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Internet Censorship Storm Is Coming, Warns Schmidt

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posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:23 PM
This is another example of the idealogical bigotry put forth bu obama ane the fringe left as a whole. Any means necessiary to silence anyone who dare have a differnt point of view. This shows these people are not liberal, but are closed minded and on the whole bigots.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:30 PM
Revolutionary violence is not the way to bring about change for the better. So long as certain groups go down the road to violence then they will be met with equal if not greater violence. Using the Internet to incite acts of violence is the problem. That includes using the Internet for violence in computer games. We need to prevent the Internet from being used as a channel through which certain groups spread their heathen ideas that sexualise the population by transmitting extreme pornographic material and glamorise the abuse of drugs [tobacco and alcohol included] and use the internet to inspire acts of violence and damage to property. Certain types of computer and Internet activity should be considered criminal.

Revolutionärt våld är inte rätt sätt att åstadkomma en förändring till det bättre. Så länge vissa grupper går på vägen till våld då de kommer att mötas med lika om inte större våld. Använda Internet för att framkalla våldshandlingar är problemet. Detta inkluderar användning av Internet för våld i datorspel. Vi måste förhindra att Internet används som en kanal genom vilken vissa grupper sprider sina hedniska idéer som sexualise befolkningen genom att sända extrema pornografiskt material och glamorisera missbruk av droger [tobak och alkohol ingår] och använder internet för att inspirera våldsdåd och skador på egendom. Vissa typer av datorer och Internet-verksamhet bör anses brottsligt.

There are certain groups who preach a gospel of anarchic freedom with out any limitations what so ever. Such freedom is the nightmare of hell. Civilization has to built on a moral code. The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000. Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence. (1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One God there be no other God. Her names are many but she be the one true God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La deus nostra, notre dame, our lady, The holy spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving her above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to her above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright (c) NGL 2000. He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.

Det finns vissa grupper som predikar ett evangelium om anarkistisk frihet utan några begränsningar what so ever. En sådan frihet är en mardröm för helvetet. Civilisationen har att bygga på en moralisk kod. Lagen som jag lever efter och som håller oss alla bundna kallas PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm). Jag har inte läst det i en bok. Du kommer inte hitta det i någon bok. Det uppenbarades för mig av ljud klärvoajans under firandet av det nya årtusendet år 2000. Sammanfattade det i princip betyder inget sex inga droger och inget våld. (1) från evighet till evighet, oändlighet till oändlighet, det finnas ett absolut. Den Ende Guden vara där ingen annan Gud. Hennes namn är många men hon är den ende sanne Guden. I en domare att vara där ingen annan domare. (2) La deus Nostra, Notre Dame, Vår Fru, den heliga anden, orsaken skapare Cosmica. (3) Angelic befogenheter sanning och skönhet och rättfärdighet se till att vara kärleksfulla henne ovan med hela ditt förstånd och av hela ditt hjärta och av all din kraft. (4) för att vara tilltalande för henne ovan därför inte kan tjäna maskulina. (5) Var inte och låt inte manlighet på positioner i regeringen. (6) Heder och respekt jungfrun renhet av christae. (7) Ära och respektera den obefläckade avlelsen [partenogenes] reproduktiva processen av christae. (8) Gör bedriver otukt inte eller förfalska eller sodomize. (9) Gör mobba inte eller tortyr eller mord. (10) Ljug inte. (11) Du skall inte stjäla. (12) Var inte giriga. (13) Var inte svartsjuk. Copyright (c) NGL 2000. Den som litar på våldet för att vara hans säkerhet inte kan tala om att han litar på Gud att vara hans säkerhet.


edit on 29/6/2011 by CAELENIUM because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

The problem is where do you draw the line? Once you start down that road there is no turning back. That is just what is happening right now. Remember the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 02:43 PM
Now lets not get carried away Caelenium. Real violence, real drug use, real porn, etc. I think we all can agree are detrimental to the well being of our society as a whole. But c'mon.... I kinda LIKE Duke Nukem Forever.....

