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How Islam forces women by using gang rape and beatings!!

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:18 AM
reply to post by Frontkjemper

Then you will have no problem procuring the police report that specifies that all rapes in Oslo and Norway were perpetrated by non western immigrants?


Perhaps that is a biased statement that you made due to the extreme misfortune of your acquaintances (my heart goes out to them as no-one should have to go through what they did)

The crux is however that you are making a very bold and sensationalised statement that so far you have not backed up.

If of course you can back this up with real evidence and not some video from a bigotted non-national on the other side of the world then I will reconsider my stance. Until then I stand with my original statement that it is purely rascist propoganda.


posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by TheButcher23

I said that in nearly all of my posts! I do have my facts straight, it is YOU that needs to read my facts instead of ignoring them. Look at my replies again, I kept saying; It is only lawful for men to have sex with their wives or their slaves.

How does this support rape as punishment or gang rape?
You still have NO Islamic proof, therefore rape is a GLOBAL problem, and honor rape is a cultural problem.

I do not support slavery. Allah did not abolish slavery, this is one of the reasons that showed me Islam is not the right path.

As I said, if you attack Islam, attack it for correct reasons.
What you are doing is spreading propaganda to help polarize Muslims versus non-Muslims.
TPTB want both sides to hate each other so the Biblical Armageddon can take place.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:11 AM
I do not agree with Islam. I do not believe it to be a religion of peace or equality.

If this thread is about the book in the op, which casts light on the 'honor rape' of criminalistic Muslim men, then good! The world needs to stop rape in all communities! But this thread, by the title AND op is saying that 'Islam' forces gang rape. This is a lie.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:41 AM
reply to post by Sahabi

I only read to your post on page one and need to reply now.

The revered Islamic prophet Muhammed married a 6 yr old child Ayesha. He consummated said ' marriage' when she was 9 yrs old. So. Do you believe that child consented to that consummation? For me, he was a paedophile and a rapist. And he is meant to be an example to Muslims?
There surely can be no argument that holding this ' Prophet' up as an example of how to live your life is so wrong on all levels. It is no wonder some Muslim men are gang rapists and treat females with the disdain they do. And I know men rape regardless of religious beliefs but when you bow down to someone who is a rapist then it becomes so very very sick. And sad.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:43 AM
reply to post by annella

Well said Annella.

My exact sentiment!!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 01:06 AM
reply to post by annella

I am not a Muslim, I do not revere Muhammad, and I do not agree with Islam. I do not believe Islam is a religion of Peace nor Equality.

All I am saying is that if people make accusations about any system, they must do so with facts. The facts are, according to Islamic texts, men are only allowed to have sex with their wives or their slaves. No where is rape sanctioned as a punishment. The title and op of this thread says "Islam forces rape." When in reality, Islam forbids such rape. Gang rape is done by Muslim men who are disobeying their religion. So this is a cultural issue.

Thousands of Catholic Priests molested little boys. Is child molestation a Catholic/Christian problem? No! It is a global problem, as is rape.

"He consummated said ' marriage' when she was 9 yrs old. So. Do you believe that child consented to that consummation?"

Lest we all forget our history!!!
Throughout our past, the legal age for a female to marry was signaled by her first period or puberty. Even to this very day it is culturally accepted in certain communities all around the world. Even here in America the norm has come back to the point we have the television show "Teen Mom." Muhammad consummated after Aisha's puberty.

Do I agree with this today? No I do not personally, but I am not going to demonize pubescent marriage that lays at the roots of our ancestry. A teen wife is better than a single teen baby momma on welfare.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 02:28 AM

"Lest we all forget our history!!!
Throughout our past, the legal age for a female to marry was signaled by her first period or puberty. Even to this very day it is culturally accepted in certain communities all around the world. Even here in America the norm has come back to the point we have the television show "Teen Mom." Muhammad consummated after Aisha's puberty.

