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Teresa Heinz Kerry

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posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:32 PM
I know that it is written into the constitution that a president must be a native citizen of the US.
It is hard to deny that a man's wife has little influence over him, so does it seem odd to anyone else that when a candidate's wife is not even from the US it isn't questioned?

I have never heard anyone bring up her background, yet she is married to the man people are considering.

This is a short biography:

I find it interesting that she also believes so strongly in human rights but was raised and studied in countries that were segregated and she has (even with the riches she has amassed) done nothing to help those people.

Mozambique info
where she studied :

Does anyone have more information about her that either justifies her origins not be questions or makes them worthy of hiding? It does make me think it is possible something is being kept out of view. The woman came to the US and immediately married a senator and inherited wealth. Definately not a normal life.

[edit on 10-8-2004 by blanketgirl]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:35 PM
Its Teresa Heinz Kerry, just like the ketchup bottle!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:46 PM
Allthough i find her background interesting, i don't see any reason at all that her nationality would be a conflict of interest, plus she is the candidates wife, not the candidate.

If this is used in the media as an opinion piece, my respect for humanity will fall to an alltime low....propaganda at its most dirtiest

[edit on 10-8-2004 by electric squid carpet]

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:47 PM

Originally posted by blanketgirl
I find it interesting that she also believes so strongly in human rights but was raised and studied in countries that were segregated and she has (even with the riches she has amassed) done nothing to help those people. [clip]

Does anyone have more information about her that either justifies her origins not be questions or makes them worthy of hiding? It does make me think it is possible something is being kept out of view. The woman came to the US and immediately married a senator and inherited wealth. Definately not a normal life.

Wow. I don't know where you're getting this idea, but her life has been amazing, well documented and touted to anyone that will listen. As a child of Portugese parents she did grew up under a dictatorship in Africa where she watched her father go into the bush to treat oppressed people unavailed of health care. She also marched and rallied later in life against Aparthied at great risk to herself, and since being in America has championed one of the largest endowments for charitable giving ever, much less run by a woman. Sorry to not research and link this up for you, but it's pretty common knowledge. I'm going from one of the recent documentaries I've seen.

But to think she's "unamerican" or selfish or in any way dangerous is just way outside the norm of reasonable thinking I've seen from even right wing rags. The worst I've seen is she's a loose cannon that speaks her mind. Good. I would too after living under a dictator.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:47 PM
ahh... details... I think I know too many Hines's. When I looked her up I did search Heinz.

Originally posted by bzap
Its Teresa Heinz Kerry, just like the ketchup bottle!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:48 PM
Oooooooo! A meaty thread!

I can't wait to see how ugly this gets.

In her defense she did do the '60's hippie fight for equal rights thing.

But this woman is UNTOUCHABLE.
She loves to say how SASSY and sexy she is. O.K??!!!
She LIES on TAPE and gets compliments about putting a reporter in his place. Not a peep about the BOLD FACE LIE!

Marries a Republican and is Republican. Marries a Democrat and is a Democrat. That is not flexible that is chamelion like. A little creepy.

She has no idea what poor is and tells the poor she feels their pain and will help. Not with HER money,yours.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:51 PM

Originally posted by blanketgirl
I find it interesting that she also believes so strongly in human rights but was raised and studied in countries that were segregated and she has (even with the riches she has amassed) done nothing to help those people.

Non issue, IMO. The spouse, or the children for that matter, of a politician are irrelevant. Talking about them simply diverts attention from the real issues.

The only caveat I would have is if a candidate's family member actually was taking an active policy role. For example: Laura Bush recently made a speech defending her husband's stem cell policy. We should be able to criticize/support her stand (and not whether she is a stepford wife). Similarly when Hilary Clinton attempted to tackle the health care issue during the first months of her husband's administration. There should have been debate regarding her efforts and not that she was anti-christ.

Just my 2cents.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:53 PM
Part of what made me think about it was that upon a basic search of her name in google, I got back quotes of people in Mozambique complaining that she was doing nothing to help them while they are struggling. I don't know if they are just whining.

Generally I don't like to trust TV documentaries, especially when they are done on rich people... did you ever see the "man in the mirror" on Michael Jackson, or what about the story of Bill Gates?
What makes you think the documentaries on her life are any more honest?

I'm just wondering about her because I know that I don't know enough to really know what to think of her anyways.

