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What Has Happened to Men?

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posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:09 PM
I am a woman and I blame women. I believe we've sold ourselves short, have bought into the unachievable porno/model images, and feel we have to conform to what society says we should be. If women took back their power to think for themselves and invest their time in learning, working, creativity, etc. we all would realize our own happiness and that a guy or relationship isn't nor should be your life or whT you need to complete you. Quit giving it up to the jerks, creeps, and a-holes. Learn some self respect and demand to be treated accordingly. These things wouldn't be going on if women said enough is enough and cut men off who didn't treat them with respect. Those women who continue to pander to this sick societal drama are ruining men, and ruining it for the rest of us women who already found their self worth and respect, yet are passed over because we aren't society's idea of the ideal. It feels like there are mostly boys that never grow up, the Peter pan syndrome... Why should they when they don't have to? And the good ones usually get preyed on by undeserving girls early on only to be ruined... Destined to either be jaded and dejected, or adopt the can't beat em join em attitude and turn to the jerk side.

posted on Aug, 28 2011 @ 09:37 PM
Well I don't know. I must be the only person left in America under age 25 without a Facebook page, so I'm "missing out" on all this sending of racy photographs and dirty talking (not). Getting to be harder and harder to live without facebook, so who knows, I might have to take the plunge and subject myself to strange men and their comments

Right now ATS is my only "social network" and fortunately nobody every makes obsecene propositions here, so it works for me I guess.

I think if people could all behave to each other on other forums they behave here, none of this would really be an issue. My two cents.


posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 01:23 AM
I think there is more too it than what msot of people have made out,

I dont think men who are into men are any more delicate.. from being in chatrooms before im veryaware they are not shy even if they dont know if your gay or straight (im straight btw)

i think if you put almost all these people into a social situation like a pub/club/cafe or some similar place they wont act like that (most of them) they would act like normal human beings,
very few people see the internet as a place to meet friends, or form relationships, yeah you can talk to people and have digital friends but its not the same thing (unless you allow it to develop) so first the people you are talking too arnt REAL even though they exsist, i think it easy to act like a perv online because there is a mask, the PC, i think there is also a barrier infront of the women so they arnt real women in the same way.

i also think alot of women have the same issues as men online, which breeds men to feel like they can get away with it more because more women are allowing it...

i had a converation with a friend who was using a Dating website too nice for her own good, thinks too highly of the human race, there are many many men out there who are lovley, worldwide, but the internet breeds the ability to lie, cheat and generally not answer to your wrongs,(i told her when being online) i have always presumed everyone i talk to online is infact lying about there relationship status, age, general interests, appearence, even on here, essentially pics or it didnt happen, if there is no proof, it doesnt mean i dont like there image they put forward, and doesnt mean i dont like them as a person (or at least the person i think i know) but when i log off i forget about these people as essentially they are fictional.

i think the attitude started in the way that men and women are equal.. which is fine on paper, but a group of guys are alot more crude (im not complaining we all love guys nights out sometimes) but with women around the jokes arnt told the same, the night finishes earlier, what you eat slightly changes, generally being a bit more behaved, but online you arnt talking to a women infront of you, your talking to a digital "no-one"

thats why i think it happens, socially you dont need to worry about the same issues you do in the flesh.

Just my thoughts

edit on 29-8-2011 by GonzoSinister because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by Partygirl
Well I don't know. I must be the only person left in America under age 25 without a Facebook page, so I'm "missing out" on all this sending of racy photographs and dirty talking (not). Getting to be harder and harder to live without facebook, so who knows, I might have to take the plunge and subject myself to strange men and their comments

Right now ATS is my only "social network" and fortunately nobody every makes obsecene propositions here, so it works for me I guess.

I think if people could all behave to each other on other forums they behave here, none of this would really be an issue. My two cents.


I think its the fear of being judged on here... its hard to explain the way i'd describe it is this...
Post a thread about somthing that would be seen as rascist, saying blaming black folk or muslims for the economic downfall of the west, cout the posts to star/flag ratio.

these people dont voice the opinions becase they are scared people will remeber them here and treat thm diffrently, although a huge community its really not that big in comparison to many chat rooms and facebook etc.
i'd guess you'll find the reason is fear that prevents it here.
also you need to remebr the users on this site dont essentially make up the demographical norm in the world
(in the nicest way)

Really your 25 and dont have facebook? i think i have one close friend without facebook and they miss out on nights out and paitnballing and stuff because they dont get invites because there not online, its just a social norm now.

posted on Aug, 29 2011 @ 05:46 PM

Well I don't know. I must be the only person left in America under age 25 without a Facebook page, so I'm "missing out" on all this sending of racy photographs and dirty talking (not). Getting to be harder and harder to live without facebook, so who knows, I might have to take the plunge and subject myself to strange men and their comments

I too don't have a face book page. No desire for it. I don't feel I have missed out on anything. I also have no desire to become subject to "two legged Wildlife." No desire for Twitter or whatever nonsense is coming next. I am not that desperate for attention nor approval.

