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The origins of current Souls traveller4

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posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:10 AM
As usual I would like to apologize for my somewhat bad English and also state that if the information I give resonates with you please ask any questions, if it doesn't please ignore everything because its very tedious and unavailing to inform one who for various reasons isn't supposed to be receiving information offered. I may have errors with dates but not time-lines and my biases can be seen by only those on a higher level of understanding/love.
First one must be familiar with various levels of time/space existence which I will call densities. The ones I have information about are of course One to Seven, 1st density being water,fire, minerals etc, 2nd being higher plant life and animal life, 3rd being a density of self-awareness human beings for example, 4th density being a density of understanding/love, and the densities go on and on. The point to bear in mind also is that the characteristics of the highest entities on a sphere are shared by the sphere(planet). So for example, human beings have self-awareness and so does the sphere earth. And of course by now most are aware that the so called supernatural are extraterrestrial if I may use that misnomer. My focus will not be on the origin of races or other groupings of the kind but specifically the second density origins of the peoples of this sphere.
Earth is uniquely diverse when it comes to the second density origins of human beings. Only about 1/4 of the current human beings went through their second density cycle on earth. About 1/2 of third density entities are from the sphere mars and the other 1/4 from vary many other origins especially because after every planetary cycle, those entities that don't ascend to either polarities must incarnate on a planetary sphere for the completion of their experience. Of late many are aware of the possibility of the red planet called mars to have supported both 2nd and 3rd density life, Until about 75,000 years ago the planet did indeed support an advanced civilization. These entities were very bellicose in nature and after successive wars their sphere's atmospheric environment became hostile to 3rd density life( even fox news had something to ) . The guardians of this part of the Logos (major galaxy) assisted this souls to incarnate on Earth and with them they carried their bellicose biases but at the same time enhancing freewill on the planet. Note that Earth only became 3rd density approximately 75,000 years ago and so those of Mars were the first on Earth.
The other interesting close origin is the sphere Maldek ( BBC had something about it ) which exists at this time/space as the so called asteroid belt. The entities of the civilization of Maldek were similar somewhat in culture and technology trend as that of Earth's Atlantis civilization. They too were Bellicose in nature and in the end faced a similar fate as that of the entities of Mars only worse. These entities had advanced technologically and culturally and had direct interactions with races of other planetary spheres and in the end warfare destroyed their biosphere and caused its disintegration. This event traumatized these souls that they lost their self-awareness (descended into 2nd density) and were caught in what you would call a tangle of fear, not even 7th density Guardians could reach to them. About 500,000 years ago the Guardians were able to reach to them and the entities were able to recall that they were conscious. after healing, these entities of Maldek decided as a group to engage in karma alleviation by getting incarnated to 2d bodies (ape-like bodies) available on earth at that point in time. These bodies are 2nd density, can accommodate their 3rd density souls, but does not have the capability of accommodating the precise manipulation of hands, body etc that the 3rd density acts require. Many of these souls succeed in eliminating their karma at the end of that cycle (25,000 years) and after which most incarnated in 3rd density human bodies on earth. Some didn't succeed in eliminating their karma and to this day are in ape-like bodies who exist in the sphere's 'honeycomb' areas and are hard to detect.
There are many more origins than I can possibly know at this time/space but I will mention a few. A good number are also from a Planetary sphere from the star system Deneb who incarnated on Earth as a group after their Sun aged in the present day China. The other biggest origin are those entities from higher densities who choose to incarnate on this sphere from all reaches of the infinite creation to aid those of this planet. These entities are born as 3rd density children and suffer the veil of forgetfulness as any other human being and so are unaware of their origin. They have been given many names eg starseeds, wanderers etc and number over 70 million entities on this sphere at this time/space.
I hope have been of service with this information and as I said earlier I wish to hear from those who feel that this information resonates with them. Am also largely positive so please no negative responses.
May we all dwell within the love and light of the infinite creator.

edit on 24-6-2011 by Gemwolf because: Removed all caps title

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by traveller4

Interesting stuff... can you please put it into paragraphs as it's really difficult to read without them. Cheers mate

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:48 AM
If true, very privileged information. Can you elaborate on how and why you are able to remember/deliver such esoteric particulars?



posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:51 AM
The information you have shared is very much a part of my belief system and i thank you for providing it, as it IS a lot to write out afterall.

Where did you find this knowledge?

What do you think about the information rcently revealed by REAL Mayan Elders (information which hadnt been shared for hundreds of years prior) which states that man's origins were seeded from the stars and that Egypt, South America (Mayans), India and China were all visited and that the knowledge of civilization/culuture/etc was passed down then.

This occurs after your description of our Origins and would 'continue the story' so to speak. It fits quite nicely into my perspective and beliefs and shows the continued influence 'off world humans' may have played in our development/evolution.

I find this area fascinating to say the least.
edit on 24-6-2011 by srsen because: .

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:58 AM
Hello, thanks fot the info.i would also like yo know how you came to this information.
Also, how does one find out where they currently are, and where they came from?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:25 AM
Wait, i remember where i read this.

The Law of One series by Ra.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:36 AM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
If true, very privileged information. Can you elaborate on how and why you are able to remember/deliver such esoteric particulars?



Looks like much of this material comes from the Ra Material, a.k.a. "The Law of one"
The books are available in PDF from the author's website...

If you want more of a bird's-eye version than reading all 5 books, I've compiled a couple of "Study Guides" for the material. The guides come from handouts from a study group taught by Bob Childers, Ph.D

Since I took the class twice, there are 2 versions.Here is the original and the most popular one.

