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99% Undeniable Conclusive Evidence That 9/11 Was An Inside Job

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posted on Nov, 21 2011 @ 01:10 PM
reply to post by TupacShakur

Great posts Tupac .... Ive only recently joined ATS and thought my first post should be on a 9-11 forum since it was 9-11 that opened my eyes to a new realm of politics. Im glad that public discussion is still going on about 9-11 as it is the single most important event that has happened in my lifetime.

The one thing that continually disappoints me (but doesnt surprise me) is the incredibly poor documentaries that have actually been shown on mainstream TV. Whilst Im not a great fan of the Loose Change documentaries (although it still is a good introduction to the subject) the quality of the "conspiracy" 9-11 documentaries shown on mainstream TV to the mass market is appalling and misses out all the subject matter that could make people sit up and say "wait, theres something wrong with the OS" ... this lack of good information or discussion on mainstream media just adds to my belief that there is some sort of cover up ... if there was good honest open debate with the masses (ie TV) and my beliefs were proved wrong then Id be the happiest man alive ..... but its almost like the global elite who control the media and governments want to continue their agenda for a one world government to enslave the population unopposed ..... which of course they do!

Anyway ... my first post done ... Im with you all the way bud ... keep up the good work!

posted on Feb, 8 2012 @ 01:03 PM
I'd say it was an inside job, and would say it could have even been 99% an inside job. But now looking at that remaining 1%. I have a good long-term memory. Just before the Sept 11 incident there was a racism, and such like, conference here in South Africa, in Durban. The Islamic countries were accusing Israel and the USA of double standards. They walked out. (The African countries were then hammering the European countries for colonialism. The European countries also then wanted to walk out. Eventually they agreed that colonialism was a crime against humanity.) I was wondering if there wasn't a link between that conference and Sept 11.

Also, 9-11 in the Quran is:
But if they repent and establish worship and pay the poor - due, then are they your brethren in religion. We detail Our revelations for a people who have knowledge.
edit on 8-2-2012 by Aquarius1011 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 07:47 PM
Tupac and all the other guys - why are you still debating these trolls? Nothing more need be said. After spending the last week obsessively familiarizing myself with 9/11 (I was 9 when it happened, and I'm not an American), I have concluded that the official version and the NIST report/"study" are preposterous bull#. I've yet to go over the underground demolition nuke theory.

The free-fall proof of building 7 was enough for me. That NIST failed at basic highschool physics I'm helping my brother with right now is simply unfathomable. How, then, can they retain any credibility whatsoever in the mind of anyone who is sane? The huge wave of change that reverberated throughout the world after the 9/11 atrocity speaks volumes of the payoff of this conspiracy/cover-up, justifying the enormous complexity and the effort required to pull it off. In other words, their agendas are plainly obvious, and the things that have been done as a direct consequence of 9/11 in the last decade are gargantuan in nature.

I want to thank and congratulate every honest, knowledgeable "truther" out there on their excellent work and persistence. I know the travail you had to endure and the murky waters of bull# and opposition you had to wade through to get to where you are now. If someone could only compile a coherent, pithy compendium of all the evidence gathered (without outrageous or suggestive claims that many are so anxious to refute and bury) and somehow divulge it to the public and attract attention.

You - the people - need to rise up. It is not just about 9/11 and the thousands of poor souls that died that morning. That morning shaped the entire decade that ensued. I am saddened to think where the world is heading to. We need to do something. Btw, I hope I'll be able to visit New York soon. Never been there and it's always been my wish. Peace and love brothers!
edit on 9-5-2012 by John832 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:04 PM

posted on May, 9 2012 @ 08:06 PM
reply to post by hooper

I believe that in the original Loose Change video, there was mention of US Gov't studies dating as far back as the '60's of terrorists using planes crashing into buildings and possible responses. Unfortunately, I don't have a link to back this up, just memory. (apologies if this has been addressed already)

