Originally posted by OtherSideOfTheCoin
reply to post by Atlantien
It’s not that farfetched it’s based on actual historical facts. For example we know that the Nazi’s were conducting human experiments and had
the so called “foo fighters” it’s not hard to believe that the Russians got this technology and sought to use it to crate mass panic in America.
Its just as believable as the green men from outer space theory.
Yes the Nazis were conducting human experiments, it's one of the reasons why we can fly round the world so cheaply these days cos they did rake loads
of tests on decompression using humans, that otherwise would have taken years. However, Nazi science was fatally flawed and handicapped by political
dogma. Had the leading lights in nuclear theory not had so many Jewish contributors the Nazis would have developed the bomb. As it was, they never
got past low grade *dirty bombs* containing normal explosives designed to spread radioactive dust over a large area of population.
The Nazis didn't have some Island of Doctor Moreau going somewhere and e anyone who tells you otherwise is a flat out liar. in fact, paradoxical as it
might seem Hitler banned the use of chemical weapons and the use of outright suicide missions by Luftwaffe pilots. The Japanese were different, they
did conduct some pretty sicko experiments in Manchuria and several of those scientists found their way to the west NOT the Russkis post the war's
The statement that "The Germanic had foo fighters", is total and utter balderdash based wholly on purely speculative and fictional bilge dreamed up by
authors seeking to find a new angle on the UFO mystery and nothing more. The foo fighters befuddled the Germans as much as anyone else. In fact none
of the propents of the Nazi foo fighter have ever answered the basic questions asked of them.
1 If they were Nazi in origin..Why are 90% of the photographs taken showing them buzzing Japanese aircraft, often 100 s of miles from land in the
Pacific Ocean.?
2 Why do proponents of the Nazis foo fighter theory constantly use photos from the Pacific and give the impression they were taken in Europe?
3 Why do people still point to a picture of the remains of a water tower , that served a nearby power station in Bohemia and claim that was where they
were tested when, there is a water tower not 50 miles away that sues exactly the same architectural design and is still in use?
4 Why is that, the main man many of the Nazi foo fighter proponents put forward, wasn't taken under operation paper clip,, rather captured by the
Brits in Norway in 1945, given to the Polish and executed in 1947.
5 Why is that, when there is perfectly good documentary available made in the Czech republic, that explains the whole thing about Nazi "Flying Saucer"
and who built them and why they were actually a waste of time. do people still insist on making stuff up?
6 Why is that, objects identical foo fighters were described by pilots before the Nazi party was even formed?
Sadly, the answer you will most likely find is a simple one...moolah, greenbacks, cash, filthy lucre. Plus it provides a neat side step to deflect
people from carrying on and delving into the true history of these objects. Personally, I am sick and tired of every two bit writer jumping on the
UFO bandwagon with zero feel for the subject and even less background knowledge of it. it's bad enough having people trying to claim they are the
chuffin' conduit we have to adhere to "to know the truth" without having to wade through the total piffle a bunch of johnny come latelys insist on
foisting on us, that has no historical basis whatsoever and conveniently, has been printed since the vast majority of the people who could and
probably would have said..."It's utter bollox".. have died?
The Axis Powers and now Russia under Stalin have become a playground and open book for everyone and their dog to postulate about cos "They were the
baddies" and there's no-one left to cry foul over the speculation.
Anyone who wants to go toe to toe about the Nazis, Vrill and the dark arts of the SS's higher echelons fine, lets do it. However, trying to link them
to the Foo Fighter and UFO phenomenon is just utter poppycock. Funnily enough Hell Boy is actually fiction as was the Red Skull, they didn't actually
exist you know and Professor Xavier and Captain America aren't real either
edit on 28-6-2011 by FireMoon because: spelling