posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:18 PM
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't the berms holding the river water out just as efficient at holding the rainwater in?
If anything it seems like it would concentrate the rainfall a little bit.
Want to bet the Corps of Engineers allowed the levee breaks upstream in hopes of saving the plants? I expect it another exercise in futility, given
the weather patterns, snowmelt, and water releases along the Missouri, North and South Platte, and Canadian rivers in Saskatchewan all work against
I give it about two weeks before the plant is flooded from above (rainfall) below (seepage), or through (river).
Don't look now, but early or mid-July seems a lock for the crap to start hitting the fan in a very big way, not just there, but globally.
I strongly advise big food gardens, stockpiling essentials, and preparing your mind and spirit for an extremely difficult time which is swiftly