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What's the best way to astral project ??

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posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:12 PM
i have been trying and trying to astral project but i never do it... i feel like something its happening and there is times when i feel like am about to do it but i never get there... what am i doing wrong ?

[edit on 13-8-2004 by John bull 1]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 11:36 PM
Well, I think the key is not to try too hard, just relax and it will come surely in time. I have so far reached the vibrations-stage but not yet projected but I've been training to relax my body so one step at a time.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 11:50 PM
i have projected.

there are times when you want to do it and you try really hard.
but thats the mistake, you are so aware that you are about to do it that your heartbeat goes up along with your breathing and kills the moment.

you kind of have to relax alot and go with the rush and trick yourself into forgetting what your doing.
Its kind of like being drunk, when im drunk dont think twice at what im about to say to a girl becasue i dont care, but when im sober im to aware how i might mess up and the anxiety kills the smoothness of the conversation.

when you astral project it is like being awake in the real world, so you dont really get sleep because your mind is not truly sleeping ...its traveling.

good luck

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 12:56 PM
Hey man dont worry. I have been trying to do the same thing for about 2 months or so. You need to read a lot of techniques and just practice. I havent been able to fully go though with it but i have been close. Once you reconize the signs you will start to get use to them. Just take advice from people who have done it. I was getting pissed off the first week. But i relized that it takes a while.
keep trying, good luck!

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 07:51 PM
i dont know where but i read that trying to astral travel when its raining is bad for some reason its this true?

posted on Aug, 10 2004 @ 07:58 PM
Well, what I have read that travelling in the rain isn't dangerous, someone said it was interesting to feel the raindrops go trough your 'body'. Basically everything is safe in the astral plane, you can't get hurt in anyways there.

You could try some of these links, they have a lot of information and forums to discuss and ask about other people who have experience in this matter.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 02:48 PM
Don't know if this is the case but when i take up residence high up in a high-rise building, i find it easier to AP/RV than being closer to the ground. But then again, it could be that i'm simply more inspired by this environment.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 02:52 PM

Originally posted by Arturito
i have been trying and trying to astral project but i never do it... i feel like something its happening and there is times when i feel like am about to do it but i never get there... what am i doing wrong ?

trust me, you're doing nothing wrong. the moment you think you are astral projecting, then I'd begin to worry...

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 03:52 PM
i actually tried this years and years ago , then i came to the conclusion that if it was actually possible then everyone would be doing it.

the people who astral project would all come back and shock theirl friends by telling them what where doing the night before , find lost people , find lost objects and it would spread around like wild fire. there would be no need for flying across the country to go for meetings , no need to travel for sightseeing , no need for going out apart from shopping and buying essentials

the fact that most people dont do this is proof that no one actually has come up with anything remotely convincing

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 05:54 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
i actually tried this years and years ago , then i came to the conclusion that if it was actually possible then everyone would be doing it.

That would be a logical deduction if astral projection was ever assumed to be easy. It is not however. It's kind of like saying that you heard of people being able to run a 25 mile marathon but when you tried it you passed out after a mile. Then based on your experience you assume that those that say they run 25 mile marathons are full of ****.

Astral projection is hard and it takes an extreme level of devotion to be able to achieve when desired. For most people when they try, sometimes it happens but most of the times it doesn't. I would wager a guess that probably at most only 5% of the people that have ever tried to astral project can do it everytime they try.

As for lack of proof by those observing in their astral form, well there are many reasons. The most obvious reason is that most people attempt to project late at night when they are relaxed and tired. This makes it easier on them but also during this time period everyone is usually sleeping. They could of course try during the day but as I said astral projection is no easy task. Most people are just looking for the experience and not trying to convince anyone but themselves so they do it during a time when they are most likely to achieve it.

Another reason is that it is not easy to always remember all the detail of a projection or even the projection itself most of the time. It's kind of like a dream. Alot of times in the morning you cant remember that you dreamed at all and other times you will have bits and pieces of the dream. As you recall the pieces you remember more of the dream, but most of the time you aware that you are not remembering every detail of the dream. It is often rare that one remembers an entire dream all the way through, the same applies for astral projection.

The other reason is that, like I said, very few people are able to project whenever they chose. So when someone does achieve a successfull projection all they want to do is experience it. All they want is to prove it to themselves and enjoy. They're not worried about finding proof.

Last is that the subconscious plays a big role on what can be perceived in the astral and 'real time zones'. A clear mind needs to be kept at all times. If one starts guessing about what might be on the other side of a wall or what is over a distant hill, that is a open door for the subconscious to come through and cause a fluctuation in reality. Sort of like a dream where you are talking to a friend and then all of a sudden a pink elephant comes walking by. Trying to gather proof is not entirely effective because you can't be sure that what you are seeing isn't tainted.