Originally posted by RANT
Wow. I don't know where you're getting this idea, but her life has been amazing, well documented and touted to anyone that will listen. As a child of Portugese parents she did grew up under a dictatorship in Africa where she watched her father go into the bush to treat oppressed people unavailed of health care. She also marched and rallied later in life against Aparthied at great risk to herself, and since being in America has championed one of the largest endowments for charitable giving ever, much less run by a woman. Sorry to not research and link this up for you, but it's pretty common knowledge. I'm going from one of the recent documentaries I've seen.

But to think she's "unamerican" or selfish or in any way dangerous is just way outside the norm of reasonable thinking I've seen from even right wing rags. The worst I've seen is she's a loose cannon that speaks her mind. Good. I would too after living under a dictator.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:59 PM
Doesn't the wife usually get involved?

It seems to me most first lady's have had some involvement with political issues. I can see leaving out the children, but the first lady often does end up speaking up and doing public appearances. Not only this, but she's his wife! what better position could you be in to influence a man? (unless you are just a lover or mistress?) Do you have any idea what type of hell a woman could put a man though if he doesn't listen to her opinions or ideas?

Originally posted by Bleys
Non issue, IMO. The spouse, or the children for that matter, of a politician are irrelevant. Talking about them simply diverts attention from the real issues.

The only caveat I would have is if a candidate's family member actually was taking an active policy role. For example: Laura Bush recently made a speech defending her husband's stem cell policy. We should be able to criticize/support her stand (and not whether she is a stepford wife). Similarly when Hilary Clinton attempted to tackle the health care issue during the first months of her husband's administration. There should have been debate regarding her efforts and not that she was anti-christ.

Just my 2cents.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 01:59 PM
No African-American jokes? Come on neo-cons, you're just not thinking!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 03:03 PM
Her nationality is meaningless.

She is 1 beer short of a six pack.That scares me. She COULD represent the U.S. and tell a foreign leader to "Shove it" and all you curme's of the world will say "She is soooooo clever."

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 03:15 PM
What's the big del with her nationality. We've had foreign born officials in high places. Brezinski and Kissinger. John Quincy Adams wife was not born in this country.
I dislike the woman, but her nationality is a non-issue.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 05:01 PM
My impression of why the president has to be native to the country was the possibility that

1) they could have some ties to some controlling party in another country, or a group there that would be higher priority than the country they are leading.

2) in order to lead people, you need to have some basic understanding of the common people you are leading. She came to the US I believe as a diplomat, but the point is she instantly was always in the upper-class with no need to associate with the common people, has no common upbringing or founding ideals with any US citizen native to this country.
Even the upper class individuals here at some point are mixed in with either average people or those significantly "below" their economic standing. Often this happens through school. If you are in college, regardless of where you go you are going to be mixed in with average citizens. She has never had this forced on her, nor has she had need to be mixed in because she has always had an aristocratic standing while here.
When you are raised in another country (so I have heard from those I know in this situation) you can assimulate, but you are never really the same as the people you assimulate into.

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe
What's the big del with her nationality. We've had foreign born officials in high places. Brezinski and Kissinger. John Quincy Adams wife was not born in this country.
I dislike the woman, but her nationality is a non-issue.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 05:10 PM

Originally posted by RANT

Wow. I don't know where you're getting this idea, but her life has been amazing, well documented and touted to anyone that will listen. As a child of Portugese parents she did grew up under a dictatorship in Africa where she watched her father go into the bush to treat oppressed people unavailed of health care. She also marched and rallied later in life against Aparthied at great risk to herself, and since being in America has championed one of the largest endowments for charitable giving ever, much less run by a woman. Sorry to not research and link this up for you, but it's pretty common knowledge. I'm going from one of the recent documentaries I've seen.

But to think she's "unamerican" or selfish or in any way dangerous is just way outside the norm of reasonable thinking I've seen from even right wing rags. The worst I've seen is she's a loose cannon that speaks her mind. Good. I would too after living under a dictator.

Very well said, RANT. She's great. And I love her for speaking her mind. She's smart and feisty. At least she hasn't told anyone - that we know of - to go CHENEY themselves!
(Sorry! I couldn't help myself, there.)

