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Man flies US Airways in women's underwear (Photo)

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posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:22 AM
My 15 year old insists on wearing the droopy bottom one, no one can convince him otherwise,and he wears it to school too.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:30 AM
You kick a guy off who is sagging and you won't get to much bad press about it, especially if you repeatedly ask him to pull him up as they did this guy.

Now if you kick a cross dressing man off the plane for wearing skimpy womens clothing and then you are looking at a whole world of trouble from the ACLU, gay community and gay rights supporters.

I see this as a buisness trying to adhere to the ever growing craziness that is political correctness.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Thwax

Your probably right, but I assume every teen I see now days is either EMO or Scene or whatever he lingo is these days.
I know Im casting every young person into the same lot, but when I was young everyone assumed i liked MC Hammer...

OH WAIT, I did!! It's hammer Time!

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by Unity_99

When I was in 9th grade these two guy I new insisted on wearing their pants backwards.
Kriss Kross style.

Which was two young guys rapping on Mtv.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:54 AM
reply to post by Becoming

So then the real victim here is the Airlines not the individuals?
I can respect that, considering they have to play ball with an insane government.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:59 AM
I just hope the guy was not wearing a thong *shudder*

However I personally do not care (nor do I think society should) if anyone dresses in lacy undies or wears their trousers below their knees as long as the person does not behave like a complete twazuk.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 08:59 AM
When did people stop dressing appropriately for the occasion?
In the pre 1970's you would wear a suit and hat for traveling any further than your neighborhood.
Even blue collar workers dressed for traveling.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by Suspiria
I'll never understand why people wear their jeans like that.

Can I help you?

Sagging pants is not a style per-say as much as it is a state of comfort. Listen, you can say it's not comfortable, because you grew up your whole life with pants bought to fit you, and thats what you now prefer. That doesn't make the opposite not true.

You have to understand circumstance. Sagging pants is not a "black" guy thing. It's a "Poor" people thing. It stems from having hand me down clothes your entire childhood. So everything you have to wear doesn't fit right. Over time you get accustomed to having clothes too big for you. As a result, wearing clothes the proper size after years and years of not wearing clothes the proper size... proper sized clothes "Feel" wrong. And as a result, it becomes a comfort issue.

This is not an opinion. I'm a white guy, I sag my pants a little. I don't have my entire ass out like that but damn, yes my boxers show. You can only see my boxers if you lift up my shirt or I'm wearing a tank top "beater" tee. And even then, it's no where near a matter of "indecent exposure" as the entire body is still covered. It's not like you see privates... Boxers do not equal naked ass, they are just shorts under pants. When did we become a country that I couldn't wear what I wanted to, as long as it wasn't "Indecent??"

First off, there is a WHOLE lot of ignorance about the subject, second off... it's irrelevent because it's their American RIGHT to dress that way, regardless if you think it looks stupid.

You know what I think looks stupid? Plaid shirts. You know what I think looks stupid? "Boots with the Fur."

You know what I think looks stupid? "Sexy Business Attire" for women. You know what I think look stupid? Skinny Jeans that show off your package.

Everyone wants to talk about sagging pants, when it's no different than getting a sleeve tattoo, or wearing skinny jeans. People who talk about sagging pants are usually racist. They always think it's a "Black" guy thing. They also usually correlate white people who sag their pants to "White kids who want to be black."

All of you, think about your ignorance, please.


You can totally run faster in baggier clothing than tight clothing. You are WAY more agile, it's the ones that wear loose belts that can't run lol... You must never been to a poor neighborhood.... poor people are soooooooooooooo fast.... (This is a humerous generalization... btw.)

edit on 23-6-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:11 AM

Originally posted by ..5..
When did people stop dressing appropriately for the occasion?
In the pre 1970's you would wear a suit and hat for traveling any further than your neighborhood.
Even blue collar workers dressed for traveling.

Because that's ridiculous.

I'm going to wear an uncomfortable suit just because I'm leaving my neighborhood? Seems hardly called for.... People do dress for the occasion... Casual, for anything casual, dressed up, for anything dressed up.

Anything more than that, is in my opinion, just redundant.
edit on 23-6-2011 by Laokin because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by snowen20
reply to post by Becoming

So then the real victim here is the Airlines not the individuals?
I can respect that, considering they have to play ball with an insane government.

No the real victims are the individuals, individuals make the Airline the victim for jumping on their butts for what they say is unfair treatment.

They are the victims because our "sue everyone who offends me" mentality has forced a double standard. We can't enforce our rules with certain groups of people because we are afraid of the out cry. I'm a straight white man, let me get on that plane in nothing but my tightey whiteys and a wife beater and see what happens.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:16 AM
reply to post by Laokin

What ignorance should we think about?
no one has made any statements that are entirely untrue here that I am aware of.
I also don't see where anyone said sagging was a black guy thing.

You correct though, it is there right. I personally felt more uncomfortable flying because I was the guy with the muscles and sleeve tattoos, that everyone was attempting to avoid. I felt like a harden felon. lol.
Anyway, your point is understood, but I fail to see how it is not also a fashion trend, and it is not ignorance to say so IMO.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Laokin

If it's uncomfortable then it doesn't fit.

Dressing for the occasion shows respect and in many cases commands it.

I don't see any youtubes of LEOs body slamming someone in a three piece suit. In their sociopathic mind LEO s fear that that person may know someone who may have the power to take their badge. Citizens dressed in rags from the gap are a safe target for their abuse.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 09:24 AM
reply to post by Laokin

Poor young kids don't know the reason they wear their pants around their knees.

Let me enlighten you as how this stupid fad started.

It originated in the California gangs (It was either the Crips or the Bloods). Their members who went to prison were issued clothes that did not fit and since they were not allowed a belt, their pants sagged.

They thought it looked cool and they wore kept on wearing their jeans like that once they got out. Gradually more and more people started wearing their jeans like that. Not because they couldn't afford a belt, but because they thought it made them look tough.

People associate it with black people, because it did start with black people. Black people imitated each other and once this fad got a life of its own it spread to white people. There is nothing racist about associating it with the black community.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:35 PM
reply to post by snowen20

Only one thing to say about the 'guy' on the right, he's got balls.....and you can see them!


posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:37 PM

Originally posted by thoughtsfull
I just hope the guy was not wearing a thong *shudder*

However I personally do not care (nor do I think society should) if anyone dresses in lacy undies or wears their trousers below their knees as long as the person does not behave like a complete twazuk.

Yeah yeah, I bet you saved the picture into that 'special' folder you have in your 'My Documents'!

Just messing!


posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by snowen20

But then airlines do also refuse to let "scantily dressed" women fly with them.
So are airlines full of pooftahs?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:54 PM
I was really hoping that there would be an image from one of those new whole body scanners rather than a picture of an older gentleman in drag.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 04:55 PM
As a metalhead, either are fine with me.

They'll behave themselves...

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 05:00 PM
well...ridicule does not kill !
edit on 23-6-2011 by SSimon because: catch my drift ?

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 05:09 PM
My girlfriends 19 year old wears his boxers BACKWARDS and his pants slung down below his butt I asked him why? Its the style was all I could get from him .I noticed his pants on the bathroom floor ..he had shoelaces through the front belt loops to tie under his shorts..thats how he kept his pants from falling off . He came up with that trick after fighting with a guy who simply dropped down jerked his pants down and proceded to pound him.he couldnt fight with his pants down Little wannabe thug .

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