Anyhow that my 2 cents. I'm no expert on the subject just my take on things after a few experiences of my own in the astral.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 06:05 PM

That would be a logical deduction if astral projection was ever assumed to be easy. It is not however. It's kind of like saying that you heard of people being able to run a 25 mile marathon but when you tried it you passed out after a mile. Then based on your experience you assume that those that say they run 25 mile marathons are full of ****.

no its not - its saying that if 1 person astral projects then that person would be showing every person s/he knows and getting them to do it. this in turn would produce a knock on effect and sooner or later everyone will be doing it.

astral projection has been around for years with only a few people actually claiming to be able to do it - why is this ? surely you genuine astral projectors can show people how to do it - get all your friends involved and let them show their friends / family / dog etc

your quote about being able to run marathons actually backs my post up and goes against yours. once 1 person proved he could run the 25 miles then everyone wanted to have ago and guess what - they do - they have marathons all over the world with 1000's of people all running them
maybe im just missing groups of people floating around past my window at night

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 06:48 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
no its not - its saying that if 1 person astral projects then that person would be showing every person s/he knows and getting them to do it. this in turn would produce a knock on effect and sooner or later everyone will be doing it.

Again your thinking its simpler than it is. We are talking about something that is not physical here, something that science is yet unable to measure. You mention astral projection and 95% of the people think your crazy and immediatly close their mind to the very idea of it.

And the same technique doesn't always work for everybody. It's not like a recipe where you can just take all of the ingredients, dump them in a pot, and expect it to come out right. The method I use to meditate may be distracting for someone else, the method I use to relax may tense up someone else. It takes an open mind and a willingness to try many different techniques to have any hope of success.

You almost have to completely change your lifestlye to do this with any degree of success. Astral projection require a nearly clear mind and deep relaxation. It helps tremendously if you can avoid the media and any stress. Most people don't have the time to devote daily to attempts at astral projection and they are certainly not willing to change their lifestyle on something that science cannot yet prove.

The day that science proves astral projection is a reality, I gauruntee you it WILL spread like wildfire and nearly everyone will be doing it.

astral projection has been around for years with only a few people actually claiming to be able to do it - why is this ? surely you genuine astral projectors can show people how to do it - get all your friends involved and let them show their friends / family / dog etc

People do show others how to do it. There are many books and websites that detail numerous techniques for achieving this. But like I mentioned above the majority of people think the mere idea of astral projecting is crazy and since science cannot measure it it must be the imagination of the person.

Given these peoples attitudes and the amount of practice needed to actually achieve a astral projection is it any wonder that the number of people that can project is small?

To put it in perspective I've told a few of my friends about astral projecting before and only 2 of them believed me enough to actually try it out. The other just thought I was joking around. Both of them gave up after about a few weeks of just trying to meditate.

your quote about being able to run marathons actually backs my post up and goes against yours. once 1 person proved he could run the 25 miles then everyone wanted to have ago and guess what - they do - they have marathons all over the world with 1000's of people all running them
maybe im just missing groups of people floating around past my window at night

*sigh* It was just an example, not the best one it seems but the first one that popped into my head. This goes along with what I was saying above. Running and the benefits it can provide can be measured by science. Also we can witness runners with our own eyes. I was using it as an example to show the amount of work and dedication that is needed to achieve projection. It takes alot of conditioning before someone can run 25 miles nonstop same applies to projection.

Like I said untill science can prove projection the majority of people will not have the open mind that is required. Very few people are lucky enough to have success at projection the first couple of times they try it. For most people it takes months sometimes years of trying. If you don't have an open mind you're going to quit before you succeed.

Nobody is going to devote the time that is needed for something like this if they don't have an open mind or don't believe it. Not such a hard thing to realize in this materialistic world we live in is it?

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 06:53 PM

Like I said untill science can prove projection the majority of people will not have the open mind that is required. Very few people are lucky enough to have success at projection the first couple of times they try it. For most people it takes months sometimes years of trying. If you don't have an open mind you're going to quit before you succeed.

How can science prove Astral Projection? Seriuosly! The little I know about it says that it would be very hard to prove it's authenticity with scientific test and proofs. How do you document someones ability to project themselves into another level of conscienceousness?

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:05 PM
I really WISH I knew the answer to this paticular question.
maybe THE BEST WAY is differenat for each person?
I was only able to reach this state with the aid of another......but I have a 35 year background in TRYING.
Meditation.....prayer..chanting....I try everything, and have yet to get ~OUT~
If you have a freind who CAN do this...ask them to ~YANK~ you out of your body, because thats what I ended up doing. It WORKED though! And ended up being one of if not THE most important experiance of my life thus far.
Now I know its the real deal...and shall quest ever after to attain this state on my own. A most worthwhile endevour to loose ones fear of death completely.
Do not let scoffers turn you away from this quest...its THE REAL THING....(not coke)

The Robert Monroe books on OOBE have alot of scientific experiments made in clinical well as in Universitys....
In VIRGINIA USA there is a Robert Monroe institute, where they take people and help them OUT of there bodies, in a clinical sleep study enviroment.....Ive never been there but its on my list of things to do.

