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Who has added "primative" weapons to the SHTF arsenal?

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by deanGI5
before SHTF or the day of SHTF, they will be coming for your guns, if you can not produce them or show proof of sale to some one else then you are going to jail er FEMA camp, the plan is in the woks UN and HRC with the aid of Obama will make it law that we the will be unarmed to have have clip type weapons or ones that hold more than 3 shots so i will have my bolt action30-06, single shout 12 ga, and my black powder rifle and pistol yes cap and ball, so i will still have long range when most of you will be locked up or using sticks and stone or long knives. I have stone age as well, long bow and arrows, long knives, and swords long knives 12 in or longer. Had the chainmail got to heavy thinking about making it again not that hard just link to link to link over and over and over again.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:09 AM
reply to post by Homedawg
why not make your own forging is fun the heat, the crisp sound of steel on red hot steel the sound of the steam of the hot steel as it is tempered the hours of honing, when your done the pleasure of cutting down that tree that was in your way, shaving, skinning your elk, or deer with it,and still cut raw hide before it needs sharping. The only draw back is it does take one week to one year to make it depending what your making, the plus of it 1/3 the price and you made it. I want my forge back!

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 11:17 AM
I would take my sling, i am training it for awhile now, and i am getting better, but its really hard!
and for close i would take a spear,
so it would be a sling in my pouch with a few good shaped stones and a spear in my right hand.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
reply to post by Homedawg

I think you have made a wise decision, in a SHTF scenario the following may come into play.....
1. Mass production of metal will cease resulting in huge price increases for the most basic items if you can obtain them at all. Existing metal objects that are not protected or cared for will rust and become useless.
2. Many people are either afraid of firearms or morally opposed to them, they would certainly offer something in trade for a hunting or defensive tool.
3. Firearms have a shelf life, ammunition has an even shorter shelf life. Without spare parts, gun smiths and presses your gun collection becomes a set of poorly balanced clubs.
4. Most primitive weapons work well when they are wet, most firearms do not.

my research suggests ammo lasts 20 years + when properly stored

well-tended guns also last for decades. many WWII firearms still in use. spare parts of course are a problem.

I'd worry about attracting unwanted attention by firing a weapon. bow and arrow are silent and if needed you can make your own arrows and bowstring (and your own bow for that matter)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:15 PM

Originally posted by ProphecyPhD
I have a sock filled with batteries and a slingshot. I also have a 6foot deep pit filled with sharpened sticks and covered with leaves (but i won't tell you where!!).

You might find a section of bicycle innertube to be better than a sock as a battery holder for this type of task.

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by Homedawg

Yup, I've got a number of swords, knives, catapults with spare bands, a self bow and this summer I'm gona make an atlatl, I've also got some pine sap and flint so I'm gona practice my paleo skills and try to make some spears to go with the atlatl.

here's a great site for paleo stuff

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 01:41 PM
You guys call that primitive, you guys are weak man, check this out.

I got toe nail clippings and chewing gum, that's right baby anybody wants to come near me and they get a toe nail death star in their eye, that's how I roll

On a serious note I think long range and short range weapons need to be covered
edit on 30-6-2011 by TheNewKid because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 02:01 PM
got a replica ww1 trench knife and knuckle duster,ice pick,either a hay hook or a meat hook(came with the house) chinese hook sword assortment of knifes machettes axes and gardening tools but there just back ups if the guns and the dog fails

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 02:23 PM
Anyone who has guns and doesnt keep a notebook showing that they sold every gun to somebody at a gun sow is a fool.....every gun you buy,you write down a week later that you sold it to someone,make up a first arent even required to do that....if you dont,its your butt....think outside the box....I own one .22 revolver...they can take that...thats all I have..>I sold the rest for food money

posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 03:41 PM
I have a variety of weaponry. A compound bow, crossbow, british longbow, 3 swords, all kinds of knives, a baseball bat i made which is more of a huge club, 8 or so firearms, and a battle axe.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:50 AM
reply to post by Hellforge
ok now lets see you run with all that 20 miles you may jog if wish, just like to see a video of it or any one with all that strapped to them run. In a real life sit rifle, w/5 mags ,pistols w/2 mags, canteen, and knife. The day pack 3 strap drop pack,( this is good if you need to run for cover) 3 tins of tuna 1 box of saltines 3 energy bars i small jar pbj mixed saves time in spreading, road mix /trail mix same just one has more nuts and m&m's p38 can opener, (first aid kit, less than 20 pc,) one survival knife with in handle kit, you should know the kind, and multitool leather man sog Gerber, win, sw, or rem... you get the idea one that best suits you i have 4 but that is just me each one has its own use. Now for the field pack, full size back pack, sleeping bag, 2 extra pairs of boots/ glove's, air mat, cook stove, 2 bottles of propane, (mess kit fry pan 2 qt pan coffee pot 4 cup one tin cup), 200 ft of rope 2 50' 1 100' any type you want as long as it will hold you and your gear and one mag light w/ 12 pk glow sticks. Going at primitive well ok, just remember keep it lite.
Now you can ditch all that by going old school that is pre 1860, cap and ball 50 cal 100 rbs 100 caps 100 patches, strike tin flint /steel char cloth 50 cal rb mold 1lb lead 1 lb of black powder that is in one bag the other bag has in it one knife and one pan that holds 4 cups, one extra shirt and pants, leather for repair of bag/ mocks, one candle, 1 lb of beef jerky, hard tack candy, hard roll/ french bread, beef bullion cubes, one tin cup 1 wool blanket. Look at it this way if it good enough for the founding fathers it is good enough for me , it could be like then flit lock rifles.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by bekod