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:02 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

"Revolutionary violence is not the way to bring about change for the better."

This is why we talk.A lot can be done by talking.When you are in a court of law do you battle with violence?When we are talking online are we hurting anyone?Except for maybe the odd insults and swearing..except ATS.ATS is one the only sites I know that actually uses censorship!So kudos for that ATS!

At ATS all we are doing is talking.What's the harm in that?

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:22 PM
Never happen...

Those in power enjoy their porn sites too!

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 03:50 PM
See...Internet Censorship just makes people mad and whine.

What you really need to do and what I would definitely do is take all your tvs, mobile phones, your computers, and radios away and render all mechanical devices useless.

pssst...ATS does that sometimes to their users here if they disagree with you..404
Waahhhhh I cant post...wahhhh..i cant post

It would be funny to watch everyone throw deadly temper tantrums like small children not getting their way for awhile.

All us insane people...or the ones that deem us insane anyways,,, would get to go for a ride on the insane train.
Man !!!! it would be brutal for awhile but very entertaining.
edit on 29-6-2011 by superluminal11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 04:11 PM
their evil and corrupt not stupid(governments) for us in the west it will start off as something like a way to prevent child sex predators or we gotta do it to protect the troops. they couldnt censor it in a day. wether it takes them 2 years or 20 you can bet their working on it. what can we do about it? we can get involved politcaly dont send money call or write your elected officials(state and fed) evey week and get as many people as you can to join(they have to pay people to answer/filter), vote with your dollars let your internet provider know you will never pay for internet or cable tv/phone with any corporation that supports/goes along with censorship, get as many people as you can to join you( and mean it) nobody is asking anyone to charge a machine gun nest simply make 5 to 10 phone calls every week and gently encourage others, lead by example. even as few as 2000 phone calls everyday averaging 3 min is gonna disrupt someones day and cost them dollars! wars are generaly as much about finances as anything else. imagine the power we have as a country if we could just harness the power of 20% of the cell phones in america? what can we do to keep the internet as ours and uncensored? we can fight! and by fight i mean be active politcaly eg give up paying to watch t.v. under line paying and stick to it. not attack some one physicaly. find/create your own something to do about it but do something about it! maybe we could organise and create a multi level offensive of emails, phone, calls, texts,snail mail and im sure much better ideas than mine. spread out on differant days to maximise the effect etc. if enough people were willing to commit long term untill its done, years if necasary. then its just a question of numbers. we can grind them to our will.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 05:02 PM
I've just seen this thread now.
Italy is going to give censorship power to the "Communication Agency" (AGCOM) which members are elected by the government.
So all anti-governement sites will be in trouble and can be closed without refering to the judiciary with reasons such as "copyright".
Please, spread the word, italians are fighting this shameful law. Berlusconi's government is in big trouble due to sex scandals with whores and minors, tax evasion, corruption and freemasonry. So they're trying to silence every inconvenient voice.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 05:09 PM
The cenorship storm has been upon us what seems like forever. All it's doing is getting worse by the day. Government must have us in the dark and divided so they can continue conquering us. If we had all the answers, their power would cease to exist. What we need to do is get informed as fast as we know how, and hope we don't get nuked before we can do anything about it.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 05:33 PM

Originally posted by fixer1967
reply to post by TheTinman

But couldn't the phone companies just filter out or jam your singal? I have asked this before but no one answered. You are still using the phone companies wiring and what it to stop them from just putting filters or blocks of some kind at the center switching stations to filter or block the data transfer. Or when it detects the modem singal from just dropping the call? I do not know as much about this as I would like to and that is why I am asking. It seems that any thing that uses the phone companies wiring can be stopped if they want to.

I gues they could. Maybe we need to construct our own "internet" using powerlines instead of the existing networks.
edit on 29/6/11 by TRiPWiRE because: Early morning typing without coffee...

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 06:09 PM

Originally posted by DrumsRfun
If they are going to censor it then why would i bother to be on the net or pay my bill??
This isn't why I have the internet.
I am here for information.

I would just rather go back to the good ole days of ignoring hollywood,tv, and knowing newspapers were full of BS.

