just to let you know this,,,
who says al quide whatever is not a secret force representing a group of wealthy people.
Think tiger........... Remember enron, okay how big was it, how wide spread did it go to funnel billions out of its regions..... right how many people
brought it all down....??????
Remeber evil only has 1 leg to stand only thats why its so easy top topple, but truth stands firm on two legs,,,,
Al qaide is a well funded elite force of unregistered, un accountable remodelled, ex mercenaries who have had face lifts dental records destoyed, and
finger prints altered or removed, easy hey, a bit of cash and BAM you have an elite group travelling thru open country hooking up witht he scum of the
earth, and being helped on the outside by the funded wealthy who, use thier private army to scare the living S@#T out of poor innocent Dorks like you
and me, well when I was 20 I guess, but know hey bro, forget it.
But one last secret thought is this,
Keep your friends close and your enimies closer..... search who lives like this and you'll see the light of truth as to your triangled US lead war on
oil, chemical weapons, and 9/11 attacks, also a next question does osama know who kofi annan actually is, does the illuminati, really own the swiss
banking system and back up the world bank, and WTO.