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New to ATS ... a Main Stream Media Insider!

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posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:24 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

Hello and welcome. I am so looking forward to any insights that you may have for us to better seek the truth. I imagine that you will be popular around here. See you in the forums. My dog and I both have tin foil hats - but I like your tin foil design a lot better!


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

Welcome to ATS mate! Just wanted to say I'm looking forward to your comments in the future.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Originally posted by tvtexan

It really depends. Sensationalism rules supreme! What seems the most shocking and fearful way to present a story will almost always win.

Although the behavior of the MSM, especially as validated by you, is inexcusable, I think "we the people" are partly to blame.

These guys get ratings because people watch this crap. If folks would just change the channel when they talk about Casey Anthony, or Michael Jackson, or Anna Nicole Smith for the 3rd week in a row (or better yet on the 1st night) they wouldn't keep playing it.

If we (as in the majority of us) demanded honest, fair, balanced news coverage, we would get it. (Unfortunately, biased views (political affiliation, etc) sway what we consider balanced, so it's a tricky situation)

In the meantime, there is always ATS

btw, thanks for the "insider" information ;-)

edit on 26-6-2011 by EthanT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Hello and Welcome ! I hope you enjoy ATS The news is being controled..Challenge the Church make the Bishop unhappy..Challenge the War and Get on the Dont invite list ..Control give the public the news ..just dont dig to deep..or you will be looking for another job..Enjoy ATS.Do perhaps investigate UFO coverups I would hope doing so would not damage your credibility

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by tvtexan
So you want me to post my resume or something? You want me to ensure that I don't work at Taco Bell?
When did I claim to be a high level insider that was here to guide you into the light? I get the skepticism, but seriously?

I'm not claiming to be an Illuminati or something! Ask BOONDOCK-SAINT about that one.
I'm not claiming to have all the secrets of the media universe.

It's My first Thread! Way to throw out the welcome mat!
I've seen "snip" like this from other ATS members, it's why I have been hesitant to join or even post.

I got a deal for you...SaturnFX
Send me a PM with your resume and credentials and I will do the same.
Then everyone on ATS can rest assured that YOU have vetted my candidacy for "President".

Actually, I suggested a mod gets your info and just gives a thumbs up or down as to you speaking as someone in the know.
My resume..meh...halfarsed computer dude is not overly impressive, and I have no special insight (except of course for the reptilian plan to conquor the world...but all computer geeks know that one) claimed..or insinuated anyhow, that you do have just that
which puts your words in a commanding position to alter viewpoints based simply on your word...(if they so choose). I am simply saying...lets establish what level we are talking about here...such as, an editor for a major news network would know a lot of the fix, but the guy simply setting up cameras may just be running straight on rumors like the rest of us schmuchs.

So your saying Boondock-Saint is illuminati then...(doesn't suprise me...guys a bit shifty in my book)...
Can he vouch for your credentials and general idea of how deep in the belly of the beast you are? he is a pretty stand up guy, I would accept his word that your not just some newbie seeking attention.

Glad you get the skepticism...hey, would you feel comfortable in a site that believed everything everyone said without any questioning of it? that sort of is like working for the msm if that is what your seeking

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Australiana

My dog and I both have tin foil hats - but I like your tin foil design a lot better!

I love it!
I worked for a guy from Perth during my formative years in television, he was great! Then I worked with an arse from Sydney.
Your & your dog aren't from Sydney I hope!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:15 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

I have certainly seen some very sad and disturbing things during my career, and as someone who has worked for FOX News, ABC, NBC, ESPN, and even The Weather Channel

It seems to me you have a problem with holding a job for a long time.

We will see how you contribute to this forum but I have to tell you as you probably already know,this is a difficult audience to perform in front of!,
Your honesty as to your career is a little refreshing,and you have gave me enough information to find out who you actually are ans see if you are the real deal.
You and your tinfoil Stetson will most likely fit in nicely here with all us other tinfoil hat wearing ATSers!
As my relatives in Dallas say,Howdy(said with a dip in the lip)!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:16 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

Welcome to ATS! A very enlightening post, I would definitely agree that there is a conspiracy within the media, especially FOX news, we all know FOX is one of the worst news channels to actually get all of our information from lmao.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:16 AM
Yellow Journalism

Just wanted to stop in to make a quick point. Yellow journalism has been around for a very long time. Near vs. Minnesota did a lot for the presses freedom to print/broadcast whatever they damn well please. Just so happens that this freedom has now been used by very large corporations to get what they want as well, which is everything you have.