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by John832

Thanks John. You've written a simple and clear post, that describes the natural conclusion that anyone who researches the events of that day, would reach. So, why are there so many posters on here, that having been exposed to at least as much as you have, continually work to prop up the OS? Silly question isn't it? But here's what pisses me off about it: they get treated with way too much respect. We all know you can't have a discussion, with only one opinion, but this has become a circus here. Somehow, we have to find a way to transcend this circle jerk debate that goes on here every day, and I don't believe the management here have America's best interests in mind. Why else would they coddle these obvious frauds? How can the motto be 'deny ignorance', when this site goes out of its way to allow it to flourish?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 12:37 PM
Apologies if this has already been mentioned but I have been told that around the Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft and that they are on automatic and should have been activated when the plane got to close to the Pentagon - so why weren't they activated.

Also the engines of the planes were made of titanium and so should not have been destroyed.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:03 PM

Originally posted by keldas
but I have been told that around the Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft and that they are on automatic and should have been activated when the plane got to close to the Pentagon - so why weren't they activated.

because they do not exist - just look at the location of the Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport

Also the engines of the planes were made of titanium and so should not have been destroyed.

Whast makes you think that? Do you think titanium is some magic metal that would not be effected by a high speed crash?

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:15 PM
reply to post by keldas

Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft


posted on May, 10 2012 @ 02:32 PM

Originally posted by keldas
Apologies if this has already been mentioned but I have been told that around the Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft and that they are on automatic and should have been activated when the plane got to close to the Pentagon - so why weren't they activated.

Also the engines of the planes were made of titanium and so should not have been destroyed.

The White House has had an AA missle system on the roof since the 80's.

The Pentagon never had an AA system.

Boy, that 1% trips up the truthers everytime.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:37 PM

Originally posted by AGWskeptic

Originally posted by keldas
Apologies if this has already been mentioned but I have been told that around the Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft and that they are on automatic and should have been activated when the plane got to close to the Pentagon - so why weren't they activated.

Also the engines of the planes were made of titanium and so should not have been destroyed.

The White House has had an AA missle system on the roof since the 80's.

The Pentagon never had an AA system.

Boy, that 1% trips up the truthers everytime.

I understood they did because of something I was told by an ex army man who had a friend in military intelligence who told him they did.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 05:45 PM

Originally posted by samkent
reply to post by keldas

Pentagon they had pop up anti missile guns sorry don't know technical term which are also capable of bringing down an aircraft


Seems as if a few others also beleived they had anti tank missles installed at the Pentagon >>Unfortunately, many people in America are unaware that the Washington, D.C. area has Raytheon “Basic Point Defense” missile battery armament embedded on several building rooftops there, using Sea Sparrow air defense missiles, much in the same fashion that Moscow has a system that NATO code named ‘Yo Yo’ that maintains radar surveillance and provides protection to the Kremlin and other high value targets from military incursions.

posted on May, 10 2012 @ 08:02 PM
link to post by keldas

Also the engines of the planes were made of titanium and so should not have been destroyed.

The engines were found in the debris in the Pentagon

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 02:34 PM
reply to post by thedman

Yeah, they must have gone thru one of those windows, after the wings 'folded back' and right before the fuselage vaporized, after punching thru re-enforced concrete, just after it missed the lawn, generator, fence and wire spools. Oh yeah, and it missed the camera too. That's the one you can still see mounted high on the facade pointing at the direction the 'plane' came from.

posted on May, 11 2012 @ 08:16 PM
reply to post by dillweed

What "reinforced concrete" was that.......?

The exterior wall of Pentagon (E Ring) was made of ordinary brick faced with limestone

As a result, the Pentagon was constructed with a thin limestone facade over a brick infill between reinforced concrete floors, structurally supported by a reinforced concrete beam and column frame. Enough to protect from the elements but not from the potential forces of significant blast events.

Reinforced concrete was used in the support columns to save steel for the war effort (it was built at start of WWII)

Floors were made of concrete, walls were not.......

By the way Empire State Building in New York was built of same materials, even using limestone, from
same quarry

Here a WWII B25 weighing 1/10 that of a Boeing B 757 travelling at 1/3 the speed left hole like this.......

