I often notice that most predictions seem so gloomy, so end-of-the-worldish. And when people are interpreting famous precogs or famous prophets (like
Nostradamus) that they tend to see something terrible in it even if it's something good in a prediction.
My favorite that I like to point out is Nostradamus' Century III, Quatrain 18.
from the 1555 Lyon Bonhomme edition (1st print)
Apres la pluie laict assés longuete,
En plusieurs lieux de Reims le ciel touché
Helas quel meurtre de seng pres d'eux s'apreste,
Peres & filz rois n'oseront aprocher.
My translation from Old French to English
After the rain milk longed for,
In places several of Reims the sky touched
Alas the death of blood nearby is prepared,
Fathers & sons kings will not dare (or cease) to approach.
Most people translating try to interpret line 3 as "bloody murder" prepared nearby, but it doesn't really say that. It does say "death of blood".
So in the eyes of the beholder-- many pessimists see this as something bad-- something terrible. Some interpreting might claim it's a prediction
about someone being murdered. Others might claim that it's a prediction about acid rain in Reims, France. So much negativity.
But...the prediction is a good prediction. It is a prediction about PEACE. Nostradamus was a poet and poets use metaphors. When it's raining
"blood" -- that in metaphor means it's raining "war". When it's raining "milk & honey" -- that in metaphor means "peace & prosperity." So to
make a statement that it's "raining milk" means PEACE. A prediction about PEACE IN REIMS. To say "the death of blood" - in metaphor means the END
OF WAR. And to say, that fathers & sons kings not dare, or cease to approach, means in metaphor that the armies & generals stop approaching.
Was there ever PEACE IN REIMS? Yes. That's where the Allied Powers (England, the U.S. & Russia) met with Germany to sign the treaty ending WWII. And
historically, there's not much else that has happened in Reims, France. It's champagne country, why it was the location chosen to end WWII.
So Nostradamus got it right. He saw in the 1500s that there would be some major war in Europe, but the war would end and PEACE "raining milk" would
happen in Reims, France. And it did in 1945.
How can so many people claiming to interpret Nostradamus read the very same quatrain and see such terrible things like "acid rain" or "bloody
murders" when reading about a beautiful metaphor predicting peace? It's in the eye-of-the-beholder. Some people see the end-of-the-world in
everything, even when someone is making a good prediction for the future.
So I like to think that I'm sometimes a bit of a precog myself. I predict that humanity will still be around 50,000 years from now into the next Ice
Age. Some of us will be living in space when the northern hemisphere is covered by glaciers again and some of us will still be living on the planet in
50,000 years.
And that's what I see.