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military cargo movement reported to all major civilian populations in the US

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posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 05:54 AM

Hi my name is Phil and I was sent this link

Can someone validate this report, because if it is factual, something BIG is about to go down.

Its anyones guess what that something is, but I would put money on martial law being planned.

currency takedown? virus? nuclear (staged terrorist) attack?

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by georgemonsoon

Welcome to ATS. Hope you enjoy it.

Interesting post. It seems a bit early judging from my time line.
Maybe are getting ready to implement marshall law in order to move people out of the area.


posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:04 AM
reply to post by georgemonsoon

Very interesting video. This coincides with a video taken by an ATS members showing a train moving Tanks to somewhere. This was a very long train, with countless Tanks being moved to undisclosed area. I'll try to find that thread.

If more witnesses comes then this news could have some credibility.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:05 AM
I can't validate this at all.

But it really doesn't matter because we have been hearing this for years.
If anyone is surprised by any actions, its the sleeping public.
If you don't have provisions for disasters by now, that's your own fault.
(generalized....not specifically you OP)


posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:06 AM

Originally posted by georgemonsoon
Its anyones guess what that something is, but I would put money on martial law being planned.

I'll take that bet! How much? How long do we wait until payoff?

Welcome to ATS!

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:08 AM

Originally posted by georgemonsoon
something BIG is about to go down.

Its anyones guess what that something is,

How about just normal movement of military equipment? It happens every day, all over the world.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:11 AM
Few big military exercises on at the moment, that is all.

As for truck drivers being told to prepare for a catastrophic event, I call bullsheeeeet.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by georgemonsoon

Lots of strange military movements being reported...see www

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:30 AM
Might this have something to do with the massive drills being held on the east coast by the marines? They are currently testing every piece of heavy equipment they have.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:34 AM
Maybe it's 'cause I live near relatively close to Ft. Lewis, but seeing equipment being transported or armed convoy's going down the freeway isn't anything new to me here. Without any sort of pictures, videos, more information etc...this video just sounds kind of like fearmongering to me. Anyone can make a YouTube video with an ominous picture saying they heard such and such story from a person involved without anything to help back it up.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:43 AM
I would say this is happening all over the world in response to current events.. and the many arenas that conflict is being pursued between the US, EU and China (Economic, Technological, Resources etc) Conflicts that have spiralled out of control and are now moving into the realms of military conflict (Libya etc)

So in my opinion any sane nation would start to make preparations for the defence of their sphere of influence and shore up their alliances given what is happening in the world and the potential this has to turn into another Great War.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:46 AM
HELLO AND WELCOME interesting post..ATS folks grab your cameras .This may get interesting Very interesting ya

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:07 AM
"Al Qaeda is still a threat. We cannot pretend somehow that because Barack Hussein Obama got elected as president, suddenly everything is going to be OK."
Barack Obama

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 07:09 AM
Most Nationa Guard units take a 2-3 week exercise about this time every year. They will convoy to various bases all over the US, train hard for 2-3 weeks then come back home. sometimes the bulkier stuff is shipped by train or even comercial. This sounds like what is being described, but then again it could be something more - not 100% positive. I was in the National Guard for 22 years and I can only account for my own experiences.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:00 AM

Originally posted by Logman
As for truck drivers being told to prepare for a catastrophic event, I call bullsheeeeet.

Same here. They would only be told what they need to know, civilian or military.

If a catastrophic event was about to happen, I doubt they would need to know.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:25 AM
Thanks for the replies,

I will take this report on face value and assume it is just conjecture / sensationalism.

Let's see what pans out.

Anyway, I didn't introduce myself.

My name is Phil and I am a 40+ family man who lives in the UK. I am under no illusions about how the world works and have done a lot of research.

From my research I have unfortunately been unable to find much hard factual evidence to back up even the most plausible NWO arguments, but I maintain my own personal picture of the world based upon objective reason and intuition.

This is what I believe,

The descendants of the Rothschilds pull all the strings that govern our monetary system and control every world government, either directly or indirectly. This minority of individuals is very powerful and have unlimited influence on any and all global decisions.

They have been controling the worlds affairs directly and indirectly for centuries. (Basically since the first "loan" was issued.)

Social engineering has been employed to condition the population of the planet to willingly accept slavery to the monetary system. This social engineering starts at birth and is re-enforced by our parents, peers, schooling system, media and where this doesn't work, violent forced acceptance.

I believe that the New World Order that is plastered all over the internet is ALREADY HERE and has been for a long, long time. What we are alive to witness today is the endgame, the pending "checkmate" that will render any resistance to their plans, impotent.

I have no idea how the endgame will play out, but I would assume that dumming down the population would be their first goal, Being a middle aged man, I have witnessed successive generations become more stupid and less willing to think for themselves. Did anyone mourn the passing of our old friend common sense?

We are consumers, we are cattle.
I believe we are born into slavery, marked as a commodity when our parents signed our birth certificates, we are educated by our compulsory school system and the media to be the perfect consumer. Chasing after material wealth and perpetuating the self servicing monetary system willingly. Those who are in ultimate power of the monetary system see us as cattle. They also want to reduce our numbers in order to ensure continuance of their control machine. Just like a game keeper culls the livestock when they start to consume too many natural resources, so we will be subject to the same rules.

I believe this to be fact, but as stated at the beginning of this post, my belief is entirely personal and is subject to change as more evidence comes to light.

At this time, I am taking no action. I do not believe that enough of the population is aware enough for any revolt to make a difference. I am however educating my 4 children to think for themselves and attempt to answer their questions as honestly as I can.

Phil G.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:12 AM
I was going to say "calm down, they move military stuff all the time" but thought it would add nothing so I didn't post.
About an hour ago 2 Chinook helicopters flew low over my house which is something I'd never seen living here before. Maybe there's more to this that I originally thought, I'll be checking back to see what else others post.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:19 AM
You guys for real ?

Troop pullout..
All the Tanks, BFVs, Strykers, HMMWVs, MRAPs, LMTVs, and other shi* that we have no need for out here is coming back home, that's what you are seeing...
Same with the fixed and rotary wing aircraft... whole BCTs are redeploying atm.

Martial law my arse...

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 11:57 AM
reply to post by georgemonsoon

Welcome Phil.

Just wanted to say that your thesis of the world is exactly the way I see it.
Great job!

I especially like your grand scheme, because I believe this new "World Order" has been around for quite some time. I'm talking decades. We are just now getting wind of it(and late I might add) and now we are facing the endgame. The final pieces are in place for another world war, which will bring on the new currency and rise of wealth to the east. Painting a nice scenario?

Have fun here on ATS and remember one thing:
"The only thing you can control is that which is in your hands."

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:54 PM
About 1.5 months ago, there was a giant plain grey cargo plane streaking across the sky in my area(south central PA). There are no military bases nearby and the one airport large enough to handle a plane that size is located about 30 miles north of me. What was odd to me was how silent it was and we NEVER have planes of that nature flying thru the area, especially as low as it was.

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