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Here is why the government fears the ``lone wolf`` type

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:28 PM
We always say that someone who has nothing to lose is TRULY FREE. Lone wolves are truly free, they have ``nothing to lose``. They have no family, no friends...and if they go all the way, they don't give a damn about their job/house/car/money.

They are not slaves to the system.

A lot of people will be willing to put their house/job/money on the line for their convictions. But when you go in the big leagues, if they cannot get to you, the terrorists in the government will go after your family/friends to get to you. And that will break 99.9% of people.

That's how they did it in the Soviet Union. A lot of people would not talk, even after being held and tortured for months. But they would bring in their family members, and they would sign anything almost instantly.

``Sign this confession or your sister with her children will end up in the street``... most people would sign the confessions...if you don't you are not human... Husbands and wives would sign accusations against each other to keep one off the streets to keep the kids with a roof over their heads.

That's why they fear lone wolves. They cannot pressure them using any angle.

They fear lone wolves because they fear truly free men.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:41 PM

This opening post is one of the best summaries of the message of all modern Media and News I have ever seen.

Being human alone isn't enough,
and unless someone can come down off the mountain
with their own pack of animals the system will just wait them out.

Remember Darwin never said anyone had to die for survival of the fittests to work.
Just that the most fit reproduce.
The entire system seems to be designed to reduce the attractiveness of the lone wolf
and the old saying "it's who you know" rules the day.

David Grouchy

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:49 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Yeh but your forgot the next chapter.


These people don't fear anyone. Especially people with nothing to lose.
Less people to ask questions

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:54 PM
I don't disagree with you as long as the lone wolf type don't inflict pain or suffering on anyone else with their sense of freedom. No matter what, we all live on the same globe and we all affect each other. Benevolent lone wolfs are ok, malevolent are not. All people must understand to see their actions from all perspectives and the consequences of such actions in the short term and long term.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:01 PM
The following quote directly applies to this type of person. "I do not fear the man that is looking to obtain a dozen nuclear weapons, the man that I truly fear is a man that is looking for only one" A man that truly has nothing to lose would not be in a situation where capture would be an option I am afraid. They would look to do the most damage possible in the shortest amount of time with maximum possibility of success. Then escape would become an after thought, but in most cases they would come to terms with their maker ahead of time. Yes I can see where this would be the most feared type of person out there for anyone in power.

ETA: Thinking on this for a second, I have to change my thought a bit. I don't think the most feared would be just any lone wolf type, but a lone wolf that had his/her entire everything taken from him/her in one way or another by the one he seeks vengeance against. That would truly be the most feared I believe. Nothing to lose + a purpose for seeking revenge =

edit on 6/25/2011 by SpaDe_ because: =/

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

i hope our Lone Wolf friends get busy because we are going down the tubes pretty quickly. i do find it puzzling that in the USA so many have firepower but so few load the chamber. its very rare that we read of someone doing some sort of shenanigans. i give huge credit to arms owners for keeping their hardware under lock and key while being taxed to death under a Banana Splits / Keystone Kops governing body. i think no thing will ever make Americans revolt and demand the clowns of DC step down from their ritual abuse.

i think deep down inside most USA citizens are good hearts who just want to get along. so the total scumbags in charge will remain in power regardless of what they choose to do or neglect. i feel bad for the people who suffer because we allow our corporation government to exploit other lands and wage war for profit. by remaining silent and doing nothing we citizens enable it all to take place. we let our Hitlers and Stalins etcetera do terrible things, we have for a very long time. everything has a price.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:07 PM
Lone Wolves are extra scary because they likely share their plan with NO ONE that could rat them out.

They also hold the destructive power of an army, striking any mark at any time in any circumstance to nearly any degree in any place at any time.

No matter what, actions would appear as random to the mark(s).

There is no definitive profile, nothing to predict and no way to track per se. Just a scorned soul looking for revenge.

There's probably a hundred determined wolves for every elite. When? Where? How? Which One?
Only the wolf knows and THAT is what scares them.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:11 PM
For one thing a lone wolf wouldn't have a cia or brit or russian or Israeli
double nought spy above him giving him orders to go commit a false flag
while thinking it is "Viva la revolucion!"

So the lone wolf is not under control of the hegellian dialectic...per se

on the other hand a lone wolf may be brainwashed like in the movie "Telephon"
and not even know it.

In the old westerns a lone wolf was the typical wandering good guy..
but these days he could just as well be the wandering serial killer too

As a gorilla fighter "behind enemy lines" as it were though,
or as a spy in the ointment
they can sure be effective at times...

especially as POTUS

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:14 PM
I agree with: "Lone wolves are truly free, they have ``nothing to lose``"...