Do I agree with this today? No I do not personally, but I am not going to demonize pubescent marriage that lays at the roots of our ancestry. A teen wife is better than a single teen baby momma on welfare. "

Ahhh, so you believe Ayesha was a pubescent girl when she was married to Mohammed? She was 6 years old!!!
And actually, she was 8 yrs and 9 months old when the marriage was consummated and I can tell you categorically that in ' those' days it would be a very very rare thing for a girl to be pubescent at that age. Even today it is not common. And in case you had not noticed, 8 yrs 9 months is a loooooooooong way from having a 'teen' added to it. Around 4 years to be exact.
Mohammed was a rapist and paedophile.
You say that you are not a Muslim, you do not revere Mohammed, you do not agree with Islam, and you do not believe Islam is a religion of peace and equality. Yet you do not want to demonize pubescent marriage that lays at the roots of your ancestry? I am confused and probably totally off the subject.
In the end, it does not matter an iota if a gang rapes or one man rapes. It is bad enough in any circumstance but when done because a religion says its OK OR said rapists read some passage they interpret to mean its OK then it becomes an even more horrendous crime.
I, unfortunately, went and googled a few things 30 minutes or so ago and came across a terrible thing. A video tape made by some Muslims of girls being raped ( not overtly graphic but nevertheless deeply disturbing and terrible) and testimony that they were murdered afterward. Admittedly the people who put the video up are doing their best to convince others that this is totally NOT the way to go many deaf ears.

There was (is) a great New Zealand singer of old called Shona Laing who wrote a song called ' Im Glad Im not a Kennedy' which received lots of debate from Americans who took it as disrespect to JFK when in fact it was the opposite.
I am SO glad I am not a Muslim. Woman. Or man.

edit on 1-7-2011 by annella because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:50 PM
reply to post by annella

Hello there. I'm not here to defend Islam, I am simply clarifying false accusations I see being launched at the religion.

First and foremost, Islam does not endorse rape as a form of punishment. Sex while unmarried (fornication) is punishable by flogging/whipping. Sex outside of marriage while being married (adultery) is punishable by death. A man may only have sex with his wives and female slaves.

According to the thread title and op, how does Islam force gang rape as punishment?
Truth be truth, gang rape is a horrendous crime outside the lawful bounds of Islam.
Rape of all sorts is found throughout ALL religions, all nations, and all communities.
Rape is a detestable GLOBAL problem, not religious-specific. (Except sex cults, etc.).
Globally, Muslim rapists are as numerous as non-Muslim rapists.
The religion says it is sinful to engage in such sex crimes.

Now, to the off-topic point of Muhammad's pedophilia.
Throughout our shared human history, pre-pubescent betrothal has been a norm. Pre-pubescent boys were betrothed until they could support a family on their own. Pre-pubescent girls were betrothed until they reached their puberty. This was a WORLD-WIDE norm, only until recent Western Modernization.

And this is exactly what happened with Muhammad. Aisha's father considered it a great honor to betroth his pre-pubescent daughter to Muhammad. As was the world-wide norm at the time, Muhammad accepted the betrothal. He waited until she reached her puberty, then he consummated. This was also a world-wide norm at the time.

It is not out of the ordinary for women to start puberty so early. A relative of mine did not come to the U.S. until later in life. She was raised in a village community in southeast Asia. She started her first period at the same time as Muhammad's youngest wife.

After Muhammad died, this woman named Aisha, became one of the greatest and most trusted sources of information on Muhammad and Islam until her death. Many Ahadith are narrated by her. Once Muhammad died, his "control" over his wives died also. Why did Aisha not rebel or flee Islam after Muhammad's death if she was such a victim? Instead, she took role as a teacher for years to come.

I think Islam got many things wrong, but we must use facts when discussing issues.

And yes, I said I will not demonize something that lays at the root of my ancestry. Meaning, throughout the WHOLE world, pre-pubescent betrothal was a norm, as was consummation of a woman upon her puberty was a world-wide norm. Only in the last couple hundred years has this norm changed into a taboo. I do not agree with pre-pubescent betrothal, nor early pubescent consummation... but I do not think it is wrong when practiced in villages and communities where it is still a norm. However, I am against pedophilia and child molestation.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 06:59 PM

Originally posted by Imhotepsol
reply to post by TheButcher23

Mmhmm you mean just like the American Army do???


I'm so fed up with a group of dark souled beings, who try to hide the real work that needs to be done, rescuing these women, and my family has known about this all our lives, and talked about it long before any of us had computers, having teachers and educated people from all sides and a father who was considering politics at one point and the head of the local ndp.

Everytime anyone brings up the REAL issues of justice for these women, the war card, and the abuses of soldiers gets pulled, so we're supposed to shut up.

