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Garabandal, The Story of the Great Miracle to come !

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:55 PM
Here's my summation of this Beautiful story also with a tie to ET's Yes that's right, ET's (read below).... When Garabandal prophecies begin to unfold and the Great Miracle happens, that will confirm a fact that we are not alone, and this wonderful news came from Heaven not from Man !!!!

The Garabandal Apparition of the Virgin Mother

In the 20th Century, there have been numerous sightings of the Virgin Mary. These apparitions of Mary have been particularly seen in Spain. One of the most famous of these sightings, was a sighting made by four little girls in a small village called Garabandal, Spain.
Here is what the Virgin Mother told two of the visionaries Conchita and Mari Loli between 1961-1965:

1) After Pope John XXIII there will be only three more Popes. then it will be the
end of time, but not the end of the world (that would make Pope John Paul II our last Pope before the start of endtimes).

2) God is going to perform a Miracle in Garabandal at the Nine Pine trees that is
so Great that all will believe. Conchita knows the exact date of the Miracle: The Year, Month and Day, but was told by Mary, not to announce it until eight days before. All present during the Miracle will be cured of all illness and sickness. No one will doubt that this Great Miracle comes from GOD ! Our Lady said, that the Miracle of the Sun at Fatima in1917 will be considered small in comparison to the Great Miracle of Garabandal!

3) Before the Miracle, God is going to send a World wide Warning. No one will
escape it. First it will be seen in the sky, then felt in our hearts. We will see ourselves as God sees us, the wrong we have done and the good we fail to do. This Warning is to prepare us for the Great Miracle. The Great Miracle will happen within one calendar year of the Warning. Only Mari Loli was told the Year of the Warning, but for whatever reason she did not make it public. Mari Loli passed away on April 20, 2009.. Many are saying that the World Wide Warning is very close… I think I know the day not the year (see below) !!!

4) After the Miracle, God will Leave a Permanent sign at the Nine Pine trees to
be there until the end of time.

5) Joey Lomangino who lost his eyes in a freak accident when he was sixteen years old back
in 1947, will get new eyes on the day of the Great Miracle, and will see permanently. The
First thing he will see is the Miracle.

Garabandal had the Full Blessings of St. Padre Pio and Mother Theresa, It is not well known that St. Padre Pio was a major player in the Garabandal event ! I believe this will come to Light when things begin to unfold !

One day when the Virgin appeared to Conchita....Conchita asked the Virgin Mary if there was life outside our planet? The Virgin reply "Yes" and told Conchita of two places, Conchita doesn't remember if Our Lady was talking about Planets or Stars, ..please remember, Conchita was in her early teens when Our Lady appear to her !

Here are two very good sites that fully covers the Garabandal story ! This is run by Joey Lomangino himself and a small staff ! This is run my Maria Saraco in California !

Joey and Maria were both present in Garabandal When Conchita was given Mary’s Last Formal Message for the World through the intercession of St. Michael the Archangel on June 18, 1965

A little footnote:
The Miracle will take place in the Springtime !! Now for the first time I would like to talk about a date. In July 1961 and I believe that it was on the 4th that the Blessed Mother gave the girls a message for the world but told them, wait until Oct. 18, 1961 to read it to the People!
Heaven never does anything without great significant, meaning and purpose !! Why give a message on July 4, 1961 then say: wait until Oct. 18, 1961 to read it to the World.. I have research study and access this situation and made a determination that Oct. 18, is very viable date in the annals of Garabandal !!
This could very well be the date of the Warning, but that's only my opinion. Now the Year is another story I have no ideal what it is, but I'm comfortable and very very sure that Oct. 18, is Important for Garabandal !!!! motto of Garabandal: "All will Believe" !!

My Tribute song to Mari Loli:

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:12 PM
Well, if the person who was supposed to tell us when it will happen has died, then the prophesy, even if it was real, will obviously not happen as prophesised.

