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Cops arrest defense attorney trying to advise his arrested client

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:04 PM
Seriously? Now you gonna arrest DEFENSE ATTORNEYS doing their jobs? What the hell is wrong with you?

Criminal defense attorney arrested while trying to advise client who had been arrested, he claims

A veteran Brooklyn criminal defense lawyer has found himself on the wrong side of the law - and he says it's because he defended a client too well.

Kenneth Perry, who has been representing felons of all stripes for more than two decades, was arrested June 16 in a Family Court waiting room after trying to advise a client who was being arrested of his constitutional rights.

Perry, 61, claims an NYPD detective from the 84th Precinct flipped out because he was trying to stop police from questioning the client.

According to the criminal complaint, Perry was standing between his client - who was being arrested for violating a girlfriend's order of protection - and the detectives when he was ordered to move aside. He refused and pushed the detective, the complaint states.

Perry said he never pushed the detective and insists that the courthouse surveillance tape is going to prove him right.

"I'm looking forward to vindicating myself before a jury as I didn't do anything criminal," Perry told the Daily News.

Another cop who thinks he's a god and nobody should tell him to follow rules... because cops don't have to obey laws, THEY are the law! Or so they think.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:10 PM
i would really like that court tape to be released so i could take a look at it. i wonder if it would allowed to be used as evidense

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:10 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Instead of automatically taking the attorneys side of the story lets wait til the videotape evidence he says exist shows what really happened.

What better way to save your client from going to jail then say his constitutional rights have been violated and saying you got arrested trying to protect your clients rights?

I'm going to wait til the evidence proves the right and wrong in this case. I'm betting that there was never any video and the attorney will say that the cops got rid of it.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:19 PM
Whether or not this attorney is innocent remains to be seen, I guess. Still, it seems we have an increasingly militant police force in this country that are gradually turning into Judge Dredd's.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:34 PM
reply to post by Becoming

Instead of automatically taking the attorneys side of the story lets wait til the videotape evidence he says exist shows what really happened.

Sorry but the guy has been attorney for decades, he's old, he wouldn't waste his time on this if it wasn't true.

Not to mention, most of the time, cops lie. So sorry if I believe the attorney.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:34 PM
I will never ever ever believe anything a liar oops I mean lawyer says.

I've had the displeasure of dealing with a few in my life. One straight up told me "my job is to lie for you since you can't lie for yourself" ya after that comment I knew that the justice system had some flaws here

edit on 27-6-2011 by JustBreathe11 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:35 PM
Oh come on, we all know that the videotape is going to disappear before it can be used to vindicate the attorney. I just do not see a seasoned attorney who is 61 years old making the mistake of shoving a police officer, even if the officer deserved it. It just doesn't make sense, which leads me to believe that this cop is a piece of you know what. He probably didn't like the lawyer, who was right in telling them they couldn't question his client, telling him what to do, so he then fabricates a story claiming he was pushed, therefore he arrested the lawyer.

What I believe, which may change in lieu of more evidence, is that the cop wanted to show the attorney who was the boss and in charge. Why else would he lie? What I mean is, if he had a legitimate reason for arresting the lawyer, why say he was pushed? I am almost certain that he wasn't pushed, and I am basing all of my claims on that possibly unstable piece of information, but again, I don't think the lawyer would have made that mistake.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:58 PM
If it's a courthouse camera would the police have the access to it to make it disappear? Would they have to obtain a warrant to get the tape? If the recording does come up missing that would tell me the lawyer is telling the truth. This one is an iffy one for me. I don't trust lawyers anymore than cops. Both will lie out their asses to achieve the win in court.

What the hell is going on with New York cops?

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