posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 01:37 AM
Originally posted by Deaf Alien
reply to post by Xtraeme
Perhaps too late. CLPrime provided a string theory test and the OP only ridiculed it after few posts then disappeared. Could be because he went to bed
or too sick from the flu? We'll wait and see.
He was having issues because you can't really google picture text...
Pity really...he seemed like a fairly nice chap...but what got me from neutral and welcoming to total skeptic was how he answered my initial
it was a frivilous question really...just something to get a bit of thought going...I suspected he would give the standard scientific mind answer, but
instead, he gave a personal belief matter of factly
The question:
What is a soul made up of?
(there was a follow up question, but that wasn't the point)
The answer:
Nothing, souls do not exist.
aka, he catagorically stated, as if it was a matter of solved science, that something supernatural did not exist...not a "I don't believe in souls"
or "there is no evidence for such a thing", etc...but rather a positive statement.
He didn't see a problem in that...even after I tried to point it out in a friendly manner...
I guess he also would state, matter of factly, there is no god...(actually, I think he may have).
This is either no scientist, or he is a scientist unlike any scientist we have ever known on planet earth...he literally does have -all- the answers
(and no references sadly)