Originally posted by camaro68ss
Can anyone find any updates. I see on yahoo they are evacuating some towns in SD today
Strange that there is no mention of SD on the FEMA daily update.
Sorry about the big post, but there are many places on the river in trouble.
I'll see what I can find on SD. BRB.
Souris River Flooding – Minot, ND
Current Situation
Minot, ND
Several levees overtopping and 10,000-12,000 residents in the original evacuation zones 1–9 were instructed to evacuate immediately after flood
sirens activated yesterday morning. The City of Burlington (population 1,060) in Ward County also mandatorily evacuated residents. The Trinity Nursing
Home was evacuated and patients were relocated to other facilities.
There are 2 shelters (1 in Minot, 1 in Burlington) open with 52 occupants in Minot/0 occupants in Burlington; 3 additional shelters are identified and
on stand-by. Evacuated residents will not be allowed to return home until the Souris River falls below high risk levels – estimated time frame is in
excess of 30 days. The Broadway Bridge may close; will cut off north side of city from south. Risk to Minot water system is due to flooding of source
wells and water treatment plant; these infrastructure sites are being protected.
The combination of spring snowmelt and recent rainfall events has resulted in unseasonable high runoff at many locations throughout the Missouri River
Basin. The weather forecast during the next 1 to 3 days shows a potential for over 1.3 inches of rain near the northwestern area of Missouri and
southwest region of Iowa which may drain into the Missouri River Basin.
The Missouri River at Rulo went above record flood stage this morning and is currently at 26.65 feet. This location is expected to crest at 26.8 feet
early morning on June 23 and maintain near record levels through early next week. Historically, Federal levees at this location are nearly overtopped
at 27 feet.
Over the past several days, there have been numerous levee breaches due to high reservoir and dam releases combined with heavy rainfall. During the
evening hours of June 21, two agricultural levee breaches were reported by the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC). The breaches were north of
Big Lake near the intersection of M-111 and M-118. Local emergency managers and the National Guard went door-to-door informing residences in the town
of Bigelow (pop. 35) of possible imminent flooding due to the breaches. There has been no additional reporting on this event since Tuesday night.
In Holt County, the Towns of Bigelow and Fortescue have evacuated. Corning is flooded with 8 feet of water due to a breach of the Mill Creek Levee
located at the mouth of Mill Creek and Missouri River; evacuation is complete; approximately 20 homes (75 persons) are affected. There was a breach on
the eastern side of the Big Tarkio and on a private levee. Water infrastructure is protected at this time. A 4 foot earthen levee is being constructed
to protect the water treatment plant in Craig. A levee breach has occurred along Cannon Creek Levee. USACE is allowing flow into a nature reserve to
relieve pressure; no communities affected. Holt County Levee #9 is expected to overtop this weekend. The levee protects farmland only; no communities
will be affected.
In Atchison County, Levee 550 at mile marker 535.5 (near US-136) is overtopping along a 20-30 foot span. USACE and the County Emergency Management
Department predict the levee will fail at any time.
In Platte County, sandbagging operations are continuing for levees 408 and 400 Levees. The levees are expected to overtop this weekend:
In Buchanan County, inmates have sandbagged around the Lewis and Clark Lake. USACE has completed two relief wells at Lake Contrary and will drill four
additional relief wells. The county is working on evacuation plans. The levee around the airport has been reinforced.
There are two shelters open; one in Atchison County (Methodist Church in Rock Port) with no occupants, and one in Holt County (Christian Church in
Mound City) with two occupants. There are 38 roads statewide that are closed due to flooding.
Gavins Point:
Current releases of 155,000 CFS and are projected to increase to approximately 160,000 CFS today. These high releases are expected to continue through
at least mid August. This will result in an increase in river stages: Sioux City, IA from 0.7 to 1 foot; Omaha to Rulo, NE to 0.3 to 0.4 of a foot;
St. Joseph, MO roughly 0.6 foot; Kansas City, the rise will be roughly 0.7 foot.
Rulo (Nebraska) - The river went above record flood stage yesterday morning and is expected to crest at 26.8’ early tomorrow morning and maintain
near the record levels through early next week. Historically, Federal levees at this location are nearly overtopped at 27’. There is one shelter
open in Missouri Valley (Harrison County) and seven shelters on stand-by. There are several road closures that remain in effect.