That is one of the reasons I gave up on Yahoo Chat. To much "Wildlife in its natural habitat" on there.

I disagree that you are missing out on anything. I am living quite well without face book or the next thing do come down the de evolutionary pipeline.

Congratulations Party Girl on not having a face book page. You are not alone in this.


I think its the fear of being judged on here... its hard to explain the way i'd describe it is this...
Post a thread about somthing that would be seen as rascist, saying blaming black folk or muslims for the economic downfall of the west, cout the posts to star/flag ratio.

People judge things all the time..from what to buy ..not buy ..whom to associate with in a given situation et al.

I don't concern myself with how people judge me ..particularly on a format like this. I just speak my opinions. I try to do it with a reasonable decorum and also try not to let the language degenerate to a street level or lower.

Fear of being judged allows others to "Censor " you. To control you by your fears or insecurities. Mob censorship. It has nothing to do with whether your opinions or views are right or justified. It is a control/censorship mechanism.

It is my belief that someone out engineers/leaders/politicians etc. have instituted such fear and insecurity of being judged to gain control over people by their insecurities/fears. To silence them on certain issues while allowing others to play through on default settings carefully placed in the path for just this reason....defaulting through. In this manner someone automatically gets a free ride and at the expense of others.
Like this computer...default settings allow the computer to automatically operate in a certain manner...unless you know how to change the defaults. This requires thinking and not emoting.

More and more you see people out here easily controlled by their emotions. There is little clear thinking going on.
Also if you know enough history and can track back in time can see much of our news media becoming more and more tabloid like. This too preys on peoples emotions and not clear thinking.

Racism is become a type of censorship..allowing only some to default race..the very thing they are decrying ..they do. People are beginning to catch on to the knowledge that racism has become a cottage race. It is become Wolfie..and it is often the "Usual Suspects" preaching and decrying race.
For they must practice racism censorship to solve the race problem they have created and in which they are heavily invested. In due time this will be seen more and more by people who can think outside the box of public education non standards.

Leonard Pitts in the Editorial section of our local newspaper. I have seen him write some very good editorials..but 90% or more of his editorials are about race...It is as if he is a one topic opinionist. I have seen so many of his editorials on race that I automatically tune him out. I get tired of the Race Police and their default settings to censor or transplant guilt into others and for the purposes of control/censorship/guilt. I am not interested in this template from anyone ..on any topic line..but race is become textbook of stupid and control now days.

To prove this ..we now have a pure Genius like Al Gore comparing climate change skeptics to racists. You have to go to public school to get that stupid..people are not naturally that stupid on their own without serious control or coaching. You see how it is done to censor you..

You have to go to public school to get this stupid that you must use a parallel claim of racism to bolster your other stupidity. But it does work well on people heavily ladened or burdened with race guilt. These people can easily be censored by race guilt. The system has been designed to do this...,make you feel guilty in order to control or censor guilt and labeling.

Homophobia is the same censorship technique as racism. This became clear to me when that person went after that beauty contestant some years back after asking her a question about marriage. He did not like her answer to the question he asked...and then proceeded to turn on a whole media machine to silence her and anyone else who would give other than a approved answer. In this methodology it quickly became censorship and control.
I highly disapprove of this method of defaulting through on the part of anyone. It is not free speech nor thought but control and censorship. PC on race and other issues is censorship'/control.
The Homosexual community got a huge black eye in my book from this poorly carried out attack on this contestant in a pageant. Very very poor tack on their part and I have taught a number of peoples to see this as the censorship that it is.

The women's groups practice the same kind of guilt and victim censorship as the others listed here.
I would go so far as to state that it is very likely that all three of these groups are controlled by the same peoples at the top..for they all have the same fingerprint in censorship and guilt techniques.

As to how this affects men...It affects them greatly in the roll models they know and choose to follow. It has gelled down to movies, television, and peer group experience. Not a good example or template from which to learn. The primary influence in their lives into young adulthood is their mothers, peer group, television, and movies.
This leaves many of them ripe for exploitation and seduction by professors when they get to colleges ..if they ever get there.