Either there was a failure to foresee the correct turn of events, or evil beings interrupted it. Or more likely still, its all completely made up.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:18 PM
Oct 18 closest pass of elenin to earth

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:29 PM
reply to post by fedeykin

No, the person who passed away only knew the Year of the Warning... Conchita who knows the exact date of the Great Miracle is alive and well !

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:37 PM
ATS Thread - Review and Analysis of Garabandal Prophecies - by Springer

The above thread has it all.

To the OP .... Garabandal has been declared 'Not of supernatural origin' by the Catholic Church. It made that declaration THREE TIMES. One of the four 'seers' has died. Joey Lommingino - the fella who was promised his eyesight back - is now exceptionally old and (last I heard) dealing with dementia.

The actions of the 'seers' goes against the faith.

The 'night of screams' took place during the Holy Mass ... but outside in the dark ... and caused the crowds to leave the worship of God and to go gawk at the girls as they took strange shapes and forms while claiming 'Mary' was there.

Garabandal is either a hoax by the girls or a demonic ploy.
It's obviously not from heaven.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:47 PM
Oh ... and then there is the failed 'prophecy' about the priest there. You know .. the one that the girls said would be found to be incorrupt in the grave ... but he sure wasn't when they dug him up.

More problems with Garabandal
Statement by the Bishop in Spain
Conchita admits she stole the Eucharist to fake the 'Miracle'

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:02 PM
reply to post by MCL1150

Remember the good ol' days when a false prophet was put on a rack, then paraded around town as kids of all ages would throw rocks at them..?

Some standards are unfortunately forgotten over time...

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:18 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Well, The Church official stand on Garabandal is Wait and See position...
The Last person to investigate Garabandal from the Vatican was Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger who headed Office of the Prefect of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith for the late Pope John Paul II... and who is by the way our current Pope, Pope Benedict XVI. The Church never condemn Garabandal, it's taken a wait and see approach.. Also Pope John Paul II was a BIG Believer in Garabandal.. he loved this beautiful story !

Also, I like to point out that if one reads all the material on Garabandal the Blessed Mary told the Girls that they don't have to be at Garabandal for the Great Miracle or be alive for it !!! But I will say I think Conchita must be, only she knows the Year the Month and the Day of the Great Miracle !!!!
And as for Joey Lomangino, he's holding his own like all folks hitting their 80's he's doing Great !

One more thing... the only reason Conchita asked our lady about life on other planets was because the Space Race was new (remember it's the early 60's) and everyone in the village, visitors alike was talking about it, so she asked our Lady about life on other planets. The Blessed Mother told Conchita of two places where there are people, she didn't say aliens or ET's she said "PEOPLE". now isn't that Cool :-)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by FlyersFan

To this day Conchita has never made such a statement....I stay up to date with anything that has to do with Garabandal...
Please folks please read all the material from the two sites I posted they have all the info you need to make your own judgment !

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:38 PM
Christians and their "prophecies" ... FAIL.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 05:44 PM
I LOVE the garabandal story, whether its true or the work of over active childrens imagination is another thing,, Your correct that it was prophecised to happen in spring, i may be wrong, but i beleive it was to happen in March, april or may, on the feast day of a saint of the eucharist, and between the 8 th and the 17 of the month( again this is just guessing from what i remember).
Yet spookily your observation could be correct with the date of the warning (oct) . The warning is said to happen in the sky, and we will all see it, ( comet elenin anyone? when its closest to the earth). Then a miracle in the following spring to bring back as many people to God as possible, with a supernatural sign, and then after that a punishment ( dec 2012 anyone?).
It could all be nonsense but its interesting none the less to see so many predictions link up.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

You're on the right track.... The Great Miracle will take place on a Thursday evening at 8:30pm Garabandal time.
between the 8th & 16th of March April or May, and Conchita always added this line: not February not June !!
and on the feast day of a saint of the eucharist... Two Thumbs Waaay Up for You :-)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:03 PM

