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Believe it or not; they weren't drunk when they painted these street lines.

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Residents in a Philly suburban neighborhood may look like they're all driving drunk but that's just thanks to genius government planners trying to slow down traffic. Is it possible for government people to get any dumber when it comes to ways to waste tax dollars?

‘Ugly and ridiculous’
Residents unhappy with look of new 'traffic calming' measures

Horrible. Ugly. Abomination. Hideous. Cheap.

They are just some of the words used to describe new traffic-calming measures on Penns Trail North in the Wiltshire Walk neighborhood of Newtown Township.

Last week, the township completed a nearly $6,000 project on the 25 mph, 0.4-mile road that runs from Newtown Yardley Road to Upper Silver Lake Road.

The work, which was approved unanimously by the township supervisors in May 2010, came after residents complained about speeding cars cutting through the neighborhood since the lower end of Upper Silver Lake Road closed.

Now, dozens of white, waist-high, reflective posts jut into the road and a serpentine yellow line is painted down the center on the straight stretch of the road.

“Traffic calming in general is a good thing,” said Jen Dix, who lives on Hartfeld Road. “However, what they just did in the last couple days is ugly and ridiculous and makes no sense whatsoever. ... It just looks horrible.”

Many residents think the wavy road lines make the street even more dangerous and cars turning onto the street are sometimes forced into the oncoming traffic lane by the reflective posts. Most cars just drive strait through it anyway, ignoring the wavy lines and the posts. The brilliant idea behind all of this is called "traffic calming" and you can check out a website dedicated to the idea Here. The pics on their site look even crazier than what they did to this street.

The residents think the money would have been better used putting in a speed hump, preferably with a brick crosswalk in it. I heard on the local news that this was supposed to be a one month trial but, after only a week, it looks like they are going to tear this down due to all the complaints they have been getting.

But hey, at least they provided some jobs for the guys who put up this monstrosity, right?

I guess those same guys will be getting some more work to tear it down too. More tax dollars down the crapper!
edit on 6/21/11 by FortAnthem because:

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:06 PM
I think this was a good cost effective measure. So what if you look like you are driving like a serpent would slither. A lot of cities are struggling financially not sure if this one is but im sure this would be cheaper than a speed bump....only thing is people are ignoring the lines and driving straight anyway.

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:07 PM
I do disagree with you. Their methodology is odd
but having lived on a street where speeders meant we couldn't walk the dog safely... good for them! Residential streets should be safe for families. $6,000 for a permanent measure is a helluva lot cheaper than keeping a patrol car out there all the time.

Where I live we have speedbumps every 1/2 mile. Everyone runs up on them, them slams on the brakes and creeps over them... speeds up, then slams on the brakes for the next one. If you miss one because the paint has worn off it, you'll take out your oil pan and bite your tongue in half.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:08 PM
look out dont go over that painted line!!! arghhhhh
how idiotic
only in america!!!!

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:15 PM
I looked at some of the measures suggested in the "Road calming" site and a lot of that stuff looks just designed to cause accidents. I understand that the idea is to confuse drivers and force them to slow down to avoid obstacles in the road but, with the way many people drive, if you confuse them any further, they are likely to become dangerous (if they weren't already).

Placing more obstacles in the road means drivers are more likely to swerve to avoid what they were not expecting and this could cause accidents. This whole idea looks dangerous and I think they should have stuck with the tried and true speed humps to slow down drivers.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:15 PM
Oh man, I got a good laugh out of this thread. *Wipes tear from eye*. Dont get me wrong, I am all for traffic calming in certain settings such as this, but the method they used? Bahaha! The only thing I can imagine is a small group of City Planning undergrads tackling this issue for their senior project; While it may look good on paper, and get you an A in a class, its a completely ludacris idea to implement 'IRL'.


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:18 PM
Absolutely idiotic, what a great way to cause someone who is speeding or not paying attention, to lose control and have a head on collision with an innocent bystander. They’ll end up getting sued after that kills someone, mark my words.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Just another way of ticketing folk who cross the center line, thus generating more money for the town. More money grubbing through laziness. I can't wait to see the first court case on this one.

Also looks like the stuff we had to weave through getting into and out of the FOB.
edit on 21-6-2011 by TDawgRex because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:20 PM
Hahaha love it! I've seen a few hilarious road-signs, emergency signs & warning signs in my time, but I gotta admit I wasn't expecting to see something like this...