Your solution,for war,is great...for "surviving" you need protecion form the elements,possibly severe,for days or weeks, resuplies,no safe terrprioty...and many of the "founding fathers" didnt make it on that sort of suppply situation

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by bekod

Me run with all my weaponary haha! Now that my friend would b the day. If the SHTF the only things id be taking out of that list is the kbar knife, sks, and possibly the compound bow. Its an alpine mini.. small and light weight. I'd add emergency blankets, replace the real food with mre's and lug round more ammo.. always paranoid bout the ammo situation. But hey to each his own.. I dont really plan on moving from place to place, find a good area and set up camp. Go out and find suppliess when needed.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 01:40 AM
reply to post by Homedawg

I would like to think that everyone could at least agree that no matter what kind of SHTF thing you were or are in, that haveing a good weapon that requires no ammo is just plane smart. Haveing a weapon that you can keep hunting or killing with as long as you have arms to swing or throw it with is just a natural order of things, not to mention if you had to hunt or kill quietly. I dig Cold Steel as well and have the indian war club & the gunstock war club (useing both at the same time makes for a great florintine style.) the irish blackthorn walking stick, a sjambok, a koga, and the discontenued warhead blade (really great knife by the way. it was so sharp out of the box that i could shave arm hair with no effort.) i also own a chinese dado sword and a Glock 21 (45. ACP) + a Mossberg 12 gage that takes a few sizes of shell's, as well as a few other good quality knives (over 6 inch's in length.) Oh' and my trusty oak bo-staff.

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:04 AM
reply to post by bekod

i would agree, most all the weapons one would have available would more than likely not be going on the road with you. hell i have chain mail (30 pounds! without the hood!) and i shure as hell would not carry that weight with or on me! the basic 3 or 5 day bag can run on the heavy side as is but add ammo for any gun and you are literally packing on the pounds. an AK47 weighs about 10 pounds with clip, now add 5 more clips and lets say you have a pistol as well, that will add at least another 6+ pounds easy. its also a good idea to actualy train with your weapons (i do a lot of training...) and know there limits as well as your own. Any one else ever go shooting with friends and they just don't take it seriously? whats with that? it like saying to your self "i know that one day i may have to take the life of another with this gun for whatever reason and basicly i dont cair if it takes me 3 clips to hit them twice..." try to make your shots count people, when it comes time to save the life of someone you love or cair about you better be able to do it right the first time!

posted on Jul, 3 2011 @ 02:24 AM
reply to post by Homedawg
well that is different G.W had massive troops, small units of "long rifles" did just fine, hunting for deer, black bear, and squirrel, and some times, taking the"red coat"supply's.
Making temp shelter, log leantoo's, pup tent's, was easy, (yes the main force did not have time to have such things some did not even have shoes, nor wool blankets in the dead of winter) , rabbit does make so fine mocks for the winter or elk, and bear.
Bear is the best,know what your doing and the claws can make it so you do not slip on the ice. "long rifles" were the hunters of the forest , the first true sharp shooters, some could hit the "mark" up to a quarter mile away mind you this is with a flint lock rifle , yes if you at the history of the accounts on the facts,this is documented a mark is a target, 18" x 18" some are as small as 5"x5".

posted on Jul, 5 2011 @ 01:51 AM
My Composite bow and my kukri
... The only problem is i gotta learn archery

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 12:33 PM
Nobody came up with the classic yet ?

The Maglite. They even come in LED-Versions nowaday, so battery life lasts much longer.
The good thing about it; "It was dark, so i need a flashlight, no no, it's not a weapon"
Rather short range though.

Another question; these decorative Katanas (samurai swords) normally come with a stump edge.
How would you sharpen them ? Any tips?

It's also one of those things; "No, its only for decoration". When needed can be prepped.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 03:30 PM
reply to post by svetlana84
Along with my rifles, I have the bayonets to match. A bayonet for the enfield MK III (WW1) is 17" long, just one big honkin' knife!! I also have a bow with many arrows on hand..

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 01:48 PM
I have two, or maybe three really, that are a part of my Bail-Kit. The first is a Khukri, which is really more of a chopping tool than weapon (but the Ghurkas use them pretty dang well as weapons anyway). The second is an heirloom greenstone Mere (Maori war club). The third is actually just a small shovel with sharp edges around the head (the SF Shovel from cold steel actually. Tested and found to be great at what it's supposed to do.)

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