1:30 into video

Also one of the B25 motors punched all the way through the building to land on roof of nearby building

Still clinging to your delusions......

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 12:00 AM

Originally posted by keldas
Seems as if a few others also beleived they had anti tank missles installed at the Pentagon

That link is full of lies, like

What was more alarming that day is that during the ‘3’ minute hijacking interval, neither the cockpit door opened

posted on May, 12 2012 @ 06:15 PM
reply to post by dillweed

Exactly, we are wasting so much time and energy on this crazy bickering that's getting out of hand. I have a hard time understanding how there are people who are aware of the facts and yet still manage to block the natural conclusion. We may never know what exactly transpired that day or the days before, but that's really not what matters here. What matters is that this should be our wake-up call. This should jolt us from our carefree slumber, expand our minds and make us think. What I've realized here is that history is not shaped randomly, or because events, decisions, circumstances and coincidences converge at some point in time. It is all carefully and deliberately planned and orchestrated. To look back and think of the absurd story we were sold is to laugh at my own idiocy and naivety for believing it. But who could blame me? Or the American people, who were in addition so grief-stricken and emotionally shaken that it must've been impossible to try to comprehend what had happened.

Nothing can be hidden forever, and the truth will come out sooner or later. I think they knew that, and it wasn't a problem, because all they needed was the initial momentum to get what they wanted, and later on, when it was all eventually exposed, it wouldn't matter, because you can't go back and change anything. You see, they played the strongest weapon there is. They played on your emotions. In the heat of the moment, they knew everyone would be so appalled and shocked, and full of desire for righteousness and retribution, full of sadness and misery and even fear. They knew that no matter the explanation they provided, the world would buy it, especially the Americans - shocked and chagrined, not even thinking about questioning anything, because the terror and sadness overwhelmed them, and the heart took over the mind's work. The aftermath was crucial, and what they were counting on. They needed the support of the people, and got it. Someone had to pay, someone had to be held responsible and brought to justice. And that's exactly what they wanted. 10 years later, after it cooled down, what has changed? Some people have opened their eyes, sobered up, and are slowly getting the picture. Much has changed, and terrible things have been done as a result of this horrendous ploy. But that's behind us, we need to look ahead. So, why are you fighting each other here, and to what end? I urge you to stop the nonsense. Bad things are going to happen. I also urge you to watch this, if you haven't already (perhaps a bit off-topic though!):

Btw, is there any kind of consensus as to which theory might explain the collapse of the twins, or the Pentagon attack, or both? Not that it matters, but I'm curious. I've seen the thermite (or thermate?) experiments conducted by some guy where he proves that thermite can indeed cut steel (great stuff btw, many thanks for that). To think I blindly trusted National Geographic or Discovery, as if they're some kind of infallible authority. Haven't gone through the nuke theory by Khalezov, mainly because it's so voluminous and thorough. Btw, if someone proposes a theory that consists of many various claims (some of which don't affect others and are completely separate issues) and some of these claims are disproved or simply nebulous and outrageous, that doesn't mean the entire theory should immediately be discarded, or that other claims are immediately false as well. I'm sure you guys here are well acquainted with logical fallacies though. Speaking of which, I've noticed that the ad hominem has become the norm in 9/11 discussions, especially among those who advocate the official version. They seem to be very wordy when it comes to "truthers". (not a term I'm fond of btw)

Take care all!
edit on 12-5-2012 by John832 because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-5-2012 by John832 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:19 AM
reply to post by John832

My point exactly, awareness of facts. Nat Geo, Discovery, History Channel, are nothing more than propaganda tools of tptb. They have not only pulled off the biggest crime in history, they're re-writing it to fit their agenda.
Something's fishy with the management here on ats, as well. They could be a formidable force leading the push for a new investigation, but instead they work hard to give voice to the dweebs who hinder it.

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 09:22 AM
Just went to watch the video from the OP but its been blocked on copyright grounds. Anyone got another link please?

posted on May, 14 2012 @ 12:52 PM

Originally posted by ThePeopleParty
Just went to watch the video from the OP but its been blocked on copyright grounds. Anyone got another link please?

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