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Chinese Girl Offers Her Virginity for An iPhone 4 Only.

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posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by SG-17

And under none of those definitions is raising your children as whores ever considering good parenting. Unless of course, those parents are looking for a bit of the action....then they aren't raising children, they are raising victims.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by SG-17

And under none of those definitions is raising your children as whores ever considering good parenting. Unless of course, those parents are looking for a bit of the action....then they aren't raising children, they are raising victims.
Again, only your opinion. Teaching someone to use their natural talents to get what they want seems like a good philosophy to me. Of course that is my opinion.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein

Yeah O I was thinking about it also, but I can't recall one movie or video game talking about virginity being worth something....Sex yeah, but as a virgin how can you know this stuff?? It makes my mind go in circles sometimes...How our youth acts and it is very sad to say the least....

Yes it bothers me as well because they are so distracted and its REALLY not their faults it the companies that make money off them. Now I think I caught one of my seeds watching I heart Carley or some show thats on round then and they were talking boy friends and girlfirends and this was a kids show. The chick was just bouncing from one dude to the next as she searched for love????? I was like this is for kids???? Then I seen on another cartoon I think its called my best friends a robot or something and again relationships?? these are kid shows. They are so fast these days in the sitcoms its sad. NOW the grand theft auto game series you can pick up ladies and pay for sex if you can get enough money in the game I think you can even
pimp. See these are adults making these games yes there are age requirements but many kids slide past that when their parents dont play the games for a lil to see what its all about (content). Music videos not all but some just distribute the skin right to their young eyes and the kids see that hmm the girls seem happy sexy and half dressed and their guys seem happy with them leaning over a lambo so maybe a guy with money will make them happy is shared with their young minds. Teaching them that being nice to money guys is what gets you what you want. Again its so many lauces going down here on EA 1 wonders if they in controll expected this or is it even out of controll of those in controll.

Me I just give my seeds some data of things they will encounter when I am not in their faces and when they are with their friends so they dont get exposed to something their friends feel is new cool and unexperienced. Hopefully what they experience when away from me they will remember OUR talks. But this is where I told my seeds I will be trusting them the most when I cannot see them physically. As parents its responsibility to teach them so nothing seems to new or interesting that isnt good-like drugs and alcohol-. So when they smell ciggz or weed or see various cool looking pills or alch. beverages they recognize I spoke to them about it and will make their own decisions based on will and not wanting to understand the unknown or (trying somethings they never heard off). Or when they are at parties ect where drinks and drugs may be present (lets just be real) it happens at parties parents arent influencing, they will remember I warned them to keep in mind how they will exit the party if they dont want their daddy pulling up abducting them lol and that a designated driver is important otherwise call me. I try to keep ALL doors of communications open with my seeds so that whatever they do they are not in fear of comming to me to talk even if its about early preganacy-stds-drugs or bad picks for youth friend. This way they know I am already down with most of the bull and the stuff I am not is just old bull redefined into future bull lol. Allowing the atmosphere to exist between us that its cool daddy will understand he may get upset but he will understand, cause hes cool like dat

Again parenting plays a big part in this type of behavior in the OP.

Be well

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:00 PM
reply to post by Ophiuchus 13

I have had enough conversations with you now O that I think it is safe to say you agree with me on most of this stuff with morals and all....How do the two people on this forum who are saying it is the kids virginity and she can do with it what she wants?? How does someone as a human being justify this statement?? I am looking for someone who thinks kind of like me to tell me if you O would be able to justify such a statement??

I see some decisions as a child as their own to make mistakes to live and learn but when it comes to sex and adulthood I don't believe a child should make that decision based on a cell phone.....That is my opinion on the topic at hand anyways....

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by SG-17

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by SG-17

And under none of those definitions is raising your children as whores ever considering good parenting. Unless of course, those parents are looking for a bit of the action....then they aren't raising children, they are raising victims.
Again, only your opinion. Teaching someone to use their natural talents to get what they want seems like a good philosophy to me. Of course that is my opinion.

If you're a sociopath.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:05 PM
Sigh....I love chaos.....I thrive in it.....sounds to me she was just using her femininity to produce results. Is it right? No. But what do you expect? [snip]
edit on 28-6-2011 by elevatedone because: removed sexist remark and attempt at humor.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:06 PM

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Aeons

Originally posted by SG-17

Originally posted by Aeons
reply to post by SG-17

And under none of those definitions is raising your children as whores ever considering good parenting. Unless of course, those parents are looking for a bit of the action....then they aren't raising children, they are raising victims.
Again, only your opinion. Teaching someone to use their natural talents to get what they want seems like a good philosophy to me. Of course that is my opinion.

If you're a sociopath.

Psychopath just fits me better............

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by Aeons

We are all sociopaths, the only question is to what degree we express it.

