posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:25 PM
I am special, everyone should think that they are special, but I am interested to see if what makes me special has any resonance with others who are
perhaps experiencing the same events as I am.
I have experieced the Sun blinking, in the middle of the day, with my wife who confirmed the experience, sudden blackness for a split second, no
sound, just sunlight,blackness, and then back to bright sunlight. It's what brought me to this site as I discovered others had experienced the same
and posted of their experiences.
I see numbers, 11:11, 333, 111, 444 etc a lot of the time, having research that phenomenon, I find lots of other people expereincing the same. My
experiences only started this year.
I have a high IQ, 153, and am a member of Mensa.
I experience prophectic dreams relating to my life which have proved over the years to be very accurate.
I have a recurring cycle of headaches that have been diagnosed as Trigeminal Neuralgia, yet don't fit the description of such. These headaches are
like a spasm of the bloodvessels feeding my brain, leading to oxygen starvation and intense pain. The cycles are getting closer together, more painful
and longer lasting. In between the cycles I am perfectly fine.
I have an extra piece of bone on my ribs and according to xrays an unusual internal configuration in the bladder area.
The question other people who experience 11:11, 10:10, prophetic dreams etc. have anything in common with me? Do we all have high IQ's or
is it completely random, are people getting headaches like mine? Is their a plan behind all this?
As you can tell I'm looking for answers.