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TSA denies ordering cancer patient to shed diaper

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:29 PM

TSA denies ordering cancer patient to shed diaper

TSA officials are disputing published accounts of the case of an elderly cancer patient who allegedly was asked to shed her adult diaper as part of a security patdown.

Ann Davis, a TSA spokeswoman, said that officers followed procedures and did not require the woman to take off her diaper. She also admitted that the agency's statement to CNN on Sunday failed to make that point clear.

A TSA official said that the woman and her daughter had been provided with other options that would've allowed them to proceed though the checkpoint but the official declined to offer any details, citing passenger privacy
(visit the link for the full news article)

edit on 28-6-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:29 PM
So this should get people fired up, not only does the TSA ask the elderly to remove their diapers in broad day light but now they deny it as well. I also have to point out the extreme use of double think where they don't want to offer any more information citing passenger PRIVACY, wow, what an Orwellian double think that is, they are stealing her privacy and any shred of decency she has left, and then cites her own privacy as reasons for why they can't divulge more information.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Remove the adult-diaper or don't fly...

That was the ultimatum and it's also a great way to claim deniability (she volunteered to remove the diaper, right?) and adherence to policy (because everyone agrees the TSA followed the guidelines) ... win/win (for the TSA).

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:45 PM
Really, I am just done flying. I can't even begin to imagine why people are still flying. I have an even harder time getting my head around the people who continue to support this obvious invasion of U.S. Citizens. I don't get it. It disgusts me. I really would have thought more people would have skipped the airlines by now and that their lobbyists would be the ones on this trying to get back their business. Because let's face it: if we don't have a major group of corporations on our side we can't win anything in this country...
So, I wont fly till they quit it.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 02:59 PM
While disturbing that the TSA would harass a 95-year old woman, They hardly forced her to remove her soiled diaper.

Soon after, Weber said, a TSA agent told her that her mother's Depend undergarment was "wet and it was firm, and they couldn't check it thoroughly." But her mother had no clean diapers in her carry-on luggage and the departure time for the plane was approaching, Weber said.

"They said, 'You can get her luggage back to get more out of her luggage,' but the luggage was checked and I didn't know how long it would take to get her luggage," Weber said. "I asked if I could take the wet Depends off and they said yes but said I had to take her back to the lobby of the airport -- to the restroom out of the screening area."

She said she and her mother then went to a bathroom and removed the wet diaper, then went back through the screening checkpoint.

Did y'all read that? The elderly woman's daughter asked if she could take her mother's soiled diaper off. That is a far cry from the TSA forcing it off.

Keep in mind, the above snippet is not TSA recounting the story, those are the words of the elderly woman's daughter.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 03:08 PM
All that baloney for having more chance of getting struck by lightning than having a terrorist attact.
Heck, i reckon you have more probability of getting rammed by an elephant rather than having your plane hijacked.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:06 PM
According to this,the TSA is flat out denying this event even happened.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 04:52 PM
I posted this yesterday and a mod closed it. =(

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:00 PM
You all missing the point - a 95 year old leukimia sufferer has to get her undergarments checked by someone who got turned down for a burger flippers job...

A patient in a frigging wheel chair people with a diaper on...

And remember, Al Qaeda you all fear so much is a Federal employee - they get paid by the CIA so go complain and ask congress to get the CIA to reign in its creation. Problem solved.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:29 PM
I tell you why Al Qaeda has not did any more attacks. They are too busy laughing at us to do anything. I am starting to wonder is the TSA is not part of Al Qaeda or something. Who need them when we are doing to ourselves?

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
The elderly woman's daughter asked if she could take her mother's soiled diaper off.

That seems to be in contradiction to this:

"The officer asked for it to be removed, which Weber did in a restroom."

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:38 PM

Originally posted by Aggie Man
While disturbing that the TSA would harass a 95-year old woman, They hardly forced her to remove her soiled diaper.

Soon after, Weber said, a TSA agent told her that her mother's Depend undergarment was "wet and it was firm, and they couldn't check it thoroughly." But her mother had no clean diapers in her carry-on luggage and the departure time for the plane was approaching, Weber said.

"They said, 'You can get her luggage back to get more out of her luggage,' but the luggage was checked and I didn't know how long it would take to get her luggage," Weber said. "I asked if I could take the wet Depends off and they said yes but said I had to take her back to the lobby of the airport -- to the restroom out of the screening area."

She said she and her mother then went to a bathroom and removed the wet diaper, then went back through the screening checkpoint.

Did y'all read that? The elderly woman's daughter asked if she could take her mother's soiled diaper off. That is a far cry from the TSA forcing it off.

Keep in mind, the above snippet is not TSA recounting the story, those are the words of the elderly woman's daughter.

OK, so, the woman's daughter asked. There, we've established that the original article may have been biased and spun this story in a way to shed yet more bad light on a disgusting, fascist department of the Amerikan government.

Did you, however, read the part where they couldn't check the 95-year-old cancer patient's Depends because it was wet, therefore she must either take it off for them to check it for weapons of mass destruction or not fly at all?


posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 11:14 PM
I think a bigger question would be why is this frail old woman being made to sit in her own piss?

Its been established that the diaper was soiled to the point to where it was firm. Having a child in diapers I can tell you that it takes a lot of pee to make a diaper firm.

Why was this sick old woman forced to sit in her own pee for hours?

This woman has made contradictory statements and add the elderly abuse, I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. I'm willing to bet that she is trying to make a quick buck.

Look for her to file a lawsuit.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 05:25 AM

Originally posted by Becoming
I think a bigger question would be why is this frail old woman being made to sit in her own piss?

Its been established that the diaper was soiled to the point to where it was firm. Having a child in diapers I can tell you that it takes a lot of pee to make a diaper firm.

Why was this sick old woman forced to sit in her own pee for hours?

This woman has made contradictory statements and add the elderly abuse, I wouldn't trust anything that comes out of her mouth. I'm willing to bet that she is trying to make a quick buck.

Look for her to file a lawsuit.

You know who else is trying to make a quick buck? Michael Chertoff, although I don't expect you to show the same disgust towards him as you do towards this random lady.

posted on Jun, 29 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by filosophia

reply to post by filosophia

reply to post by filosophia

She isn't a random lady. I didnt open my phone book, close my eyes, run my finger down the list of names and stop at random.

As your post had nothing to do with anything I wrote I would appreciate it if you would kindly get off my butt. I bring up a very valid point and I don't need someone who thinks the TSA is the devil incarnate spouting idiocracies in my direction.

More imortantly stick to the topic. Yes, I do know who Micheal Chertoff is, but his name isn't mentioned anywhere in this story. Want to talk about him then start one with him as the main character.

Now would you like to tell me why you don't appreciate my post?

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