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Van Jones goes after the Tea Party Again!!

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posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 07:57 AM
He's failed before so he is now at it again with a little help from his friends at I decided to post this within the confines of the Civil Unrest forum because I firmly believe that Van Jones and other progressive radicals are behind the recent Flash Mob criminal activity that we are seeing. They are the ones determined to shake the foundation long enough to bring about widespread chaos. The proof is in their words and actions.

Van Jones, President Barack Obama’s former special adviser for “green jobs, enterprise and innovation,” yesterday launched what he calls “The American Dream Movement.” In a punchy, two-hour webcast that was heavily promoted by, the former green czar signaled his support for all ideas progressive — and his appalling unwillingness to face some simple facts.

Jones’ American Dream at first sounds familiar: a decent job, a college education, a dignified retirement, a secure future. But he seems to forget the pivot on which the Dream has always turned: an honest work ethic that proceeds from no sense of entitlement but rather from a grounded optimism that ability applied to opportunity will yield results.

Here is nice little synopsis of Jones' speech. Jones asserts that progressives are more patriotic because they want to spend more and pay higher taxes to be able to spend it. Higher taxes will certainly ensure a steady supply of overpaid govt. workers to contribute to the union cause.

My friend and former colleague at The Heritage Foundation Brandon Stewart reports:

Throughout his speech, he repeated many of the same tropes of the left that we’ve heard before: that America is not broke, that the wealthy don’t pay their fair share, that union membership is the foundation of the middle class,that wages have remained stagnant, etc.

Jones ended by questioning the patriotism of the Tea Party movement. With a nod to Vice President Joe Biden, he discussed the patriotism of paying higher taxes and took to calling his fellow progressives the “deeper patriots,” as if patriotism is determined by how much of other people’s money you can spend.

But perhaps the major conceit in Jones’s address was the notion that the economy is a zero-sum game where the success of one person hinders your ability to succeed. If you’re not doing well, it’s because someone else is getting ahead at your expense. “We’re not broke,” Jones said early on in his presentation, “We’ve been robbed.”

Here is a key point about keeping class warfare on the forefront in order to advance the cause.

This new effort by Van Jones is something else entirely. It’s supported by those who, like AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka, know they have a vested interest in keeping government big and are trying to convince the rest of us that we do, too. This “American Dream Movement” is about fostering jealously and class warfare to justify expansive social programs and bigger government in order to, as President Obama explained, “fundamentally [transform] the United States of America.”

Enter the poor and underprivileged inner city Flash Mob crooks armed with smart phones. They must be hungry because they stole some sandwiches. They got plenty of high end merchandise as well. Just a little bling that they deserve and worked so hard to get. In Chicago they specifically target Michigan Ave. of all places. A high end and prominent shopping district. They keep hitting and the shoppers will disappear and head for the burbs. The stores on Michigan Ave. board up and it slowly begins to collapse like a row of dominoes. My sister in law has lived in downtown Chicago for years and now feels unsafe and uncertain for the first time in 6 years. She wants to move and she is not alone. Mission accomplished Van Jones!!!

What has made The Tea Party so effective is precisely the inverse of what makes Jones’ efforts ring so hollow: The movement grew organically and had no real preconception of itself. The Tea Party built its character; it didn’t contrive it. In the upcoming elections, Tea Partiers should take care to retain that quality of thoughtful consideration of the situation at hand and an issue-by-issue, common sense approach to solutions. The truth — not ideology — will out.

Core values, commitment, quality and sincerity will prevail over dimwitted progressive jargon and catch phrases any day. Why is the progressive left so afraid of the innocent and sincere little Tea Party??? What extremes are they willing to go to in order to topple it?? Just like the multimillion dollar campaign to silence Glen Beck and Fox News. Hmmmm... Where's the truth really coming from

edit on 28-6-2011 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-6-2011 by jibeho because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:30 AM
reply to post by jibeho

So what?

The Tea party is a bunch of crap anyways. At one time they were a legitimate small sector of people that were against taxes (amongst some other crap)

All of a sudden this fuddy duddy party became (supposedly) a force to be reckoned with due to fake support (Fox News)

Also, Van Jones? bah who cares. Not like they're going to do anything substantial anyways.
edit on 28-6-2011 by mudbeed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 08:31 AM
Oh, where to begin......

