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99% Undeniable Conclusive Evidence That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

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posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by esdad71

Like how they are still selling t-shirts for 20 much of that goes to a new investigation or children of 9/11 victims?


This made me laugh.

Yeah, I'm sure "families of 9/11" are hurting financially. Sure. Excellent job trying to derail this thread with nonsense.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

and many families denied the money. I am sure they would give anything to have thier parents/husbands/wives/kids back.No derail, just the truth. It is not about the truth. Follow the money...well, here you go!

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:19 PM
reply to post by yourignoranceisbliss

and many families denied the money. I am sure they would give anything to have thier parents/husbands/wives/kids back.No derail, just the truth. It is not about the truth. Follow the money...well, here you go!

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 05:27 PM
Thanx for the re-summary. THEY do try to wear US down. Also, PNAC (now called the Foreign Policy Initiative) Neo-Cons are now telling congress to back-off of shutting down Libyan war funding with open letter. PNAC predicted in their own manifesto (1995) that to get American people behind war in middle-east that would need "Pearl Harbor" event (911?). Their agenda seems to be right on track: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran. (Libya not mentioned - but still no surprise). NeoCons want to spread democracy around the world - they are Straussianist (Marxist) communists in sheep's clothing. The word democracy does not appear anywhere in our Constitution or Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers (eg Thomas Jefferson) knew democracy was a trap. We were to be a Republic ("if we could keep it!" - Ben Franklin)

See Neo-Con open Letter at:

Did you know that Scott Carpenter, one of the original 7 astronauts of NASA, is a Neo-Con?

Neo-Con also, kind of has a Nazi-Communist sounding ring to it, don't ya think?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:29 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

S&F You have obviously spent much time and effort on this... 10/10 for effort.

I watched Loose Change and Loose Change 2nd Ed. years ago, and I was convinced then.
(See also "In Plane Sight") I made loads of copies and handed them out to many people... One of the guys i gave a copy to was a Vietnam Veteran ( He was Marine Medic) and his response was that he "...didn't believe that the American Govt would be involved..." thus all the evidence must therefore be false...???

IMHO that is the only level of rebuke that stops people accepting what you have spent hours spelling out as true!
Illogical denial = desperation.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:42 PM

Originally posted by jets04
Thanx for the re-summary. THEY do try to wear US down. Also, PNAC (now called the Foreign Policy Initiative) Neo-Cons are now telling congress to back-off of shutting down Libyan war funding with open letter. PNAC predicted in their own manifesto (1995) that to get American people behind war in middle-east that would need "Pearl Harbor" event (911?). Their agenda seems to be right on track: Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Iran. (Libya not mentioned - but still no surprise). NeoCons want to spread democracy around the world - they are Straussianist (Marxist) communists in sheep's clothing. The word democracy does not appear anywhere in our Constitution or Declaration of Independence. Our founding fathers (eg Thomas Jefferson) knew democracy was a trap. We were to be a Republic ("if we could keep it!" - Ben Franklin)

See Neo-Con open Letter at:

Did you know that Scott Carpenter, one of the original 7 astronauts of NASA, is a Neo-Con?

Neo-Con also, kind of has a Nazi-Communist sounding ring to it, don't ya think?

I don't know anywhere that is a true democracy anyway, or a democratic republic, or a republic including the differing philosophies of these kinds of states. It's all rubbish in reality, only the phlilosophies hold true and not the practice. Every elected politician who backpeddles on what he 'said to get elected' abuses democracy, and republicanism in the philosophical ideal. So there is no use ranting about republics and democracies, that the last thing politicians themselves believe in, it's power they want and since 9/11 they have it in bucketloads in the US and Europe, and pretty much everywhere else in puppet governments, except the more powerful East Asian countries. I do agree with you in one sense though, but I would call it globalisation, where all the gelt comes back to daddy in the US, and Gnomies in Europe.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Gorman91

Two words

"Building Seven(7)"

wake up ...

You might find it comforting to believe the fallacy that your government or the government had nothing to do with 911.

But the evidence says otherwise.

NIST Exluded WTC 7 pretty much from their investigation. (Because they knew it was proof of an inside job)

NIST was biased toward the government and this shows simply because they ignored Building 7 and did not investigate the collapse properly

Proof the Cores were blown

Antenna Collapses First (Antenna is Directly above Core Supports)
WARNING VIDEO IS GRAPHIC (SWEARING) Turn Volume Down If you're sensitive to swearing (Expletives) Snip

edit on 24-6-2011 by TheUniverse because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:54 PM
A lot of prime numbers sem to be involved always in these these any more?