There is such a thing as trying to be too inventive/creative.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:24 PM
This is going to cause accidents either way, can you imagine your on one side and someone is on the other, and the both of you have tears in your eyes, from laughing, because you both look so ridiculous

This should be the poster for when "You just stop trying".

Peace, NRE.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:27 PM
will this make it harder to spot DUI/DWI? are they gonna know..

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:28 PM
I understand the need to construct a measure for a problem on some streets, in fact our city has done the same thing on a few problem areas but its a bit different and alot less avoidable. Basically they put in enlarged speed bumps, they are obvious (if they arent you obviously arent looking where you should be looking when driving) and would hurt your car if you flew over them, it looks as though you can get some air off it.
I personally think the lines aren't a good idea and might just promote erratic driving.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:32 PM
Not a bad idea...I must admit; if we were living in a world of competent drivers who actually pay
attention to the road, and not just drive unconsciously having consistent expectations of what's ahead of the road keeping the car driving seemingly normal, when really the person is daydreaming and only driving properly because of habit. An unexpected twist like that on the road will surely get most people perplexed, and crash into either oncoming traffic, into the little poles, or even worse---into the ambulating pedestrians. What does work though, even if a little more expensive--is putting onto the road a good old-fashioned speed bump or two. Yes, true, speed bumps can damage your car, but if signs are put up on the side of the road then there should be no excuse for not slowing down for one. It is after-all the driver's responsibility to be aware of all traffic signs. Off-course, most drive unconsciously by habit, so they will miss seeing the sign and go too fast over the speed bump damaging their car; but too bad, it's just the lesson they will receive for not paying attention to the road or its traffic signs warning you about what's on the road.
edit on 21-6-2011 by aureusleo8 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:57 PM
So I'm suppose to go in front of the oncoming cars trajectory, on purpose, and then swerve out when bars over the safe part of the road get out of the way? What happens when you have a firetruck speed through there and you're in it's path? Or any of the other situations where this would be less than good?

I'd rather take a back road. I'm not gonna stick myself right in front of anyone's path just to encourage them to slow down.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 11:21 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

that must be the way the city retaliates for being asked to do such a project.
or its a matter of national security "isnt everything"

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by acmpnsfal
I think this was a good cost effective measure. So what if you look like you are driving like a serpent would slither. A lot of cities are struggling financially not sure if this one is but im sure this would be cheaper than a speed bump....only thing is people are ignoring the lines and driving straight anyway.

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Cheaper than a speedbump? You obviously have no idea regarding construction costs.
I do.
It's not.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:36 AM
Narrower roads without lines and roads that they themselves curve, are better than this. Wide, straight roads (especially the long, straight roads) is just begging for people to speed and zone out. But if you narrow the road, take away the dividing lines, and maybe throw in some curves, it forces the driver to slow down and pay attention. I personally can attest to that. The roads in a particular town I use to live in in Virginia are very narrow, curvy, and had no lines. I traveled those roads many, many times. Although I did learn where each curve was and how fast I could go while in a curve safely, I still had to be aware of where my car was in my lane. They were so narrow that it is very easy to drift into the other lane or end up on a shoulder. So HAD to pay attention. No time to daydream.

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posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 01:59 AM
I don't think that's Feng-Shui compliant. Surely, trees, bushes and flowers would help "soften" the straight lines along the way!

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 02:02 AM

Originally posted by xxsomexpersonxx
So I'm suppose to go in front of the oncoming cars trajectory, on purpose, and then swerve out when bars over the safe part of the road get out of the way? What happens when you have a firetruck speed through there and you're in it's path? Or any of the other situations where this would be less than good?

I'd rather take a back road. I'm not gonna stick myself right in front of anyone's path just to encourage them to slow down.

I'm not sure you actually understand what's been done to the road. You might want to reread the article again.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:56 AM

Originally posted by Pseudonaut
I'm not sure you actually understand what's been done to the road. You might want to reread the article again.

No, I get it. Curving into what normally would be partially the other person's lane, expecting them to curve away from you.

I know it's not that horrible, but it'd definitely make driving feel less safe, and I can't imagine there'd be less accidents with this setup.

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