As for the OP, I don't see the issue. Girls give away their virginity to be popular, or to fit into a clique, or to keep their boyfriend from breaking up, or as they get older, sex is bartered around for rent, car payments, living arrangements and marriage.

Personally, I think all sex should be more open and honest, and then it would be less manipulative. Just tell me you want the Iphone or the New Car, rather than lead me down a long path of a relationship. In return, I will tell you I just want the sex, and what I'm willing to do or not do to get it. No need for the intricate games.

If this were my daughter, I might not like the value she places on her sexuality, but lets be honest, there is always a value. This girl is just being honest and upfront about it.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:11 PM


posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:18 PM
Personally I see this as a non-issue.

People cry about a woman's right to have an abortion, because it's her body, and she should be able to do whatever she wants with it.

But if she wants to have sex for a phone, then NO NO NO! Can't do that!

Quite the double standard. It's sex, it's not that big of a deal. The only people that try and make sex something mysterious and special are the people who aren't having it.

It's a biological function, it's something both men and women are driven to do. It feels good, and if precautions are taken, there really isn't any danger in it. You can go out a buy a 20 minute massage. It's an exchange of money for pleasure. Same with sex. So what's the big deal?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:20 PM
reply to post by Chrisfishenstein

there is no justification she is a youth and youth make bad decisions my friend. Those who made those comments are as posted not parents I hope or are just young so they cannot see and last maybe trolls just making sure noone agrees with them or their post. So I just let em troll or attention vent and move along.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by BiggyMcBigPants

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein

Originally posted by Lysergic

Originally posted by Chrisfishenstein

Originally posted by SG-17
It is her virginity she can do what she wants with it.

Question for you....Do you have a daughter?? I can 99% guarantee you don't or that statement would never have left your big mouth!!!

Its not his daughter either.

I guess I would expect more compassion from a mother/father.....That statement is exactly why our youth act the way they do now!! Teach your kids and raise them correctly and this crap won't happen...

So who defines what "correct" is? Shouldn't we leave that up to individual parents? You can disagree all you want with how parents raise their children, however it is entirely up to those parents to define "correct" in a way that works for them.

Some parents abuse their children and teach them that violence is alright, others teach children that theft is a way of life, etc. The result is not only an ongoing burden on society because it effects the rest of us, but it also results in the loss of what could have been a better life for the child. For these kinds of reasons, I don't think too many people would have trouble agreeing that some parents may need some guidance (intervention) at some point. The part where we do have trouble agreeing is at what point that would be.

Anyways, I didn't see an age mentioned in the link.. only the term "teenager" was used. I'd be more concerned about a 13 year old than an 18 year old. But for all we know, she's just pulling a good con on the fellas... maybe she's not even really a virgin.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:43 PM
reply to post by misfitoy

Your argument was one that I failed to even consider prior to posting and it is a compelling one as well. I would have to agree, in the events of abuse, theft, criminal activity, etc. there would have to be a party to step in or something. When it comes to something like this though? I have a hard time working up very much outrage (I will admit to some, but not a whole lot). And you are 100% correct, the age of the teen plays a huge part in how this is interpreted. All it refers to in the article (and several other I sought out as backup) is that she is a "female jiulinghou", meaning she was born in the 90's. So she could be as old as 19 or as young as what, 12 or 13?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 03:07 PM
Hey i lost my virginity at 12. I did it willingly. Im 32 now and have no regrets. Well i guess i have one, wish i thought about trading it for some thing more tangible than a notch on the bed post.

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posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 03:47 PM
I don't understand all the hype with the iphones or smartphones.

I mean my computer is like 1000x faster then those and the screen is 100x bigger and not only can it do all the things an iphone can but MUCH MUCH MORE with extreme precision.

although my computer is a little bit more expensive I don't have to pay an extra 100 dollars a month just to use its features!

Sure I can't fit my computer in my pocket.. but why would I need a tiny crappy expensive fragile computer on me at all times?

might as well go four wheeling with a ferrari

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 03:49 PM
I phones are the 1st device of the New world order control matrix
these sheep pay to be monitored, now thats some good brainwashing
when they pay to be enslaved...we are finished

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 03:58 PM
reply to post by tempesillest

It's what the sheeps demand. Basically, they want phones that do everything else but actually get good reception...

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 04:04 PM
an iphone 4?

The price has gone up. Back in my day; dinner, a movie and a sixpack was about all it took....and a promise not to tell.

posted on Jun, 28 2011 @ 09:08 PM
Didn't Geishas do this kind of thing long ago? I do know for sure but I do remember seeing that in the movie Memoirs of a Geisha.
Seems like history repeats itself. The strange thing is now a days there is a group for everything that says you have the right to do...anything. I'm show that people like Wendy McElroy are all up in arms saying its a womans right to sell her body to anyone she pleases.
Perhaps its the upbringing that is turning young women into young street walkers...better that than the demonized teenage mom eh?

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