posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 09:01 AM
The nuclear threat of the past could could be closer than we thought. Here is a link to a "FoxNews Story" about N. Korea could have the capability
to test a nuke very soon. is another link to an article about Russian scientist helping N. Koreans make ballistic missles that can carry nukes. They probably wont be
able to hit the US from N. Korea but what if they gain access to one of those Subs China just bought from Russia. Is this a start to a New Cold War?
Russia, N. Korea, and Iran? "The official also says the technology's being tested by Iran (search), since North Korea has imposed its own test
Rumors have surfaced of N.Koreans threatning to test nuclear weapon if US doesn't except the N. Korean Nuclear Freeze. Could the N. Korean freeze be
a trick to make us focus on another part of the world, like Iran?
Should the US get tough on N. Korea, Iran, and Russia for supplying them with Nuclear capability even though the US has the LARGEST stock piles of
Nukes? I think we shoud do someting, the US may have the largest stock pile but we do not us that as a bargaining chip. Well i guess it is a given
that we have them but we do not play that card.