NEVER. Instead its going be addressed, and people made aware, and the real changes, will happen. These women are going to be freed.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:10 PM
reply to post by TheButcher23

This sounds like a very important book to read. Thank you so much for this thread. Over a billion people with countless souls subjected to hell on earth, adding to the torment of those living in abject poverty. It is so critical for us to wake up and stop supporting wars that further harm women and children, but start to really look at ways to overturn all this injustice and bring forth equality for the entire planet but NOT nwo style.


Every summer in Iran they focus on those who are fashionable and arrest women in westernized looks, or men who adopt funky hairstyles, and close down shops.

women life in iran 1 (not in english, but shows quite a bit)

The Courageous Women of Iran (part 1 of 3)

The Courageous Women of Iran - Part 2 of 3

Courageous Women of Iran (Part 3 of 3)

Iranian Women Are On Top Of The World Inventor's List

Women's Right in Iran - part 1 of 7

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

It a very important book because the woman who wrote it suffered act that a grown man would not be able to take.

She not only survuved multiple attacks but went on to help other women in the same situation.

I have no affiliation with Religion what-so-ever but I do like the human spirit in times of real adversary.

It give us all hope that no matter what other people do to us we can fight back and win.

Thanks for the post and thanks for the videos I will watch them tonight when I get home from work..!!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Women Right's in Iran - part 2 of 7

Women Right's in Iran - part 3 of 7

Women Right's in Iran - part 4 of 7

Women Right's in Iran - part 5 of 7

Women Right's in Iran - part 6 of 7

Women Right's in Iran - part 7 of 7

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:24 PM
almost as enraging as informative, although, to be fair, there are some gross women (men also) out there.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 07:45 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

"These women are going to be freed."

Yes to that!!!!

The unequal status of women all around the world is primitive, cruel, and barbaric!

The only point I am trying to make by posting in this thread, is we must differentiate between 'religious' wickedness and 'cultural' wickedness. Islam has many wicked teachings, but rape as punishment isn't one of them.

• Wife Beating : Yes, Islam does sanction this

• Honor Killing: No, this is a cultural wickedness. The only punishment allowed for premarital sex is whipping/flogging, not death. Therefore, it is against Islam to murder a daughter for having a boyfriend. There is no honor in killing.

• Honor Rape: No, this is cultural wickedness. I already explained why many times in this thread.

• Full face burkas: No, this is a cultural wickedness. In the Qur'an, Allah says a woman must cover her hair, and the sexiness of her body. There is NOTHING that says women must cover their faces like ghosts. Muslim women are only supposed to dress like Catholic nuns, not ninjas.

• Less inheritance for women: Yes, a woman is instructed to inherit less than a man, even if she is first-born or eldest.

• Woman's Testimony is Half a Man's: Yes, Allah says a Woman's testimony is only equal to half a man's.

• Women are not allowed to learn or drive a car: No, this is cultural wickedness. Muhammad's wives taught people, this illustrates Muhammad's approval of a woman's role in education. Also, Muhammad's wives rode camels and mules, which was their equivalent of a car.

Evil people use and hide behind every religion. Best way to stop them is to expose them, but we must expose in truth! If it is a religious evil, acknowledge it as so. If it is a cultural evil, acknowledge it as so.

Here's to the liberation of women in these backward societies!!!!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:15 PM
Notes from TheCourageous Women of Iran (part 1 or 3)

They finally had enough and it sparked a revolution....(Iran 1979)

....They wanted the shaw to go and thats why it worked. Prime Minister Mossadeghwas democratically elected. The US and Britian didn't approve and the CIA organised a oup d' etat.

Washington reinstated the Shah but he was driven out during the revolution.

Novel Peace Prize Winner. Shirin Ebadi, was the most senior female judge in the country at the time.

"....The slogan of the revolution was freedom and independence. The Islamic republic was promising an Islamic Revolutioin that would achieve both.

The slogan atracted many people: it's what drew me to the revoltution.

Sadly, that is not what happened."

Before long, the judge and many others, understood that the people who took power had other plans.

She continues "Only a week after the victory of the revolution, they suggested I wear a scarf. Why should I have to wear one? I don't believe in that! It was then that I realized that the people who fought for freedom, didn't know the meaning of the word.

She was told that women were no longer allowed to be judges.

