There are so many contridictions in the Bible it is laughable:
God tells Abraham to sacrifice his son, then the Lord(are these 2 different entities btw?) say, "yo-yo-yo Abraham, stay thy hand my brotha for I was
just foolin you, you don't need to kill your son for me!" It's like he has a comedic sense of humor, watch some guy go through tons of anguish just to
stop him short, lol. this the god who one of his commandments says very clearly,"Thou shal not kill!"
God seems to speak alot in third person or to himself on many occassions also. He says things like "Let us", "Our...own image", etc... frequently. I
think this is how Seinfeld came up with the Jimmy character for his sitcom.
Again, if god is the one and truely ominpotent god who created everything then why does his first commandment state:
Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other god before me."
Seriously, with all the genocide, murder, slavery, contridictions, wouldn't you think there would be a better god around now that god himself states
he is not alone?
And don't give me that he was talking to "The Holy Spirit and/or Jesus".
There are just too many contridictions in The Book God's Own Words for it to be nothing but embelished tales.
People need to stop accepting the crap that is crammed into their heads as children, leaving them little chance to make proper decisions between what
is real and fantasy. Santa is real, ohh wait you are now 12, Santa is fake, so is the Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy,etc...
I give my children free angency to decide what they want to believe, I give them all options. My wife is Mormon, I am a proud Atheist, but my kids
will make their choices on what/if any religion they decide to follow. We do not push them through church doctrines, we let them be children and tell
them when they want to make a choice that is on them. We have Bibles/Book of Mormon/Taoist/Buhdist books lying around the house.
The choice is theirs. They do not need to be brainwashed before they have a chance to actually be children.
PS: In my opion the Judeo-Christian God is more like Loki from Norse Mythology then someone who is omnipotent,loving,caring,merciful.
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5-7-2011 by NonC0nf0rmist because: (no reason given)