Little real thinking going on. It is mostly emotional reaction..not thinking. All three of these groups are heavily exploited by the body politic and social engineers paid for by government and exploited for their votes....based on emotional

And you can tell this by many of the responses here on ATS/BTS.


edit on 29-8-2011 by orangetom1999 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by autowrench

I totally know what you mean, how old are the men? because age makes a difference in maturity! men are never mature until they are in their 50's!

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 10:44 AM

Originally posted by pussycat
reply to post by autowrench

I totally know what you mean, how old are the men? because age makes a difference in maturity! men are never mature until they are in their 50's!

I dont necessarily buy into this concept Pussycat. I say this because socially ..when one uses social constructs to get by in life without ever having to take real RISKS in life to sustain ones never has to mature. One can hide behind social constructs. It only appears mature because ones primary RISK taking expectations is socially of someone else. One can appear to be mature and not truely be so.

When one is socially expecting others to do the hard RISK taking work and labor to maintain ones can put on the "appearance of Maturity" rather than being truely mature.

This is very similar to "The Appearance of Commitment" rather than real commitment. Women would understand this concept much faster than would a man.

This means one has a social safety/security net one can fall into..rather than taking RISK for ones self.

Most males I've ever met are pretty much oblivious to this concept and understanding and thus never question it for what it is.

When socially ..the belief system is that someone else takes the RISK out of life for never really has to mature..but expect more of someone the RISK arena.

When one has to look their death or maiming straight in the safety who is capable of thinking and not nonsense...matures very fast.

What we are getting out here and rapidly today both males and females with mostly a Mother, television/movie, peer group education..and no real life experiences.

I know this because I run into so many people who cannot express a moral or ethical thought or concept outside of some movie or television program they have watched. It becomes obvious that they have never taken many RISKS in life but only watched from the sidelines. And these people are now becoming voters. But they have no real life experiences. Their knowledge is second hand..vicarious through second hand sources.

The important vote in this country is today become the female vote. For it is known that the females determine how the bulk of monies are spent and on what ..all across the economic spectrum.
The males may earn most of the monies and take the RISKS in earning it ..but it is the females who determine how it is spent.

Social engineers know this fact..and they are engineering a social structure which puts the women order to get the woman's vote. And this social engineering is showing up on the males in this country..they are becoming in some arenas more feminine and high maintenance than the females.

This is what is happening to the males. They are losing their role models and cannot even defend a male RISK taking position ...and they may even be correct...but do not know how to get around female drama.

What a stupid bunch of males we have today. And many of the females know it.


posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:09 AM
i dont agree with the premise, men everywhere are attracted to women. Some men are more desperate than others, and will goto great lengths to try to achieve there sexual gratification. Most of these men, if anything ever is going to change,for them, need to get off the e net and goto the gym. Buy some nice clothes, and go out find the perfect score. Also ive seen this behavior from women too, its less common as they are usually not as agressive about meeting that need. However one night at a bar, i had just got home from the army a girl was talking to me at the time, she was being very sweet and all. then i was about to leave and she litterly chased my outside trying to propition me for sex, or a blow job. Honestly i was alittle bugged out by here forcefulness when i respectivly declined, and so i left with my sister and her friends. Well this girl see me leaving with my sister, and starts screaming at me to,"go f*** your who*** you a** hole!" anyway at that point we burnt off pretty quick. But i think this typ of behavior is more prevelant in men, aslo i dont think your wife should be talking to all these men anyway?? hello!

posted on Oct, 7 2011 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by KilgoreTrout

Originally posted by autowrench
The men she talks to in India, The Gambia, Australia, Canada, always treat her with respect. The American men, are another story altogether. The American men are nice at first, how are you, what are you doing today, then after a few weeks it's, can you send me some nude photos? Please turn on your webcam and show me those? And the questions they ask are downright perverted.

No one has ever asked me for a naked picture. Not ever.
But I would guess that if she is being asked 'perverted' questions on a regular basis, she should consider what it is that is inviting or encouraging that behaviour, I am not saying that she should change, but she can be pre-emptive and learn to recognise the 'signs'. As long as she is coping with the behaviour then I don't see the problem, and it is a safe enough way to learn those social skills, and once she can deal with it, her confidence in her ability to deal with such attentions will increase.

Originally posted by autowrench
All I ask of anyone is to treat her, and respect her the same as I do. I invite stories from you women here, I am sure my wife is not the only one here.

I am sure that you treat her very well, and have enormous respect for her, justly no doubt, but perhaps you should consider how she would feel about the fact that you, on this site have bragged about the size/quality/whatever of her vagina at least once that I have noted. Does she mind that?

btw, this was a very funny burn.. star for you

posted on Oct, 11 2011 @ 05:33 PM
idk its like theres not more gentlemen out there . ]:

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