Here is the latest version. It's similar, but contains additional quotes from A Course in Miracles.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 01:47 AM
reply to post by SuperManny

I have been reading the text for a while now. Very interesting. Will continue to analyze. Thanks,


posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:11 AM
reply to post by traveller4

Your interpretation of our recent history, though quite esoteric, is widely accepted among many spiritualist-type groups both on and off this planet.

I was taught a slightly different story which I would like to briefly relate, as it has an impact on current affairs as well as other ramifications.

This story was constructed, I am told, out of the memories of many different individuals, all living here on earth now or in the very recent past. They were enabled to remember due to various advances in mental technologies made on earth in the 1950's. Thus, this story comes from a different source than the spiritualist versions, which were mostly channeled by various teachers on earth from Guardian-type beings.

In this version, the current cycle of life started about 76 trillion years ago, as best as we can estimate. This was the time when the great creator beings individuated into distinct personalities. I have not learned how many of them there were. I can only imagine that it was billions, easily. I am also not clear if they came "all at once" or on more of a gradient. By this teaching, all of us are linked to those beings, and for all intents and purposes are still those beings, though most of us would deny it.

Those beings then proceeded to create each their own universes, which gradually coalesced into the one we can perceive, and probably many more that we can't. This universe is built on agreements, and resists disagreement.
It was fashioned by beings with great power who, like children, were blissfully unaware of the consequences of their actions. For, to make a long story shorter, they all became trapped in what they had originally intended as a sort of playground. It was through ignorance that this happened, plain and simple.

Some time more recently, say within the last many billions of years, life in this universe degenerated into various power struggles, becoming more and more petty as time wore on. A recurring pattern was to create toy-like entities that could be sent onto planets to populate them. These included not only vegetation, but myriad animate forms. At first the most advanced types looked like dolls, later became robots, and finally, biological ("meat") bodies were developed. Apparently it was never clear to these beings that these entities were being inhabited by other beings very similar to them, and thus were able to act independently. Apparently this was never the original intention. But because of this, these lower entities, originally seen as little more than how we would view a virus, were able to organize, build their own societies, and de-power the "free" beings who had created them.

These new societies had no understanding of the value of free will, and very little tolerance for it. And so certain technologists in these societies were able to persuade the various governing bodies to implement systems of social control based on technologies known today as "electronic implants." Though in their crudest form this could involve actually hiding a device in the body of each "citizen," it was more commonplace to process beings at a mental level only, especially since the process could kill a body. These techniques were, by modern standards, extremely brutal and extremely powerful. They almost universally used forgetter commands and replacement memory techniques as ways to hide the truth from people and change their thinking. Religious symbols and images were very common in these implants, though their exact content obviously would vary depending on which group invented that particular system. The remnants of that technology existing on earth today is ordinarily know as psychiatry.

This operation included a special handling for people when they die. This is supposed to include a new implant to wipe out all memory of the prior lifetime, with new instructions of some sort which include a strong command to come back when one dies. The being is then told to return to earth and pick up a new body. This is normally done around the time of birth. This means that the body, when it is conceived, is being run by yet another being of a more or less animal nature. This is what others call a "2nd density" being. The recently-dead being may have to "fight" with this lower being for control of the body, and normally wins. From that point to the death of the body, they must co-exist until the body dies and they both again go their own ways. It is also possible for higher-awareness beings to occupy a meat body, but beyond a certain level this gets very uncomfortable. Also, we now have various technologies, as alluded to earlier, for rehabilitating beings into higher awareness levels while in a body. Another variable is that the "between lives area," as are all these social control systems, are somewhat variable in their effectiveness. Thus some people on earth have been able to avoid them better than others.

Earth, apparently, was one of various planets used by various societies as a "dump" for those seen as unfit for duty in the regular ranks. Thus on earth, there is only one wide agreement: That it would be great to be able to do what we wanted.

Several other planets have been involved in various colonization attempts in this solar system, though my source does not get very specific about most of these. The existence of human-like civilizations on Mars and on Maldek is definitely remembered by some earth people. Atlantis is also remembered. I have not heard this source mention Lemuria, but everyone else does, so we can assume that it existed as well.

What is brought into question by these findings is the true nature of the "Guardian" beings that are generally accepted to be the sources for all the major earth religions and spiritual teachings. How frank are they being with us about our own true history and their own true history? Do they have a clear recall of what really happened, or are they as caught up in the implanted data as all the rest of us are? For these reasons I think we should be less accepting of their stories at their face value and be more willing to challenge them and push for better and more complete answers to all the age-old questions.

I don't think the search for the truth ends with either the traditional esoteric stories, or the one that I learned. There is more to know about these matters. I am quite sure of that.

edit on 24-6-2011 by l_e_cox because: found a typo

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:13 AM
The alien spirit inhabiting ape bodies / forgetting their true nature scenario is also reminiscent of Scientology.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by particlezen

I would be happy for you to comment on that subject IF you have studied it. Yes, I have.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by AnAbsoluteCreation
reply to post by SuperManny

I have been reading the text for a while now. Very interesting. Will continue to analyze. Thanks,


Please do! I made every attempt to make them available to the public.

If you're reading the first edition, check out the intro to the 2nd ed., it outlines the differences, etc. It's also in a nicer format, as the first one is essentially the bare handouts, and with v2I took some liberties with the formatting.

Originally posted by particlezen
The alien spirit inhabiting ape bodies / forgetting their true nature scenario is also reminiscent of Scientology.
Fun fact about ape bodies...
According to the Ra group, (at least one purpose of) the Bigfoot is to take over as the premium sentient race on this planet in the event of a nuclear catastrophe that takes out humanity.

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