Haha, thats great

Im 21 , would have never known the papers and media liers without internet to answer every question

The internet started out as a military invention, so really the governments gave us our own tools for knowledge.
We just gotta implement that knowledge so we can find true freedom

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 07:56 PM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
They are only going to make themselves an enemy, a virtual army of millions of angry users who will eventually realize their true strength in numbers.

Bring it.

I hadn't thought about it like this before. Perhaps this will be the literal version of "all human conciousness forming as one to fight evil" as prophesied by some.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by SLAYER69
Well here we go...

Internet Censorship Storm Is Coming, Warns Schmidt

Google Chair Eric Schmidt has sounded an alarm that Arab states in the throes of revolution will clamp down on the Internet. However, censorship of Internet content is not restricted to those countries or to authoritarian states like China, North Korea and Iran. "Great Britain, France, Germany and South Korea all filter the Internet, and the United States is moving rapidly into doing so," noted law professor Derek Bambauer.

Google (Nasdaq: GOOG) Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt foresees more troublesome days ahead between the search engine giant and the governments of the world. Censorship is on the rise around the globe, he said Monday, at a Dublin summit on militant violence that was organized by Google, according to press reports.

How freely information should flow has been a thorny issue for Internet companies dealing with the governments of more restrictive regimes. Several years ago, China's government demanded that Yahoo (Nasdaq: YHOO) turn over the identity of a user who had anonymously posted to the Web materials relating to the Tiananmen Square massacre. The result was the arrest, torture and 10-year jail term of Wang Xiaoning.

Google is no stranger to such pressures. It pulled the plug on its search engine activities in China due to the government's insistence that it censor certain terms.

We all know some countries around the world already sensor content, are we going to just sit here and put up with this when it happens? Schmidt goes on to talk about ways to fight this

Would love to hear our members take on this...

To answer your question: Yes, we are just going to take it. No one will do anything except maybe sign a few online petitions and send some letters to politicians, but those will all fall on deaf ears because no body has a voice anymore. We have already been silenced.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 10:59 PM
reply to post by TheTinman

OMG! I really loved LORD!

Thanks for reminding me this!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:46 AM
reply to post by SLAYER69

What is a google executive doing making comments of political nature?

Unless he's going to talk about forecasts for how well his product will do, then any warning from him is baseless. He would have to tell is from where he got any information that leads him to think that.

This is kind of like Better Crocker warning us that there will be food shortages in France.

"Says who?" should be the question!

Shut up or spill the beans, IF there are any! Otherwise, you have been labeled a rambling, hearsaying fearmonger-er, Mr. Schmidt!

Likely this could be used to "test the waters" to see how people react to such news. Be aware of this. Based on how people react, they can adjust any potential plans accordingly.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 02:34 AM

Originally posted by Fractured.Facade
They are only going to make themselves an enemy, a virtual army of millions of angry users who will eventually realize their true strength in numbers.

Bring it.


We all know where to head when our bloods boiling


Or the Rothchild/Windsor secret estates and islands in Europe

I cant wait to meet a snake!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 04:02 AM
I find it strange you mention a quote by Eric Schmidt, as he "defends" the internet and neutrality, you do realise is part of the problem and not part of the solution?

Eric Schmidt is part of the bildersburg group and attended the last meeting which was held in Switzerland recently, he is working WITH tptb. Why do you think it is so easy for governments to block anything they want on Youtube?

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:04 AM

Originally posted by PrinceDreamer
I find it strange you mention a quote by Eric Schmidt, as he "defends" the internet and neutrality, you do realise is part of the problem and not part of the solution?

Eric Schmidt is part of the bildersburg group and attended the last meeting which was held in Switzerland recently, he is working WITH tptb. Why do you think it is so easy for governments to block anything they want on Youtube?

Isn't it Ironic though that because of this article those that might not have known of such activities are now becoming aware and can now join the fight against such actions?

