a town not too far from me and I told her of the strange red flash of light. Now my friend is not a believer in the paranormal, even though she and I witnessed a very strange UFO last year that even she couldn't explain, but she had her own story to tell of a strange sight she witnessed on the night in question.

She lives in a town that's about 15 miles from me. She said that as she was driving to go see her boyfriend at his house she noticed a strange light above one of the power plants that surrounds our entire area (the Beaumont, Texas area is riddled with power plants throughout). She said she knew it wasn't a star or planet cause it was too bright and too close to the power plants. It also couldn't be a plane because it was too low and flying above the power plants is restricted, plus the object was completely stationary. According to her the ball of light hovered there and grabbed her attention and she said she had no idea what she was seeing, but that it was weird that she saw that on the night I saw the red flash of light. I asked her if she knew about what time and she said it was about 8:30ish. I saw the bright red flash of light and the loss of street lights at roughly 10:10ish, since we are usually out of the store by 10:15 and it was only a matter of minutes before that.

Not sure if there is a connection but I do find it weird she spots a UFO of some sort above a power plant even if it is about 15 miles from where I saw the red flash of light. I'm not sure where else to investigate on this except maybe call the city of Orange and find out if they know of anything on the matter. I'm also debating as to whether or not to contact MUFON on the subject, but since I'm not entirely sure if it was UFO matter I don't know if they would investigate or even take my claim as anything except speculation. It is weird and I don't believe in coincidence, but I am open to a matter of a rational explanation if there is any.

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