I have always felt that if money is involved, then the situation is always completely biased. Because in order to get the money from point A to point B, something has to be done to keep the people that are paying for advertising making a profit as well. I, for one, believe it is absolutely a conspiracy, but not a bunch of Satan worshiping luciferian demi-gods, rather a product of the system. People are trapped into a system where if company a,b,c don't make a profit, then boom, that news network, radio, blog, whatever, isn't going to be around either. And tbh, we are all causing the trap by allowing our government to continue to allow economics, rather than common sense determine our actions for moving forward.

/end rant. Welcome to ATS.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:23 AM
Welcome, and glad to have you here. I have a question for you; do some of these guys believe what they are saying or are the just taking orders? For instance, people like Bill O'Reilly won't even discuss the "birther" issue, even thought there are plenty of questions to be answered and a very "secret" past of BHO. Is he bing told not to touch that issue or is he really that stupid? Same for Sean Hannity, Michael Medved and all the rest who toe the line.

If they are simply following orders, then they are betraying the trust of the American people to the degree that it could be bordering on treason. If somebody like Bill O actually had doubts regarding 9/11 but refused to talk about it, I would consider that criminal.

I guess what I'm really asking you is, do these people really believe the crap they spew or are they just following the script?

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:28 AM
reply to post by no time

I have always felt that if money is involved, then the situation is always completely biased. Because in order to get the money from point A to point B, something has to be done to keep the people that are paying for advertising making a profit as well. I, for one, believe it is absolutely a conspiracy, but not a bunch of Satan worshiping luciferian demi-gods, rather a product of the system. People are trapped into a system where if company a,b,c don't make a profit, then boom, that news network, radio, blog, whatever, isn't going to be around either. And tbh, we are all causing the trap by allowing our government to continue to allow economics, rather than common sense determine our actions for moving forward

I couldn't have put it better myself!
You are one of the few that understand what is going on!

Always Follow the Money!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:33 AM
May I be the 1st to say, not only wellcome, but thank you for joining ATS.
You have answered all questions and gave an insight into the world of the media.
As you can see there are hungry questions to be asked.
In the UK we have a handful of news channels and the BBC, to my mind, has a duty to be factual. As it is a non advertising medium, it has more minutes to fill with news. It may be coerced into what news reporting is given, but the quality is second to none.
How much should the public know, about what really is going on during a news coverage? All, half, nothing or contrived, spun with propaganda?
Ever since the 1st printing press was developed, news became sensational. It's got to pay its way.
News is a business and a commodity and we all know news sells.
It's HOW you sell it, big bucks versus truth?
Isn't ATS a news forum, with every possible human angle portrayed, whether it's factual or made up?

It's all about pulling the punters in....

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by sussy

News is a business and a commodity and we all know news sells.
It's HOW you sell it, big bucks versus truth?
Isn't ATS a news forum, with every possible human angle portrayed, whether it's factual or made up?

You are so right!
News does sell, and it is actually more profitable the further it gets from the truth!

ATS is a "news" forum, and there are many things here that are factual, semi-factual, and some that are just plain BS.
The difference is that when you read a paper, listen to the radio, or watch the tele, you are being "told" the news.
You can't respond to that news, ask it questions, or demand proof.

Hopefully you've found an outlet for your questions here on ATS, at least you can ask the questions here, you might even get a few intelligent responses!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by tim3lord
Welcome officially to ATS since you have been a lurker for a while im sure you know the score here.

excuse my skepticism but we have had a spate of con artists and hoaxers in the past week. school holidays and all that. That aside i was wondering if you could elaborate on an earlier comment regarding a south american country beinga good place to be in a SHTF scenario. seemed like a strange thing to drop a line like that and not go into detail.

yeah so same question stands

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:05 AM

Originally posted by tvtexan
I'm a long time lurker and finally joined a few months ago.

A little about me:
I have worked for the MSM for over 20 years. I have been on the scene of several noteworthy events in American history during that time: the Waco standoff, OJ Trial, Tim McVeigh trial, JonBenét Ramsey Kidnapping, Columbine Shooting, not to mention all the Superbowls, Presidential visits, and Hurricanes over the years.

