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Finding Bigfoot - TV Series on Animal Planet

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posted on Jun, 30 2011 @ 09:11 PM
I thought BFRO was the cream of the crop as far as Sasquatch research goes. They are really losing their credibility with this show. At the end of each show, the lead guy says: "based on the evidence, there's definitely a Squatch in these woods" or something to that effect. What evidence? A grainy photo and some noises in the woods is not enough.

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:50 PM
i do think this show is one of the better ones of this type i have seen.those ghost shows are pitiful and they can't hide it.the main purpose of this show is scientifically proving this creatures exsists,so i have problem of them making money to search and fund their research.i watch the show every week it's very interesting to me unlike those ghost and psychic shows!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:50 PM
i do think this show is one of the better ones of this type i have seen.those ghost shows are pitiful and they can't hide it.the main purpose of this show is scientifically proving this creatures exsists,so i have problem of them making money to search and fund their research.i watch the show every week it's very interesting to me unlike those ghost and psychic shows!

posted on Jul, 1 2011 @ 12:58 PM
they need to get some of the hunters from Swamp People up there. those boys don't play around.
ever watch any of the 'Lost Tapes' program? they produce 'recreations' of encounters.

posted on Jul, 6 2011 @ 10:52 PM
reply to post by kazanoom

I agree.

The more I watch this show, the less convinced I am that Bigfoot is even real...and I was a pretty strong believer. I mean seriously, camp out more then one night at a Bigfoot hotspot. Do more than a couple shrieks to get one's attention. The last episode, they had a guy who snapped a couple pictures of one. It was on a snowy mountains peak, and he went over to where it was, allegedly, and there were no tracks in the snow...of a 700 lb creature. The picture was so fuzzy, and looked like it could have easily been a man with a dark hood on and maybe carrying a backpack. But the thing is, the guys on the show are so easily convinced that every fuzzy picture is a sasquatch it's ridiculous.

You would think, that in this day and age where everyone has a camera phone, somebody would have kicked one up in the woods and gotten a clear picture. I would love for there to be a friggin sasquatch, but this show has turned me into a skeptic. This BFRO group does not have much credibility in my mind...especially when they are led by a guy named Moneymaker.

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:49 AM
As I've mentioned before I'm considering a small but serious trek into Ape Canyon. Please read my introductory topic so I can post in the crypto forum about exactly what's happening. But I do have a serious hunter who's married to my uncle's boss at Boeing. He logged Mt. St. Helens. and survived the eruptions, When I brought up sasquatch this completely serious man told me about when he logged how the helictopters would drop him into pristine wilderness never touched by man, or other innaccessable areas because of glaciers most of the time. And how he would be stalked and watched by them, how he would find footprints, and the tricks played to him at night when he would be hunting. He's a pro hunter that's lost an eye over his life outdoors so I take him completely seriously. He's offered to take me out and I want to go out there soon. If there are other people in the NW that are serious, leave me a message because this will require extreme commitment (as in getting dirty and tracking deep into the scariest parts of the woods). People have even died through these encounters or have been attacked in the area I'm thinking of scouting. We'll all be armed with plenty of ammo though ;-)

posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:55 AM
Funniest thing I seen on this show was one of tje investigator found a deer's skeleton and another investigator jump the gun with no evidence claiming it was killed by a big foot.

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posted on Jul, 7 2011 @ 06:56 AM
Reply to post by works4dhs

Lost tapes is fictional. fyi

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posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:39 PM
I watch the show and basically see it as entertainment, I mean come on......... They see that bigfoot figure in the clearing on the thermal, one of the investigators walk towards it.... then "BoBo" explains in an aside how it ran into the brush................WITHOUT BOTHERING TO SHOW THAT CRUCIAL SCENE. Then again another time "BoBo" has something on the thermal again , just when its getting tense, he falls off the stairs. Its like a bad date , all you get is teasing without seeing what you wanna see. I mean I wanna believe, but you aren't gonna BS me with shoddy evidence either. I'm a hunter, spend alot of time in the woods, in fact I grew up in the woods here in Pa. What these guys do is rather.......odd. I mean they ever hear of IR game cameras? They seem to know what bigfoots eat, so set out a dozen or so cameras out there baited with all sorts of bigfoot delicacies and see what you get. Tell ya another thing being in the woods in pitch dark is eerie, you do hear alot of things. Like Coyote and bird calls. If you hear the sounds two coyotes make when they are teaming up to kill their prey they can make some of the most bizarre noises you ever heard, and yea sometimes their eyes glow red if you hit them with a light too.