[edit on 13-8-2004 by theRiverGoddess]

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:33 PM
i do remember a show about obe's on tv - they got some bloke in bed and put a shelf up about 15ft above him - now on this shelf they wrote a number
the idea was that this person would obe , float up to the ceiling and be able to read the number on the shelf

guess what - it never worked

ok - few questions

1. how do you know you are not just controlled dreaming ?
2. how do you know it is reality and not your imagination ?
3. are you prone to wake up when your body is moved ?
4. have there been any documented cases where people have under strict conditions been able to show good results of things that would be impossible to know about unless they have actually obe'd ?
5. why dont you use your powers to do something usefull ? stop floating around and being nosey and actually help people who need it

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:45 PM

Originally posted by acidhead

1. how do you know you are not just controlled dreaming ?

It feels more real than a dream... Also during my first time, my cell phone rang. I could see around my room clearly at the time, and I had to force myself back into my body to pick up the phone. Now I regret it, I should've just let the stupid phone ring.

2. how do you know it is reality and not your imagination ?

It looks and feels a million times more vivid than imagination or a dream. For people who have enough energy while being out, it it's even more vivid and real than normal waking life. The best way to know what an oobe really is, is to learn to have one. There is not one person on the planet who can't learn to have oobe's IMO.

3. are you prone to wake up when your body is moved ?

Not really.

4. have there been any documented cases where people have under strict conditions been able to show good results of things that would be impossible to know about unless they have actually obe'd ?

There are numerous accounts, where people have met during oobe's and have been able to tell of the same experiences afterward, even if they live thousands of miles away from each other.

5. why dont you use your powers to do something usefull ? stop floating around and being nosey and actually help people who need it

Because I'm a beginner. And it's like learning to ride a bike. Only you get to ride the bike once every 6 months for only a few minutes or seconds. In my case then...

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by mpeake

How can science prove Astral Projection? Seriuosly! The little I know about it says that it would be very hard to prove it's authenticity with scientific test and proofs. How do you document someones ability to project themselves into another level of conscienceousness?

Simple, have to people who have never met each other in the physical world, meet in the astral world. (with no physical contact whatsoever)

And let them recall their experience afterwards. And of course seperated and independent of each other...

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:51 PM

Originally posted by acidhead

the fact that most people dont do this is proof that no one actually has come up with anything remotely convincing

You have a subconscious mind which controls your astral projections most of the time. People don't always get to go where they want during an astral projection, especially if they're not trained in focusing and concentration.

If we only had a conscious mind, things would be just like you said.

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 07:59 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
astral projection has been around for years with only a few people actually claiming to be able to do it - why is this ?

Uhmm.. Make that millions...

surely you genuine astral projectors can show people how to do it - get all your friends involved and let them show their friends / family / dog etc

Not when they come with comments like: "uhmm... sorry but I don't really have to do that, that's too weird" Most people, and I mean at least 90% don't even want entertain the idea that they can leave out their bodies. They just shrug it off, and go on with their lives.

your quote about being able to run marathons actually backs my post up and goes against yours. once 1 person proved he could run the 25 miles then everyone wanted to have ago and guess what - they do - they have marathons all over the world with 1000's of people all running them
maybe im just missing groups of people floating around past my window at night

That's because marathons are something that most people have always known that existed. They've seen it on tv etc... No one has ever seen an astral projection on tv of course.. .But they've seen marathons on tv.

And the media doesn't even show ten seconds on people that claim to have astral projections. Nothing... Nada... and there are billions of people who eat every single piece of kraft cheese that the media, their upbringing and their education has fed them with, and nothing else...

[edit on 13-8-2004 by TheBandit795]

posted on Aug, 13 2004 @ 08:18 PM

Originally posted by acidhead
i actually tried this years and years ago , then i came to the conclusion that if it was actually possible then everyone would be doing it.

the people who astral project would all come back and shock theirl friends by telling them what where doing the night before , find lost people , find lost objects and it would spread around like wild fire. there would be no need for flying across the country to go for meetings , no need to travel for sightseeing , no need for going out apart from shopping and buying essentials

the fact that most people dont do this is proof that no one actually has come up with anything remotely convincing

That's just dumb reasoning. You apparently didn't try long enough to be able to AP. It took me 2 months of practicing every night. I might of skipped 1-2 days a week, before i could AP.
if getting a PHD was possble we'd all have PHD's. Just that everyone doesn't. Why? because they dont try hard enough to get it. The same goes for astral projection.

your quote about being able to run marathons actually backs my post up and goes against yours. once 1 person proved he could run the 25 miles then everyone wanted to have ago and guess what - they do - they have marathons all over the world with 1000's of people all running them

If nobody saw him run 25 miles did he really run 25 miles??

5. why dont you use your powers to do something usefull ? stop floating around and being nosey and actually help people who need it

how can you even say that when you discredit that astral projection is real. if all the people with phd's are so smart why don't they fix all our problems?

i do remember a show about obe's on tv - they got some bloke in bed and put a shelf up about 15ft above him - now on this shelf they wrote a number
the idea was that this person would obe , float up to the ceiling and be able to read the number on the shelf

guess what - it never worked

you should read psychic warrior by david moorehouse, he is an x-cia who was in the remote viewing projects which is basically like AP. After months of training they sent him to a target, he explained the target as best he could, an anchor, watery, a large object in the water. It was a cruise ship though. He couldn't tell it was a cruise ship but he had the right idea with the anchor and water

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