Oh yeah - blanketgirl - Te-Ray-Za used to be married for at least 25 years to Republican Senator John Heinz. I loved what Theresa said awhile back - and I'm paraphrasing - " they didn't mind my money when it was Republican." BOOM!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 05:17 PM
I think a woman like Theresa can only be a benefit to her husband. You know the old saying: "Behind every good man, is a great woman." It's true! She's obviously very loyal, world-wise and intelligent. If that weren't so, the Heinz family would not have allowed her the chairmanship to the foundation. She's done a lot of good work - for a lot of people in different countries as well as the U.S.

Something very important to note: There's an email smear campaign going on right now and she is getting hammered with lies that are simply ridiculous. Know this: she is NOT a primary stockholder in the Heinz food company and she has absolutely nothing to do with it. She only handles the foundation. That's a very important distinction to make! The Heinz Co. issued a statement attesting to that. They also are largely supporting the Bush campaign.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 05:31 PM
I want to know if the same folks who have a problem with her country of origin also have a similar problem with the Governator of California.

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 08:56 PM

Originally posted by blanketgirl
My impression of why the president has to be native to the country was the possibility that

2) in order to lead people, you need to have some basic understanding of the common people you are leading. She came to the US I believe as a diplomat, but the point is she instantly was always in the upper-class with no need to associate with the common people, has no common upbringing or founding ideals with any US citizen native to this country.

Ummm, you begin by remarking that the President should be a native...Teresa is NOT running for President, her husband is.
Teresa is by no means the only women who's husband seeks the White House to be born "with a silver spoon in her mouth"!!!
Jackie Kennedy:

Barbara Bush:

Mrs. William McKinley:

Powerful, ambitious men often marry prominent women. I'm sure I could find many more Social-Register-type women who married presidents and presidential candidates. No surprise here.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a Kerry-Edwards supporter.

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by crmanager
Her nationality is meaningless.

She is 1 beer short of a six pack.That scares me. She COULD represent the U.S. and tell a foreign leader to "Shove it" and all you curme's of the world will say "She is soooooo clever."

- So, she tells a rude provocative scumbag journo to "shove it" and suddenly the walls of the citadel will tumble down if her husband is elected President?

Ha ha ha ha ha - so what about (actual) VP Cheney and his language.....or are you just being absurd?

.....and by your own admission, what's to fear anyway?

If you really think everyone in the world will just say how clever?

.....and in the ultra unlikely event that she did I say it beats puking on 'foreign leaders'......but I guess we're just back to it being, somehow, different for republicans, huh?!

(and wow, suddenly 'foreign leaders' seem to matter a damn!)

I'm imagining you worrying about this for real.....

.....she might, just might, one day flip (or 'flop'?) and go a bit nuts; wrestle the old boy to the floor and fart on the Pope's head or something?

Boy, I hope you're right!


The things you guys say!

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 08:04 AM
The fact that she has foreign roots probably doesn't matter.

The fact that her companies outsource ... or should I say
outsauce .... when she and her husband have made such
a big stink about outsourcing DOES MATTER.

Oh ... and there's the strange 'Wal Mart' stuff going on too-
she claims Wal Mart destroys neighborhoods (how? by bringing
in low priced products and providing jobs for unemployed people?).
She says it destroys neighborhoods, and yet she has over
$1,000,000 in Wal Mart stock.

But the foreign born thing? I don't know if that matters. The rest
sinks her on it's own.

[edit on 8/11/2004 by FlyersFan]

posted on Aug, 11 2004 @ 08:09 AM
You seem to have skipped the second part of my statement, that even most people who are born in the US privledged have some forced mingling with those who are not. Usually through schooling or just in the process of growing up. She came here old enough that it never happened for her.

It isn't JUST being wealthy alone that makes a difference.

How can she associate with a group she has had no reason to ever associate with?
I do feel that the mrs. is just as important as the man running because that is who has the primary influence over him.

Disclaimer: I'm not an anyone supporter, I'm just wondering if there's a reason we should or shouldn't be worried about her, I have seen nothing of any slander campaign against her. (and it does sort of concearn me that arnold schwar...whatever is foreign and has power)

Originally posted by DontTreadOnMe

Ummm, you begin by remarking that the President should be a native...Teresa is NOT running for President, her husband is.
Teresa is by no means the only women who's husband seeks the White House to be born "with a silver spoon in her mouth"!!!
Jackie Kennedy:

Barbara Bush:

Mrs. William McKinley:

Powerful, ambitious men often marry prominent women. I'm sure I could find many more Social-Register-type women who married presidents and presidential candidates. No surprise here.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a Kerry-Edwards supporter.

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