posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 07:12 AM
His fighting techniques JKD are a mix of all the effective moves in martial arts. JKD is not a martial art .. It's an idea. It is to adapt your own
style of fighting, and that's why he was fed up with the traditional way of fighting. That is why he says "Be water.." ...He means you should be
free in your type of art. Do whatever YOU want, that best fits you.
Like myself, I do "Jujutsu".. I've learned to adapt my own fighting techniques rather then to use 'Jujutsu's', I find it when they tell me to do
it their way, it works, but it doesn't work to the best of my ability, so I do my own technique and it works, I've branched off from their work and
created my own. That is why when you're out in the streets, you shouldn't rely upon your "Martial Art" techniques to back you up, half the time,
they will fail.. (Well, depends how much experience you have) That's why you need to adopt your own free art, and be water.