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Have I got a story for you.. and its all true..

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:35 AM
Hi ATS..

I have been lurking on this site for nearly 3 years.. I've watched with interest the topics and people posting.
ATS is missing some REAL life action, and I'm going to give it to you. There is much to tell and it might be messy and long in the telling, but you will be interested, and I swear on my life it is all true. So hear goes.

I always prayed to the man above for special powers when I was a little kid, so I could save the world from impending Nuclear Disaster.. The Cold War was horrible for me, I'd lay in bed terrorfied that the US and Russia would unleash hell and the nukes would destroy us all. Not good for a ten year old. I'd lay in bed waiting for the big boom...

One day I discovered a scrapbook my dad put together of ufo sightings from newspapers from when he was a kid.. that was it, I was hooked. Along came the book Mysteries of the Unexplained into our house and I was in deep.
This all stayed in the back of my mind for many years, only to resurface much later...

I died once when I fell out of a low window, I remember laying on the couch and a man coming down the hall to tell me it wasn't my time, he was my dead grandfather... so as for the spirit world, I say yes, its there. My dad and some other family members participated in Ouija (sp) and from what dad tells me, its scarily real, Im a little scared to try it myself. God? I dont know. Jesus and christianity? A creation of many religions and beliefs from 300AD is my understanding. Im not going to debate that topic.

My grandpa was a gifted man, he had a photographic memory and I suspect had other special traits unknown to me.. I was also later to learn to that he had been a Mason, as had his grandfather and father. There may have been more before that but I dont know, my family where miners from England. When I got right into this "scene" I came to hate the Masons for reasons Im sure many here would know. It came as a great shock to me to learn of all the Masons in my own family!!

On this side of the family a father and son demonstrated an ability to communicate telepathically, the son would pilot a billy cart down a hill blindfolded through obstacles while the father gave him instructions without speaking, about when to turn from the top of the hill. There is a newspaper article about on the net, I wont be divulging where to find this, I dont really want to be identified as you may see later in my story, but no doubt you clever ducks will find it.

I noticed I was different when I would look at my digital clock and the seconds would almost ALWAYS show 00... I was probly ten and didint think much of it. Fast forward to high school, I started noticing that certain number plate combinations kept catching my eye, I couldnt help but think this was strange.. it didnt take long before I worked it out.. the number plate combinations were celebrities soon to be dead.. Ayrton Senna and River Phoenix are two that I can remember right now, this was 22 years ago so the others are a little out of reach in my memory.

I have dreams that are premonitions.. this is VERY scary. I can usually tell the difference between a normal dream and a "precognition" type dream or whatever, I've had so many, I'll tell you the last one was me driving with my sister and suddenly a giant wave came from the side and turned over my car!! we got out and I said to my sister " my JAPANESE car!! 2 days later Fukushima.. If you have seen the footage of the guy with the video camera in his car as the wave hit, it was like that.
And yes... Ive had the dream that I think is the end of the world.. hold onto your seat folks, I was looking in the sky in this dream, the timing is late in the year. Not the end of the year tho. Im hoping the Syberian Installation takes care of any inbound objects BTW. I hope this one doesnt come true. Im hoping to build an underground house also. Tsunamis and asteroid strikes concern me. Elenin? This has me concerned due to my dream.

If I'm standing or sitting still when a large earthquake hits on my side of the world, I "feel it" I cant explain the feeling but its like a tingle or vibration in my body.

I will now jump to 1999... I got interested in UFO's again.. big mistake. I joined a forum and webiste that some may know. It was started by a kid called John Greenewald, and was called Blackvault.. probly still exists, havent looked. I was fresh to the UFO and conspiracy scene so to speak and got learned and burned so many times in those forums, just like what happens on ATS, I was young and outspoken, I openly advocated for the killing of all the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Bushes etc.. all the evil guys who kill the likes of JFK etc etc... only the good ones die, the evil bastards live on and keep killing our heros. One of my bosses before 1999 was courting a Rothschild woman, this was disturbing to say the least at the time, and seemingly a horrible coincidence.