She was denoted to court secretary but decided to quit her job.

Not long after this she learns the regime was implimenting Sharia Law.

Now a woman was worth half a man and polygamy was legal.

Women had to ask their husbands for permission to travel.

Only a man could ask for divorce and he automatically got custody of the children.

If he suspected his wife was unfaithful, he could kill her and serve a minimal prison sentence.

No woman including a female judge would accept this.

"this law included stoning. The law stated that thieves could get their hands cut off. The law established the testimony of 2 women was worth 1 man's in court. This law also stated that the life of a woman was worth half of a man."

This was US/UK and cia implentation. Of course Egypt comes to mind, and their presence in Syria. And the US/UK nazi love of the Muslim Brotherhood.

I learned that many of the Nazis that I had been assigned to prosecute were on the CIA payroll, but the CIA didn't know they were Nazis because the British Intelligence Service had lied to them. What the British Intelligence Service didn't know was that their liar was Kim Philby, the Soviet communist double agent -- a little scandal of the Cold War. But our State Department swept it all under the rug and allowed the Nazis to stay in America until I was stupid enough to go public with it.

What do you do when you want to go public with a story like this one? You call up "60 Minutes." We had a great time. Mike Wallace gave me 30 minutes on his show. For a long time, it was the longest segment that "60 Minutes" ever did. When the episode about Nazis in America went on the air back in 1982, it caused a minor national uproar. Congress demanded hearings, Mike Wallace got the Emmy award, and my family got the death threats. It was a great trip. ....

What I'm doing today is doing what I'm doing now: I'm educating a new generation in the CIA that the Muslim Brotherhood was a fascist organization that was hired by Western intelligence that evolved over time into what we today know as al-Qaeda.

There is tons more info, but this is an EYE OPENER. I just saved it pdf.

edit on 1-7-2011 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:26 PM
reply to post by Sahabi

I don't really think of Islam in general in negative terms, but view all religions rather than spirituality as having two pathways depicted in them,by design, of the dualistic luciferean controllers of this world, their checkerboard masonic floor, dark and white squares. One should never try to live both paths in all the scriptures, be them Judiac, Christian (primarily their old testament roots), and Muslim. There are always, judgmental, retaliatory, punitive, and due to the times they were written, primitive abuses, ie. put your rebellious teenager to death, stoning, etc, but we don't follow these now.

Thats the difference. Having eyes of discretion, following what our Love and Consciousness know is right, and disregarding the rest.

Muslim is like this too, I've watched videos on their worst passages, but we have those as well in our religions. Then I've seen some of the beautiful passages on youtube.

If you took a book and only took the most positive, non forcing, inspirational messages, and Yeshua is big on this, out of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hindu, Buddist and combined them as a spiritaul aid or tool, the way to graduation, service to others, forgiveness, kindness, equality is all there.

So, I'm not religious, don't believe in forcing anyone and theocracies, or fundamentalism in any religion, but spiritual. If a person's eyes are filled with Love and Light and concern, compassion for others, including those who are harming others or lost, then they can read from any book and find only the positive passages.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 08:54 PM
So I typed Banna and Nazi's and there is a wealth of articles like the author in my last posts suggested.


Al-Banna and Nazism

The growth of the Muslim Brotherhood was accompanied or caused in part by the fact that Al-Banna associated it with the German Nazi party and the Third Reich. From the ideological point of view, the Jew hatred, authoritarianism, addiction to violence and desire to defeat the British of both the Muslim Brothers and the Nazis were quite enough to make the two movements find common cause.

The Brotherhood’s political and military alliance with Nazi Germany blossomed into formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt and covert joint ventures. The Muslim Brotherhood transformed Nazi anti-Semitism into a Muslim version, providing Arab translations of Mein Kampf (translated into Arabic as “My Jihad”) and other Nazi anti-Semitic works, including Der Sturmer hate-cartoons, adapted to portray the Jew as the demonic enemy of Allah rather than the German Volk.

Again pdfit is invaluable.

Al Qaeda is the direct lineal descendant of the Arab Nazis of the Muslim Brotherhood

John Loftus a former war crimes investigator explained how the terrorist network al Qaeda spawned from Nazi and Islamic extremist movements following WWII. Loftus regularly appears on Fox News and ABC Radio addressed the theme of “the roots of prejudice and hatred in the world.” He began by explaining that he didn’t set out to become a Nazi hunter. Early in his law career he took a volunteer attorney job created by the Carter administration to hunt Nazis “because I thought it would look good on my resume.”

