posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 12:36 PM
Im from the UK.. more or a lurker than a poster so i just wanted to throw my views in here as requested.
I was in my friends car coming back from a fishing trip on Sunday (the 19th) when on the radio there was a news report. One was about the money being
used in Libya, i remember hearing on guy on the news report saying that people are asking where all this money is coming from to which the response
was the money for operations in Libya was coming out of reserves.
This P'ed me off big time. Here we are in the UK, increased fuel and food rates, people struggling to find jobs, people struggling to live a normal
life and our countries money problems are all up the creek. So why the hell are we spending millions from this so called reserve fund when this money
could be used to get the country back up and running. It F****** disgusting. And what has these strikes in Libya done ... absolute nothing.
Without dropping in on UFO subject, if/when disclosure happens im praying to the little green men to get me off this rock. Id rather be anal probed by
an alien than my own sodding If you took the titles of Prime Minister and President away from our leaders then they would have normal names like me
and you. Yet because they are well off and protected they dont realise how hard and stupid it is to live in the normal world. Ive become more and more
angry with the world in the past few years...