But also consider that we live in a very sophisticated society, and TPTB have used the "lone wolf " theory to their advantage time and time is called psyop...

It is always a "lone nutter" when it comes to assassinations,... how convenient... Oswald, Ruby, Sirhan Sirhan,

They always tend to be lone assassins that have "no connection" to anyone else,... how convenient,... think about it... the more you look into it, the more absurd the notion that "lone nutters" shape the destiny of world events...

Do you honestly believe that single, un-associated individuals make it thru the maze of security time and time again? there is DEFINITELY more people involved....

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:19 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

``Sign this confession or your sister with her children will end up in the street``... most people would sign the confessions...if you don't you are not human...

I'd like to argue this point. You say that a lone wolf is truly free, so by not signing and having their sister live on the street, it is actually strengthening her character through hardship.

If a man is impervious to torture, shouldn't he also want his wife and kids to be the same? In this way you don't need a lone wolf, you need a PACK of wolves. That way, if they try to go after the family member, they now have the family member revolting with unstoppable courage.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:35 PM
I’d like to clone Theodore Kaczynski. Produce a legion of super-intelligent lone wolves. As a form of indoctrination, encourage them to watch “Loose Change.” Then once they're all foaming at the mouth, provide each with a one-way ticket to Washington D.C.

Question : What do you call a government that lies, cheats, steals from, and murders its own citizens?
Answer : United States of Federal Government hijacked by the Israeli Government

edit on 25-6-2011 by seasoul because: TPTB's days are numbered ...

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Vitchilo

That's why they fear lone wolves. They cannot pressure them using any angle.

They fear lone wolves because they fear truly free men.

If it wasn't for his brother turning him in they would have never caught him. He was completely "off the grid".

He was just too smart for his own good. If he had been drinking Fluoridated water he might have been the smartest engineer in the world...too smart for his own good.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Funny thing about fear among the government, and those that are governed.

Believe it or not, the government DOES fear the people. Not currently, mind you. But they fear an uprising. And why not? How long would soldier kills their friends before something snapped?

But the funny part is, The People fear the government. Of course, it should not be that way. But such is life in a nation of cowards, willing to pick over the scraps of freedom from our masters discarded rubbish.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by LargeFries
reply to post by Vitchilo

i hope our Lone Wolf friends get busy because we are going down the tubes pretty quickly.

What do you mean "get busy"? What do you expect them to do? I wouldn't think there is any kind of organization among them. I don't see where there would be any "plan". I would think you might be expecting some action that is just not there.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 08:56 PM
reply to post by filosophia

I'd like to argue this point. You say that a lone wolf is truly free, so by not signing and having their sister live on the street, it is actually strengthening her character through hardship.

Right. Except in Soviet Russia, helping people who were thrown out in the street by the government was a crime. A good parent/human would never let their children go in the streets if they had the power not to.

If a man is impervious to torture, shouldn't he also want his wife and kids to be the same? In this way you don't need a lone wolf, you need a PACK of wolves.

I totally understand that feeling, but fact is, most people are not willing to put EVERYTHING on the line for their convictions. Most people are cowards.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Vitchilo

Let us pray that we have 2 billion lone wolves to tilt the balance of all of the world's military, government and technology.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:46 AM
A lone wolf? Wolves that don't have a "pack" to be a part of usually don't survive long, how could they? they're brains are wired to be part of a pack. But an "individual" who has convinced themselves that they can, in fact, produce some sort of change in society by either thought, word or deed is another matter entirely. These are the individuals who not just the PTB fear, but they are almost always feared or loathed by society in general. And just by a turn of fate, they may end up with a name like Ghandi. Or Hitler. And thery are with us in every generation. And we have to be able to recognize wihcih is which !

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:08 AM
a lone wolf is a lone wolf. the lone wolf has turned his back on his pack. the lone wolf does not want to be found, he wants to be left alone.

i think you mix up the lone wolf with the lone activist, the lone hero, the super guerrilla fighter. yes, they are dangerous. and yes, wish we had a hundred of them to each elite.

a lone wolf has turned its back on the government because the lone wolf knows this is the only way to survive. the government has nothing to fear from the lone wolf. a lone wolf does not risk his freedom for the stupidity of others.

edit on 26-6-2011 by bestintentions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:15 AM
Governments only need to fear a lone wolf if they cross a lone wolf.

We are lone wolves because we don't want to be bothered. We are not a threat to anyone.

So it makes you wonder - why are they fearing lone wolves unless they know they are messing with them?
edit on 26-6-2011 by Cryptonomicon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:49 AM
"He kill them with they love. That's how it is every day. All over the world."

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