To his surprise, rather than traveling to Germany to investigate he was sent to the U.S. Government’s massive underground vaults protecting classified information. Loftus claims he was given complete access to the 20 acre-sized vaults, where he says he found some disturbing information.

“I stumbled across some Nazi files I wasn’t supposed to see. No one was supposed to see them until the year 2015. The British Secret Service convinced American intelligence that the Nazis would be indispensable as “freedom fighters” in preparing for the next major war, which was anticipated against the Soviet Union.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 10:40 AM

Al-Banna and Nazism

The growth of the Muslim Brotherhood was accompanied or caused in part by the fact that Al-Banna associated it with the German Nazi party and the Third Reich. From the ideological point of view, the Jew hatred, authoritarianism, addiction to violence and desire to defeat the British of both the Muslim Brothers and the Nazis were quite enough to make the two movements find common cause.

The Brotherhood's political and military alliance with Nazi Germany blossomed into formal state visits, de facto ambassadors, and overt and covert joint ventures. The Muslim Brotherhood transformed Nazi anti-Semitism into a Muslim version, providing ARAB TRANSLATIONS OF MEIN KAMPF (translated into Arabic as "My Jihad") and other Nazi anti-Semitic works, including DER STURMER HATE CARTOONS, adapted to portray the Jew as the demonic enemy of Allah rather than the German Volk.


We're being so manipulated, into our ruination. Freedom and Equality, is not a Nazi value at all.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by Truth_Hz
reply to post by Frontkjemper

Then you will have no problem procuring the police report that specifies that all rapes in Oslo and Norway were perpetrated by non western immigrants?

Unlike you, I don't bury my head in the sand when it comes to the politically incorrect. I'm not scared of what people will call me. Especially when I'm telling the truth and calling the kettle black.

Islam has brought NOTHING but misfortune to Europe. I've rehashed this a hundred times before on ATS, but here we go… AGAIN.

Pre 1990's Norway was a quiet place. We didn't have a problem with crime as we do today. Rape? Virtually unheard of. Robberies? Again, virtually unheard of. As was most other types of crime. Of course it happened, but it was so few and so far in between that it was nearly nonexistent. But Norway opened it's doors to mass immigration in 1987. And it's only in around 2000 that the immigration started going off the charts, bringing with it high crime rates and brutal rape, murder and gangs.

The two biggest and most feared gangs in Oslo are run by non-western immigrants, our police force doesn't carry weapons with them, leaving them at a disadvantage.

You can compare it to this: Norway was your 1950's America suburbia devoid of any crime which met the 80's version of New York. Our government doesn't know how to handle it, especially without being labeled racist.

Originally posted by Truth_Hz
If of course you can back this up with real evidence and not some video from a bigotted non-national on the other side of the world then I will reconsider my stance. Until then I stand with my original statement that it is purely rascist propoganda.

Are you purposely acting obtuse? It doesn't matter WHO uploaded that video. The FACT is that the HEAD of the Oslo police SAID exactly what I said it did, that the MAJORITY (or ALL) of the rapes in Oslo are committed by NON-WESTERN IMMIGRANTS i.e. MUSLIMS. Hitler, the founder of the KKK or Jesse Jackson could have uploaded that video and it wouldn't have mattered, because the video itself, like mentioned above, shows Oslo's police chief hold a press conference stating what I just said.

And if you can't see that, then I don't want to say what I'd like to say in fear of being banned.

Oh, here's a rather liberal newspapers report on the issue (Google translated from Norwegian to English)

Link to Google translation of

edit on 3-7-2011 by Frontkjemper because: Fixed link.

Something is wrong with my internet connection, not sure if that link will show up right so here's the untranslated version which you can use to translate it via Google yourself.

Untranslated link
edit on 3-7-2011 by Frontkjemper because: Added original link.

My last edit, here's the video again. The uploader of the video is irrelevant. Or do you think the uploader bribed the police chief?

edit on 3-7-2011 by Frontkjemper because: Added Youtube video.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 11:11 AM
It just sucks how this is just their Nature in how they do things.....Humans

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