reply to post by BrokenCircles
Okay dude. The short stories forum is over there -------->
This is the Gray Area. A place to share one's own personal life experiences.
The Land of Nog is a mash-up remix (in my tired brain) - a combination of the 'Land of Nod', or the dreamworld, and
Tír na nÓg [Land of the Young] - "an earthly paradise populated by supernatural
beings..." (from the Wiki)
And yes, I fully believe that the dreamworld is a fully real place, in the sense that anything within which consciousness operates is 'real'. Looks
like you need to do a little bit more research before you start dropping the condescension like it's hot.
Ammo? Threats? What are
you talking about?
I'll let you off this time, as you're probably a decent, intelligent type of person who just has no former experience of the ideas being discussed.
In which case - if that should be the case - may I direct your attention to a few threads....
The threads below will give you a feel for the noetic loveliness that is the "High Wyrd of the Multiverse, the Vision of the End-Times, Noonautical,
Fantastical Goldfisheries of Wonder'.."
Take Back the Noosphere;
Author = MisterMonculous
ATS the time is NOW! - STOP THE FEAR!!
Author = Timewalker
The above two threads are where the 'Noonaut/ Goldfish movement' started.
Words that describe the movement:
Wacky, varied, deep, thoughtful, empowering, humbling, effervescent, enlightening and 'delightfully
off-the-wall'... The threads consist metaphysical discussions, loosely revolving around a principle that states:
The PTB are seeking to entrain the collective Noetic Power of Humanity in a negative and destructive manner, leading us towards their hoped-for
Armageddon, intent on enslaving, destroying and controlling in varying degrees of intensity depending upon one's personal inclinations towards them,
the Universe and Everything.
FlyInTheOintment - today!
The threads deal with many, many ideas on how we as individuals, and as members of a loose collective we now term the 'Noonauts', can combat
(figuratively speaking) the PTB, beating them at their own game, by using the Power of our Minds, and the Will of our Spirits to create a more
positive, soul-enriching Reality -
the GOLDEN AGE, related in myths & legends, both past and future.
Well worth checking them all out.
I offer a partial summary of Noonautical Principles in the following thread:
ATS - firmly wired into the Matrix; the Enemy of your soul;
Author = FlyInTheOintment
The thread linked above started out in a somewhat negative tone, concentrating on the actions of the 'Enemy' in this old World - which Carlos
Castenada referenced, when he wrote:
Human beings are on a journey of awareness,
which has been momentarily interrupted by extraneous forces.
Carlos Castaneda, Magical Passes
However, more recently I went on to start discussing the more positive aspects of
what we can actually do about it all.
That thread is a
work in progress. As it deals with some fairly unheard-of principles, it hasn't been a runaway success (yet). It's an
acquired taste, if you will.
As a collective, we have yet to write a 'master-thread', detailing our main statement of intent and the 'rules' of the order. It's a Noble
Brother/Sisterhood, membership is open to ALL, and the only prerequisite is that you believe in the positive power of Mind/ Will/ Faith/ Harmony and
Universal Goodwill (etc, etc) and have confidence that by working together we can salvage something of a legacy for our collective Human Spirit - in
spite of the most cruel and demonic efforts currently being rolled out the PTB as they seek to bring in a Big Fish Eat The Little Fish New World
Confirmed Noonauts (those that were there at the start of it all, and most of whom have authored exceptional threads on the subject recently) are as
(The Cryptic Inner Circle)
(Legendary Heroes)
I'm going to go with my discernment and say that the following are also members of the Noonaut collective:
(Solid-Gold Lightworkers)
There are many, many others, and the little tags I added under each group can be interchanged and swapped around as it pleases the readership.
Unfortunately, I simply don't have the time right now to trawl the threads and find all those excellent and much-appreciated contributers - though I
will concoct a 'Hall of Fame' at some point soon (probably when we create that Master-Thread...)
Anyhoo - if you look at any of the posts made by the above folks in the timeframe May-June this year, on the threads linked, you''ll see some
awesome stuff, I promise. Ignore the inclusion of my own name - it's there because it's true, not because I'm looking for attention. I was a
minor player in the start-up of this movement; the alchemists are easy to spot - and deserve much thanks for their determined efforts to get this
thing going.
PS - Look at how the Darkness begins to attack this collective, around pages 5 - 9 of the 'Stop the Fear' thread. It really is quite
chilling. And it was highly disruptive,
for a time.
But you know what? We came through it. And now we're just returning from a short break from the boards. The energy flow was intense, and it seems
that various
really positive life changes* affected most of the confirmed Noonauts after our initial burst of activity in setting the ball
rolling (haven't checked with everyone yet).
*New jobs, setting up businesses - such things took the time of at least a couple of us for a few weeks.
God and the Universe smiled, and sent
angels to pass on the message: "Sit back for a while to enjoy the blessings.."
Now, the movement is back online, and ready for PHASE 2. We are spreading this thing whether the PTB like it or not. WHOOP....!!!
I'll end with a quote from Nelson Mandela (thanks to Alchemist7 for this, on page 4 of the 'StopTheFear thread):
'“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness
that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of
God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in
everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our
presence automatically liberates others.”
PS - BrokenCircles - If I hit ignore on a trollish comment, that means I won't have to bother paying any attention to disruptive or demeaning types.
Real idiots (who try to derail the thread with offensive comments) will be reported to the mods. It's all fairly straightforward, I'm sure you
understand really.
PPS - Why are your circles broken anyway?
Get your Zen going to achieve that circle of perfection once more...
Here's a little quote from our good friend DavidGrouchy, which came to mind as I typed out the above:
Any emotion that we allow to rise above our hearts is out of place and ruins our thinking.
There is a legendary state that the zen warrior could acheive called "the flaming lotus." It is described as one's entire body being on fire, but a
cool breeze blows through the mind. In this state they were said to be unbeatable.
I don't fear fear, but I don't give it permission to rise above my heart either.
Grab a goldfish - think Pink, and rise to defend the Soul of Humanity.