I have certainly seen some very sad and disturbing things during my career, and as someone who has worked for FOX News, ABC, NBC, ESPN, and even The Weather Channel, I wanted to share just a few things that I can tell you about the MSM from an inside perspective.

I have read many threads and posts on ATS regarding the inept media outlets in the US, and have seen several accusations of cover-ups, concealment of information, and even the fabrication of information. While my position has never given me direct access to some high level executive that's given me marching orders from on high, I can tell you, with all certainly, that THERE IS A CONSPIRACY IN THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA!

We in the media are always told that "it's all about the ratings!", and although that part is true for revenue, there is something else going on behind the scenes. Every assignment editor, producer, and news director knows that any story can be bent to fit a specific viewpoint, and 99% of the viewers will blindly accept whatever they are told. It's almost a running joke. I can only attest to what I've seen first hand: stories being scrapped for no apparent reason, stories grossly distorted to convey a completely different view, and other important stories that are not even covered.

The only proof I can offer is 20 years worth of experiences, of which I hope to share with ATS members as the threads and time permit.

I look forward to discussing, sharing, and learning from you all!


P.S. - I just fashioned a tin foil hat into the shape of a cowboy hat, that way it keeps the rain off my face and neck as well! Might as well be a functional kind of crazy, right?


I apologize for quoting your entire post. It's late and I'm pretty lazy, to be honest...nice hat btw.

I guess you have yourself some liberty away from the grind, and dead-lines to meet as of late? Myself, I'm the slowest typist on the net. I spend my free time asleep at the wheel...and while sleeping I came across this fine thread. Thanks for posting, and welcome, fellow insomniac?

This here post is just dribble mixed with slurring innuendos on my part; because of the back-ground you claim to bring to the boards I will do you the justice of letting you know up-front that I have my suspicions about you. You should know that I've read other posts by you elsewhere.

I'm not going to claim that I'm on-to you because I'm not. I will be however watching what you bring to these boards. Because really, all I see is a good salesman that is selling items we already have here. I suspect you were directed here, and that you are working on a project. I like to be wrong.

I again apologize for stepping forward on what could be the wrong foot.

Take care.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:06 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

Haha... um no. My dog and I are just from lil old Adelaide down here at the south of the globe.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by ZackMorris
Ok, I'll ask. What do you think about the conspiracy that certain frequencies are used in order to have a certain effect on our minds, and thus, have some amount of "control" over our minds? Surely you've heard of the 440 vs. 432 debate? And the worlds most perfectly tuned instrument, Set to 432?

Also do you have any opinion on subliminal messages (visual). And have you noticed any consistent themes of symbolism, like so called masonic/illuminati symbolism or so called reptilian symbolism?

i know this exists, however i am not sure of the frequencies you have mentioned nor the debate, but i studied as an audio engineer for three years and i know alot about mind control in music, via lyrics, via isochronic tones and binaural beats.

i will research this 432 phenomena, but do know it does exist.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:24 AM
reply to post by tim3lord

excuse my skepticism but we have had a spate of con artists and hoaxers in the past week. school holidays and all that. That aside i was wondering if you could elaborate on an earlier comment regarding a south american country beinga good place to be in a SHTF scenario. seemed like a strange thing to drop a line like that and not go into detail.

I wasn't trying to ignore you, it's very late here, and I'm very tired.
The refrence to S. America, specifically Uruguay, comes from a very long story.
I will try to shorten it up, just so I can go to bed. If you need more, I will be back in about 8 hours or so.

Based on what I know, the S is going to hit the fan, here in the US, and all over the world. Surely anyone that has been on ATS longer than 5 minutes has seen some type of headline predicting this.

In 2006, I started having dreams about Uruguay, a country I'd never been to, a country that I could hardly pick-out on a map. Since then, many things have happened in my personal life that have directed me to that country.
I'll be more than happy to share more in about 8 hours, I just can't keep my eyes open any longer.


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 04:00 AM
"....any story can be bent to fit a specific viewpoint, and 99% of the viewers will blindly accept whatever they are told. It's almost a running joke."

You've just described ATS !!!

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 04:17 AM
reply to post by tvtexan

thanks you for the reply if you could eloborate on what the big S is thats going to hit the fan it would be much appreciated as im sure there are a million people on here who would also like to know what it is that you know.

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