Originally posted by MCL1150
reply to post by thedoctorswife

You're on the right track.... The Great Miracle will take place on a Thursday evening at 8:30pm Garabandal time.
between the 8th & 16th of March April or May, and Conchita always added this line: not February not June !!
and on the feast day of a saint of the eucharist... Two Thumbs Waaay Up for You :-)

Aw shucks, its been a long time since i was a good catholic.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by thedoctorswife

However, it does make you think, with the talk of a great happening in Oct this year, culminating in 2012, even if you dont believe in marian Prophecies, (which i have to say im very skeptical of, not that they didnt happen, more their source), its interesting to see things coming together.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by facelift

The last person who prophesied the Great Glory of God was crucify and was called a "false prophet" !!

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 06:07 AM

Originally posted by MCL1150
Well, The Church official stand on Garabandal is Wait and See position...

Um ... no. I provided the last official church statement. The official stand by the church is that it is not of supernatural origin. This has been declared by the bishops of that area three different times.

Originally posted by MCL1150
To this day Conchita has never made such a statement....

Um ... yes she did. She admitted it to Father J. Pelletier.
All the children admitted that they hoaxed. They signed paperwork admitting it.
It's well documented.

Again - read the information here

Take special note -

... promoters of the Garabandal movement have tried to minimize the decisions and the jurisdiction of the Bishop of Santander

Again ... the FAILED PROPHECIES include

- Their prophecy of incorruption of Father Lius Andreu. He was supposed to be incorrupt according to the women. But, when dug up, he was definately found to have corrupted.

- The pope of that time and Padre Pio were told that they would see the miracle. Both are now dead and the miracle hasn't happened.

- The girls claimed that heaven said 'this is the last warning' ... but of course it wasn't. There have been many saints and many warnings and many locutions and many apparitions since then.

- John Paul II would be the last pope. But of course, he isn't.

Quote from the letter written by Cardinal Seper, Prefect of the congregation For the Sacred Doctrine Of the Faith - to Archbishop Philip M. Hannan of New Orleans, Louisiana on April 21, 1970

"In order to reply to certain doubts that you expressed in your letter this Sacred Congregation wishes to assert: that the Holy See has never approved even indirectly the Garabandal movement, that it has never encouraged or blessed Garabandal promoters or centers. Rather the Holy See deplores that fact that certain persons and Institutions persist in formatting the movement in obvious contradiction with the dispositions of ecclesiastical authority and thus disseminate confusion among the people especially among the simple and defenseless.

"From what has been said so far you will easily realize that though this Sacred Congregation certainly agrees with the contents of the note of May 10, 1969 (as published in various countries and especially in the French magazine LA DOCUMENTATION CATHOLIC September 21, 1966, n:1547 p. 821) It must say that it is inexact to attribute the part of the text that deals with the lack of supernatural character of the events of Garabandal of the Sacred Congregation which has always striven to abstain from any direct declaration on the question precisely because it did not consider it necessary to do so after the clear and express decisions of the Bishop of Santander. This is the genuine meaning of the letter written on January 21, 1970 by the Most Reverend Paul Phillippe, Secretary of this Sacred Congregation to the editor in chief of LA DOCUMENTATION CATHOLIQUE.

BOTTOM LINE ... even the so-called 'seers' of Garabandal have repented and now admit they hoaxed.
The girls of Garabandal don't believe in Garabandal .. THEY ADMIT THEY LIED ABOUT IT.

Someday there may indeed by a great warning to the world. I hope so.
It's been prophecied by others ... canonized saints ...
If it does happen, it won't happen like was claimed at Garabandal
because Garabandal is AN ADMITTED HOAX. The hoaxers confessed it.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Soooo much wrong information... You can site one lie after another, it will never change the Truth!

The girls never repented and said it was a Hoax..They had their moments of confusion... but hold firm to this day what happen between 1961 - 1965... I challenge anyone to come up with current documents with the girls approval/agreement, stating that the whole Garabandal events were faked !! look all you want you won't find them !!!