First of all, I don't agree with Jones or Obama's tactics at times, but sadly they made some good points on this. Traditionally the middle class where largly unionized labor and that group built America to what it is today.

We are being shammed by the corporate interests that get more money in government handouts than a welfare mama with 6 babies and food stamps.

In my opinion, this BLOG that you source and the comments you made to go with it are no better than that you accuse Jones of. It's riddled with propagnada buzz words and party mantra from start to finish. You did quite well in following it's lead. Let's take a look at the propaganda you used here:
progressive radicals are behind the recent Flash Mob criminal activity
bring about widespread chaos
ensure a steady supply of overpaid govt. workers to contribute to the union cause
Why is the progressive left so afraid of the innocent and sincere little Tea Party??? What extremes are they willing to go to in order to topple it?? Just like the multimillion dollar campaign to silence Glen Beck and Fox News. Hmmmm... Where's the truth really coming from

One paragraph you claim Jones is trying to play class warfare, but the next paragraph you talk about sandwich eating poor people scaring the rich folk out to the burbs!

"Unions are bad, welfare is bad, poor people are bad, taxes are socialism, personal responsability, liberals are terrorists....and God only loves the TEA PARTY and FOXNEWS! RAAAA!!"

Sound familier? Yep, because we have all heard it before. All due respect, but you have managed to provide us with a thread that includes almost every single NeoCon buzzword we can think of. Propaganda my friend, with no shortage of arrogance and intelligence-insulting baffoonery!

Where's the truth really coming from

I don't know, but now we all know where it's NOT coming from!

edit on 28-6-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: content

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:13 AM
reply to post by sheepslayer247

My sandwich eating comment refers directly to the statements being used to defend the flash mobs. All the while the mobs are also assaulting high end shops on Michigan ave. They nabbed sandwiches during the lunch hour mob rush not because of need but because of simple WANT!

You call it propaganda I call it substance with an actual spine. The progressive movement continues to morph itself into whatever they need it to be. There is no core focus or core set of values. They are hell bent on dividing this nation by using unrest as a platform. They need enemies to stay viable. Hence, those evil big companies and banksters that Jones need to fund the progressive fantasies. Boo Hoo

Without them who is actually paying the taxes that the progressives want?? Please answer that simple question. How many in this nation actually have zero tax liability?? You hit the corps. and banksters long enough with hate filled rhetoric and taxes and they will set up shop somewhere else and move their bank accounts too. No more money for your social engineering projects and entitlement programs.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 10:38 AM

There is no core focus or core set of values. They are hell bent on dividing this nation by using unrest as a platform.

I don't fall on either side of the political paradigm, but it's comments like these that force me to defend the Left.

Wasn't it Romney that passed a "socialist" healthcare plan in Mass...that mirrored Obamacare? But now they are backtracking and setting the stage for him to be against Obamacare. In fact, Romneycare and the majority of Obamacare was copied from a plan written by the Heritage Foundation, but now are against it? Where are the core values in that?

Isn't it the Right that claims to uphold the constitution as supreme law of the land....but then they pass the Patriot act that takes away our rights that are granted by that very constitution? Where are the core values in that?

I don't think that you can sit here and claim that the Right has any claim to being better than the left when it comes to "values". That's laughable!
They claim to have values but they change them when the situation fits. Simply hilarious!

Without them who is actually paying the taxes that the progressives want?? Please answer that simple question. How many in this nation actually have zero tax liability??

I don't know. Can we include the corporations in that?
GE Paid NADA in Taxes

It's funny that you complain about the "entitlement" programs when the corporate tax code and bailouts have become the largest entitlement program in the history of mankind! We are talking about big, big money here. Not just some cash to help buy food or pay rent for some poor people, we are talking billions to a select few rich people!

Here in Iowa they are taking away the WIC (women, infants and children) program to help pay for corporate tax deductions!

Yes, you are spitting out propaganda that insults the intelligence of any half-brained nitwit like myself. Liberal this, and progressive that....that's social engineering for ya.

Ever read the book 1984? In one part of the book there is a man who spits out "party" banter without a thought to its validity or truth. I believe they called it "quacking". You my friend epitomize what it means to "quack" for the party.


Welcome to the 1984 fascist state! Thanks buddy!
edit on 28-6-2011 by sheepslayer247 because: (no reason given)

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