And then came 9/11, holy deep poo for me.. This only enflamed me further, the old world was destroyed that day and the New World Order was born in death, destruction and deception on the highest levels, I screamed louder and louder for the evil bastards to be brought to justice at the hands of the people with guns and nooses. It was too late for Ghandi style revolution.. they had changed the rules of the game on 9/11. I remember driving home that day before it happened, and the whole world felt wrong, the sun was hot and the weather strange. I made the mistake of telling a work mate.. who was an ex-navy man under Bush 1, who went to the gulf and had a deaf child (uh hmm) that I would dearly love to assassinate said ex-president on his upcoming trip to our country.. not that I would or could have, but the red mist was there. He threatened to inform the US!! I dont know if he did or not but what would happen next made me wonder. (he hated clinton! thought he was evil, yes probly, but a Bush is 1000 times more evil!)

So after 9/11 I participated in all the debates and facts and BS and lies and confusion.
ANYONE who uses common sense and free thought can see that 9/11 was not master-minded by Osama, but forces within the US and probly Israhell, Pakistan, England.. blah blah, it was the evil bastards again. Steel will not melt or collapse from jet fuel burning, no-one will ever convince me it is possible because it is IMPOSSIBLE. I watched on TV an oil rig that burned for days, and guess what? It didnt melt or collapse. That said, DO NOT debate the endless waves of the evil bastards little minions who troll sites like ATS to cloud your mind, anger you, and waste your valuable time, pay them no attention, focus on your efforts to uncover the truth and find more facts. As soon as you acknowledge their existence they have power... do not give them the satisfaction of spouting their outright LIES and obviously incorrect "facts"

A few months after 9/11 my girlfriend tried to connect a phone in her name, "sorry" said the telco, "you have an account and its unpaid" we checked with them, the address where the connection was did not exist, also the acct was closed on 9/11.. most of the calls were made to overseas but the telco would not provide any more info and my girlfriend gave up her pursuit of the problem. I was concerned, was this some sick joke "they" had played for my loud mouth antics on forums?? My GF was getting scared.

A couple of months later I went to 7/11 late at night.. I walked from my place, 3 men in long black coats, sunglasses and black hats followed me in. I grabbed what I needed and went to the counter, the 3 men stood behind me purchasing nothing, one of them leaned close to me as I was paying and said "youd better stop talking about what you know.. we know where your bank is" (my bank??) the indian guy looked scared, I said nothing, walked out the door and then ran home. Men In Black?

Then one day I was driving home from work and I notice a light plane seemingly following me down the freeway.. when I got home, the same light plane was now dive bombing above my house, I lived in the city near the airport, how they got away with this I dont know..

Meanwhile I was virtually outcast by family and friends by trying to wake everyone up with the truth about 9/11... My family life suffered, everyone thought I was crazy.. I gave up.. if you are experiencing the same with your family and friends, dont push it. Some people prefer to be ignorant, they feel better thinking that their government would not betray them.

We moved away from the city, I had a crappy dial-up connection, I was still watching the conspiracy scene but not participating, I'd had enough of being terrorised and getting worked up over things I couldnt change, but that didnt stop them, oh no.. I got a dialler virus, it dialled of all places on the planet Diego Garcia.. This meant nothing to me until a year later when I found out the only thing on the tiny island of Diego Garcia is a massive US military base...

Since then its been quiet, Ive kept my head down so it wont get shot off so to speak. And they seem to be leaving me alone. Im sure they are watching though.

Im sure there is much I've left out... if anyone takes any interest in my life story I'll think about what I've missed and let you know..

Fight the good fight people.. we are the frontline against the evil bastards, knowledge is power, they know that and this is the reason their trolls are on this site and others. PLEASE dont engage them in debate, you cant get your valuable time back they are wasting. I hate cats, I dont go to a cat lovers forum and dish crap on them, so ask yourself, why are these people, if they are people, here?? And its not too enlighten you..



posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 02:48 AM
Your experiences are intriguing. But I kind of lost interest when you mention the men in black. Im not saying your lying, it just sounds silly, no offense. Im open to any ideas, so please dont take it the wrong way. But I did read it all. Interesting stuff. Welcome to ats. Hope you stay.
edit on 25-6-2011 by reesie45 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:18 AM
haha you had me going till i seen this!