As for Father Luis Maria Andreu , it's true when is body was exhumed it was totally corrupted in a skeleton state... Now, Conchita was told by the Blessed Mother that, the day after the Great Miracle Father Luis Maria Andreu Body will be found incorrupt !!!!

Garabandal is the Greatest Wait and See Event that the Church will ever face in our lifetime !

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:06 AM

Originally posted by MCL1150
Soooo much wrong information... You can site one lie after another, it will never change the Truth !

Backatchy. :shk:
I quoted the church documents and church statements.
Names. Dates. Cardinals statements.
I've given a link that shows the actual church documents.
The Church has stated THREE TIMES that this is NOT WORTHY OF BELIEF.
The 'seers' themselves have said it's a hoax. The CHURCH has said so.

I challenge anyone to come up with current documents with the girls approval/agreement, stating that the whole Garabandal events were faked !! look all you want you won't find them !!!

DUH! No one will be able to post them. Those are private church documents that were part of an internal investigation into the hoax. They won't be releasing them. That's NOT how the church operates. The church stated the end result of the investigation - NOT WORTHY OF BELIEF - and they stated why - BECAUSE THE GIRLS LIED.

Originally posted by MCL1150
They had their moments of confusion... but hold firm to this day what happen between 1961 - 1965...

That simply isn't true.

Ladies and gentlemen ... one of the big problems with Garabandal (one among many) is that there are people still pushing this upon the gullible, even after the 'seers' themselves confessed the hoax and even though the church has been very clear that it is not of supernatural origin.

- The girls confessed it's a hoax.

- The church has declared multiple times that it's 'not of supernatural origin'.

- The multiple 'prophecies' have all failed.

- The 'eucharistic miracle' was just a stolen host from the church - the 'seer' confessed that.

- The actions of the girls during the hoax are the exact opposite of how every other seer in the church has behaved during an apparition. 'The Night of Screams' took people away from the mass and out into the night to watch bizzare animal like behaviors of the 'seers' ... the walking backwards ... the 'ecstatic falls' ... the bizzare head twists ... the 'too heavy to carry' and floating feet first down the stairs and out the door ....

These behaviors are enough to tell anyone with even a smidgen of knowledge of church apparitions that Garabandal was not from heaven. Mary isn't going to appear outside a church during Mass .. make four girls scream and act like animals ... and drag people away from her SON, the EUCHARIST, and the HOLY MASS that is happening inside the church. That's impossible. Her mission in apparitions is to bring people closer to her Son, not drag them out into the dark away from the church and her son and the Eucharist.

MCL1150 ... someday there may indeed be 'The Warning", but it will have absolutely nothing to do with Garabandal. Others - true seers and canonized saints - have made that prediction. That's where the girls stole their 'prediction' from when they did their hoax. It's just that simple.

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:27 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

Um ... no. I provided the last official church statement. The official stand by the church is that it is not of supernatural origin. This has been declared by the bishops of that area three different times.

Do you realize how many apparitions,in the history we have of them ,that the church declared them "not of true origin". Almost every single time..and to the point of jailing young innocent children,and threatening them. By bishops non the less. Then one hundred years after the fact , when many of the prophecies come true, they are willing to believe the evidence of miracles , and it becomes an "accepted" apparition by the church.

Seems a little late to be taking any of the messages to heart ...but that is the way the catholic church seems to view the apparitions of their faithful. I agree that you need someone who can tell a hoax, from perhaps a real spiritual encounter of the divine....but at the same time , many of the children over history who were chosen, had no great need to make up the stories , and they suffered much for something they did not choose to happen to them, but accepted it, and all the trials that came with it.

So..My point say that what the "church" declares officially, it is not of supernatural nature can mean nothing at all, because they have said that for nearly every apparition in its history.

edit on 22-6-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-6-2011 by gabby2011 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 22 2011 @ 10:28 AM
reply to post by FlyersFan

ok....I didn't realize there was this info.

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