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by CAELENIUM
Revolutionary violence is not the way to bring about change for the better. So long as certain groups go down the road to violence then they will be met with equal if not greater violence. Using the Internet to incite acts of violence is the problem. That includes using the Internet for violence in computer games. We need to prevent the Internet from being used as a channel through which certain groups spread their heathen ideas that sexualise the population by transmitting extreme pornographic material and glamorise the abuse of drugs [tobacco and alcohol included] and use the internet to inspire acts of violence and damage to property. Certain types of computer and Internet activity should be considered criminal.

1. Virtual violence releases the tension and desire for actual action by sublimating. Therefore, video games are the BEST way to relieve violent tendencies.

2. "Heathen" is subjective - and some would claim a woman showing her face in public is - well, the act of an infidel (a "heathen" generally speaking).

3. It cannot be "criminal" unless there is a victim crying for help. (Or would cry for help, in the case of murder...) Any efforts to restrict anything beyond the three Laws is usurpation of an Individual's right to choose how Their life is spent.

The three Laws:

Do not willfully hurt or kill another Being*

Do not willfully take or damage another Being*'s property

Do not willfully defraud another Being*

* where "Being" is defined as any One who can ask, or by proxy another of the species can ask, for One's rights.

There are certain groups who preach a gospel of anarchic freedom with out any limitations what so ever. Such freedom is the nightmare of hell. Civilization has to built on a moral code.

1. What are the data that say such freedom equals "the nightmare of hell?" If All are following the three Laws, what would cause such a "hell?"

2. Civilization is built around ETHICAL Law and CIVIL code, not "moral." Morality varies greatly - some think it is high immorality for a woman to wear a bikini in public; others don't see it that way at all. Though morals often direct the implementation of Ethics, many times morals run counter to Ethics: it is surely not Ethical to stone a woman for leaving the house without Her husband, but the morals took over and supplanted Ethics (a very dangerous choice).

The law that I live by and which is holding us all bonded is called PRAECEPTAE CAELENIUM (tm).

I have news for you. *I* am beholden to three Laws. These are the only Laws - all else are statutes, bills, constitutions, rules, mandates, decrees, acts, codes, declarations, and so forth. I did a search for Your praeceptae caelenium and found mention here, on a couple of "vampire" sites, and on music and news related sites. So... I cannot fathom how We are being held bondage by some unknown element just recently mentioned at all.

I did not read it in a book. You will not find it in any book. It was revealed to me by audio clairvoyance during the celebrations of the New Millennium in 2000.

Ahhhhh. Well, that explains it.

Summed up it basically means no sex no drugs and no violence.

Wow. Well, I agree with the no violence thing (violence breaks the first Law). The other two... If YOU wish to keep to these rules, please feel free. But I suggest that You will have difficulty forcing Others to live by Your rules. Better to let go and allow Others abide - as long as They are following the three Laws.

(1) From eternity to eternity, infinity to infinity, there be the one absolute. The One God there be no other God. Her names are many but she be the one true God. The one judge there be no other judge. (2) La deus nostra, notre dame, our lady, The holy spirit, the cause the maker Cosmica. (3) Angelic powers of truth and beauty and righteousness be sure to be loving her above with all your mind and with all your heart and with all your strength. (4) So as to be pleasing to her above therefore do not be serving the masculine. (5) Do not be and do not allow masculinity into positions of government. (6) Honour and respect the virgin pureness of the christae. (7) Honour and respect the Immaculate Conception [parthenogenesis] reproductive process of the christae. (8) Do not fornicate or adulterate or sodomize. (9) Do not bully or torture or murder. (10) Do not lie. (11) Do not steal. (12) Do not be covetous. (13) Do not be jealous. Copyright (c) NGL 2000. He who trusts in violence to be his security cannot speak that he trusts in God to be his security.

If this is Your view of the all, cool. Personally, I see Consciousness as "God." We all are creating the Now through Our behavior choices. As Consciousness collapses the wave function, the Now is created.

I might suggest that the femininization is equally problematic as the masculinization. Consciousness is all gender and so creation has aspects of both sexes. My view, for what it's worth.
edit on 7/1/2011 by Amaterasu because: typo

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