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Confederate Flag License Plate Sparks Debate

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posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:35 AM
The funding of this plate is a little misrepresented in the media pieces as well. It's not like they take tax money from the citizens here and hand out these plates to anyone that wants one. You have to pay EXTRA for commemorative plates. The people that want one will be paying for it.

I agree that this flag has nothing to do with slavery, just as the war didn't. That flag is the representation of a faction that occurred in our history. To ignore this flag is to ignore our history.

Why would it get people upset? Well (in my opinion) I think it's because things like that flag and slavery and that war are anchor-points to some groups of people. Without those anchors, they would be lost and not have the identity they have today. The same with the concentration-camps in WW2 Europe. If you remove those mentions or downplay those events, certain groups lose their identity (topic for an entirely different thread).

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 08:52 AM
The problem here is more PC racism against whites, and the government pandering to anti-white racists.
Why a black klan like the Naacp would even be considered to have any valid opinion, just shows the bias in this nation against whites. Why don't they ask a KKK spokesman? Cuz honky don't count.
Sure, those of us who studied it, knows the Confederate flag is not about racism, or slavery, BUT, this flag has been used by the black and brown racists, and the liberal socialist anti-whites(even those that are white) as a symbol of whiteness, SO, they want it supressed and banned, because it's an unspoken crime to be white in the USA. I hate to say this, as I am against racism, but the anti-white bands of racists are so large, and beating down society and the government panderers, it makes me wish the white racist movement was equal in size and influence. Actually, i wish they'd both disappear, but when the black klan numbers in the millions, and the fed bows down to kiss their feet.... it's not a good time to be honky in the USA.

C'mon Anunnaki!

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