I was paying and said "youd better stop talking about what you know.. we know where your bank is

also about 911 I see people on here all the time saying they have 99% proof it was a inside job over and over again like they are trying to convince myself. I myself believe 911 was NOT a inside job and nothing can convince me otherwise.

good luck with your journey into the unknown

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:23 AM
Listen I hate to be the one to break this to you but your just like the rest of us trying to fumble and figure this whole thing out. You are special but your not are the other billions of people here. If you continue with these thoughts and feelings I would see a therapist. Stay away from the drugs they give you though, and thats my BEST advice.

You can learn a lot here but you can also get a lot of misguided information so be weary what you are willing to believe in before you back it up.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 03:42 AM
Long read.interesting though.dont know why MIBs would be interested I have seen movies about identity theft..and people having their credit cards maxed out and bank accounts empty .If you have money you are a target .be careful keep a lid and a leash on things you can control See you in the Threads

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:12 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive


I sense a certain veracity in your story and look forward to seeing you on these Boards.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

Oh, great! So now they've followed you here?

Yeah, just kidding. They're already here. Welcome. Come in and mingle....

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 06:08 AM
I actually read all of that.


Aren't you worried that you may be boiling up trouble with yourself again by getting back into this stuff?

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 07:02 AM
Anybody seen conspiracy theory the movie? it's with mel gibson. well, op just gave you the plot to it.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 09:53 AM
Ya know: If you ever do take a break--like I have--from the conspiracy milieu, everyone here does start to look a little kooky after all.

Once you start reading again, however, it doesn't take long to start getting back to normal: Paranoid that is.

Having said that: Our world is a mess and evil--wherever it may be found--sucks and should be met with resistance. Have a nice day!
edit on 25-6-2011 by The GUT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

Hello PrecogPsychicSensitive,

By the sounds of it, you'll fit in here just fine.

Welcome to ATS and have fun !

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by JustStop

That was a great movie! Goes to show how paranoia can get to a person too.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:19 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

I would like you to tell me about you dream of looking up in the sky late in the year and seeing incoming (debris, asrtroid?) if you would. I'd love to hear about it.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

Flagged your thread but cannot star it yet.

So here are some stars for you.


Many people are waking up to the matrix we are living in however, some can't, some won't and some just are not capabe of dealing with what is going on globally.

I think you are right, September 11, 2001 ushered in the New World Order openinly.

A really good book on this is "9/11 - The Ultimate Truth" by Laura Knight Jadczyk.

Key 9/11 witness "commits suicide"

edit on 25-6-2011 by ofhumandescent because: added video

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:57 AM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

Welcome to ATS

I will now jump to 1999... I got interested in UFO's again.. big mistake. I joined a forum and webiste that some may know. It was started by a kid called John Greenewald, and was called Blackvault.. probly still exists, havent looked. I was fresh to the UFO and conspiracy scene so to speak and got learned and burned so many times in those forums, just like what happens on ATS, I was young and outspoken, I openly advocated for the killing of all the Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Bushes etc.. all the evil guys who kill the likes of JFK etc etc... only the good ones die, the evil bastards live on and keep killing our heros.

Blackvault is still up and running. I saw a documentary once years ago, about the US government trying to shut him down, but he wasn't doing anything illegal, so they failed. Free speech. Brilliant guy, he was 16 when he started that site, and really ruffled up a lot of people.

That could be where some of your trouble started, the feds were heavily monitoring his site for quite a while. If you're too outspoken about certain issues on the internet, it can come back and haunt you

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 11:59 AM
Interesting read. Welcome to ATS. I look forward to reading your future posts here in the forums.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:02 PM
Welcome to ATS, all I can say is cool story bro. Just kidding, very intriguing story though.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:17 PM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

hmmm...why the hell do i have the feeling there was someone else writting in here in the same manner you write?..maybe its just me but im good at analysing style and semantics

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by PrecogPsychicSensitive

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posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 12:42 PM

Originally posted by tinker9917
reply to post by JustStop

That was a great movie! Goes to show how paranoia can get to a person too.

Actually it goes to show you what can happen to a person when these gov't types mess with you.

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