posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:25 AM
Thanks for the replies,
I will take this report on face value and assume it is just conjecture / sensationalism.
Let's see what pans out.
Anyway, I didn't introduce myself.
My name is Phil and I am a 40+ family man who lives in the UK. I am under no illusions about how the world works and have done a lot of research.
From my research I have unfortunately been unable to find much hard factual evidence to back up even the most plausible NWO arguments, but I maintain
my own personal picture of the world based upon objective reason and intuition.
This is what I believe,
The descendants of the Rothschilds pull all the strings that govern our monetary system and control every world government, either directly or
indirectly. This minority of individuals is very powerful and have unlimited influence on any and all global decisions.
They have been controling the worlds affairs directly and indirectly for centuries. (Basically since the first "loan" was issued.)
Social engineering has been employed to condition the population of the planet to willingly accept slavery to the monetary system. This social
engineering starts at birth and is re-enforced by our parents, peers, schooling system, media and where this doesn't work, violent forced
I believe that the New World Order that is plastered all over the internet is ALREADY HERE and has been for a long, long time. What we are alive to
witness today is the endgame, the pending "checkmate" that will render any resistance to their plans, impotent.
I have no idea how the endgame will play out, but I would assume that dumming down the population would be their first goal, Being a middle aged
man, I have witnessed successive generations become more stupid and less willing to think for themselves. Did anyone mourn the passing of our old
friend common sense?
We are consumers, we are cattle.
I believe we are born into slavery, marked as a commodity when our parents signed our birth certificates, we are educated by our compulsory school
system and the media to be the perfect consumer. Chasing after material wealth and perpetuating the self servicing monetary system willingly. Those
who are in ultimate power of the monetary system see us as cattle. They also want to reduce our numbers in order to ensure continuance of their
control machine. Just like a game keeper culls the livestock when they start to consume too many natural resources, so we will be subject to the same
I believe this to be fact, but as stated at the beginning of this post, my belief is entirely personal and is subject to change as more evidence comes
to light.
At this time, I am taking no action. I do not believe that enough of the population is aware enough for any revolt to make a difference. I am
however educating my 4 children to think for themselves and attempt to answer their questions as honestly as I can.
Phil G.