9/11 11 prime
19 hyjackers 19 prime
flight 11 11 prime
flight 175 add=13 13 prime
flight 77 77 prime
flight 93 not prime not as 12 or 93
flight 93 crashed at 10:03:11 could express as 10+3=13 and 11 both 13 and 11 prime
the 7/7 london bombing 7 prime

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 07:16 PM
I fall into the weird camp of not liking the official story or the conspiracy theories. I have no answers or firm beliefs about the event. With that said, I like the OP's efforts and summary. I do find the falling buildings to be weird. But I no nothing about construction or demolition, so I chalk this up to I don't know. I have never been swayed by the cover-ups (which I am willing to buy) or the people knew stuff and didn't act. This is typical government. Too big, too slow, and often times negligent. The rest of the material kind of gets into a who do you want to believe. Person A or Person B. Expert A or Expert B. Document A or Document B. I do appreciate the OP's time and effort, but in my mind, I cannot see a smoking gun for either side.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 07:20 PM
A for effort

But this information has been available for a long time. If people still believe the official story by now, nearly a decade later, they are beyond lost.

Good on you though for putting it together in a neat little review, maybe its what the kiddies need

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 07:25 PM

Originally posted by brickof22cal
I'm far more willing to believe that the Sept 11 attacks were known about and allowed to happen, rather than a carefully engineered "false flag" op.

That's always been my take too - 'LIHOP' rather than 'MIHOP', or 'never waste a crisis'.

There were plans of one sort or another to fly hijacked planes into the WTC for years before they did. There are enough religious nutjobs out there who can be manipulated into doing pretty much anything, and on top of that, 'letting' them do something makes the coverup so much easier.

Now, they could have had money funneled to them by the US Powers that Be, and Daniel Hopsicker has some intriguing evidence about the ties to the CIA and the flight schools that the hijackers attended.

Further evidence for this comes from the Saudi student visa fast-track program which several of the hijackers took advantage of to enter the US. Then there's the CIA-connected hedge fund that had puts on the US Airlines involved in the hijackings.

Basically, the planning and execution were in all likelihood done by the Saudi/UAE terrorists who hijacked the planes, flew them into buildings, etc. but they were possibly financed and probably enabled by the CIA and other government agencies.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:02 PM
This is quite the thread you got there. I think you might be on to something here. If we have to, we would over-throw our government from power and create a truly free government. A government that reveals secrets that our old goverment have been keeping for nearly 80 or more years, and that we would truly provide citizens with Freedom of choice. But for now, nothing is going to happen unless someone forms an early Resistance and start slamming the Government down. Reading this just makes me want to stomp on there heads so hard that they break from the sheir force of my foot.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:03 PM
reply to post by TheUniverse

Building 7 had huge structural compromises. That's why they evacuated. You cannot tell me that if they planned it, they would evacuate one building but not the other.

Building 7 also collapsed a lot slower than the rest. First the internal structure failed, the penthouse came down, and then everything started slanting, and then everything came down. There's a lot more evidence Building 7 was from structural failure then it was a demo, and a lot of what happened to that building begs to question just how planned it was, assuming it even was. Nearly the whole building was on fire, the outer structure shows entire structural lines removed, and a lot looks like it was just a very well planned rescue mission on a bad day.

Plus, don't add straws that I some how give a damn about the government to make me look like a tool or wrong. That's just assumption on your behalf, and desperation.
edit on 24-6-2011 by Gorman91 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:05 PM
and the fight continues!

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:11 PM
Yet most people even within the truth movement realize by now, no justice will ever be served to the perpetrators of this event by any governmental agency. Very frustrating for those of us not in perpetual denial. However I am confident that one day in the future the truth of this event will be known by all. But the nature of my personal beliefs is that by then the perpetrators of this event will already be dead. Killed off by a higher force that knew the truth from the day it happened and demanded justice, but it wasn't time yet.

A day of reckoning is coming for the evil men who planed and executed this atrocity.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:19 PM
reply to post by Swizzy

You can never be 100% sure. Even in medicine and risk analyst work they use statistical inference.

It's never 100%. Even in quantum physics...

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 08:51 PM
Thanks OP, summed it up quite succinctly.
As to Iamaperson & Wothcer (find a dictionary), how does one go about getting a job in disinfo at Langley?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:18 PM
If someone can manage to debunk all of that information, then I will be impressed. However, that is obviously not going to happen and I am glad you compiled all of this information in your summary. I will definitely show this thread to my friends, in order to prove to them that 9/11 was not as innocent as they thought. I applaud the effort you put into making this thread, star and flag for you!

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Well done. I am quoting this in my personal blog, saving it to HD and printing a couple of copies to place in safe places for my grandchildren.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 09:40 PM

Originally posted by ISeeTheFnords
As to Iamaperson & Wothcer (find a dictionary), how does one go about getting a job in disinfo at Langley?


And you think I need a dictionary??? (learn how to read and write).

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