Yea I'm still gonna watch it, its like a car accident- its terrible but I just gotta look.

posted on Jul, 9 2011 @ 12:41 PM
One thing with this show that comes across is that we are very near to discovering the truth...with proof positive there is something...altho unknown as to behind all the claims worldwide over the centuries around the world.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 06:40 AM
I am and always have been a "big" bigfoot fan, which later developed into the other weird areas covered on ATS.
I saw this thread and was really interested, after a bit of tracking down myself I've found the show, just watched the first episode now, the skunk ape one. Seems to be another sensationalised discovery style show, still good to see something new but it's a not quite all I'd hoped for.
The thermal image in the field at the end was a bit much, clearly a person, a fact reinforced by the missing part of the footage, no shots of it running off...
I'll watch the rest but not overly optimistic though, I was left with the thought that the believers believe there is a skunk ape. Shock.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 11:27 AM
I had to make this a reply as I'm beyond the four hours allowed to edit posts.

I watched the next 5 episodes of the series this afternoon (nothing going on and I was bored) I have to say I was hoping for more, the guy in charge of the group Moneymaker seems to be coming from a place where Sasquatch is a well known and a thoroughly documented creature, or he is so blind to the lack of proof that he's managed to convince himself otherwise, the statements he makes in the show of its existence are based on such flimsy evidence are genuinely laughable.

A couple of times they seemed to be coming close to actual contact or proof of the Sasquatch but they never got there, didn't even recover anything even approaching evidence, the most telling was the time Moneymaker ran off into the woods chasing a bipedal heat signature, didn't they think to look for tracks, or was it just a member of the drew running off to make it look dramatic? we may never know, well, I think anyone with common sense will.

This show is nothing more than a bad joke, if anyone is coming to it with an open mind they will be left with only one belief, the people who are making the show clearly want to believe and are that steadfast in their belief that they are happy to take the most flimsy evidence and claim it as being proof to show Bigfoot is real.

I was a believer, but after watching this show, I'm now starting to think that its just a story after all.
edit on 11-7-2011 by moonrunner because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-7-2011 by moonrunner because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:45 PM
That show and Moneymaker himself do more to destroy credible bigfoot sightings then anything I have ever seen. I was hoping for something a bit more scientific, but the camera always goes away just before the thermal image can be shown to be a deer or bear or something.

Its frustratingly annoying.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 01:54 PM
The problem is if they actually document a bigfoot with a video or a body, the show's over. These shows like this, Monsterquest, UFO Hunters, the various ghost shows are not scientists. They are entrepreneurs who have found a way to make money kicking around the woods with their buds. Hats off to them but you can't take this stuff seriously.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 03:18 PM
I like the show's premise, take four "experts" ( I use that term in jest) ask them to investigate bigfoot hotspots send them out into the wild, which none of them seem to be to comfortable doing and see hilarity ensue.

I mean guy lets out a "bigfoot call" (I imagine the real bigfoot hears that crap and rolls on the forest floor laughing) everyone on the team stays quiet for a moment. Someone hears a whistle and all four go charging into the brush making enough noise so a bigfoot in the next county could hear them and they wonder how it managed to elude such a sophisticated and well thought out trap.

If there was a Beevis and Butthead Go Camping this is it.

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:21 PM
The sad part is if the Animal Planet really wanted to go hardcore they could center a show around a guy like Loren Coleman , instead they just decide to go with a show that's indicative of our modern culture - style over substance. It all depends on how you look on TV, if you have the right personality. The season ending show is on the dvr right now and my wife is bugging me to watch it, trust me if she's dying to see it the show has nothing to do with science!

posted on Jul, 11 2011 @ 04:37 PM
Moneymaker addressed the "everything is a bigfoot" stuff on Cryptomundo recently...

Finding Bigfoot: Everything is a Sasquatch

Here is what Matt Moneymaker has to say..

I’ve seen many of the reactions to this show, and so many of them say they cannot take it seriously any more because the cast seems to think that “everything is a sasquatch”.

If I were merely a viewer of the show I would get that impression also.

Here’s the reality of it: The vast majority of what we examined in the field we dismissed as non-evidence. They don’t show those parts though.

He goes on for a bit - but that's the crux of it. Of course, its basically his word vs what is on TV.

posted on Jul, 12 2011 @ 03:44 PM
I saw the last show and what a letdown, nothing happened. They need to learn a little psychology too, that young boy they interviewed kept looking at the ground when he got to points in his story, a sure sign he was lying. I'm also a hardcore deer hunter. Let me say if you are a 8 foot tall , 600lb beast you better be able to run darn fast or be able to ambush them from a tree to catch a deer. Also if you smell as bad as they claim to be , you won't get within a mile of any deer. They would begin to associate that smell with danger (like they have with humans) and let me tell you if you never hunted deer their sense of smell is akin to a bloodhound.

Watching this show has turned me into a skeptic big time.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:52 AM
I think I echo most of your sentiments here, especially when it comes to the execution of the show.

While the premise is great, and they are researching some of the most compelling modern evidence of sasquatch, I can't stand the manner is which these few conduct themselves. There are far too many assumptions being touted as fact. It's almost embarrassing to listen when the team starts telling us about the behavioral patterns of a cryptid.

posted on Jul, 13 2011 @ 11:58 AM
As much as I hate to admit it...

I'll be watching the rest of them
rubbish but entertaining all the same.

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