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Court Says No More Automatic Right to Lawyer in US Civil Cases.

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posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:20 AM
reply to post by Liquesence

Yeah... you're right, it can get pretty damn confusing! I'm not a lawyer, so don't take anything I say as gospel. I have, unfortunately, received an education on these kinds of matters in the states of Florida, Illinois, and Tennessee. If you go though the experience, and pay due attention, you WILL learn quite a bit.

Matters of divorce, custody, and child support are all covered by "Civil Law". There has never been a "right" to a government appointed lawyer for civil matters. All the US Supreme Court did, in this case, was reaffirm that.

If Mr. Turner had been charged with "criminal nonsupport", his case would have been heard in criminal court. If it was shown that he couldn't afford a lawyer, he would have been entitled to one, and I'm sure one would have been appointed. Not all states have a provision for "criminal nonsupport", and even those that do initially handle it as a civil matter.

Civil contempt is not a failure to comply with a law. It's a failure to comply with a court order. It's kind of like violating probation. There is no trial for that either. You do not pass go! You do not collect $200! You might see a judge, but the bottom line is: You go straight to jail!

I hope this helps clear it up, I'm getting a headache. LOL

See ya, Milt

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by Liquesence

I'm not going to tell you that all judges are fair, but it's not nearly as bad in courtrooms as it's often claimed. The US Judicial system actually works pretty good. Even unrepresented, I have had some pretty good days in court. It's all about the proper presentation of evidence.

I have no doubt that if Mr. Turner had demonstrated a willingness to comply with his child support order, the Judge wouldn't have sent him back to jail. Like I said before, I had trouble meeting my obligation a couple of times. I explained my situation to the Judge, demonstrated that I was serious, and finally got it all behind me. From what I read of Mr. Turner, I feel the Judge did the right thing.

The two biggest problems in US Courts are:
1) Lawyers-They are all members of the same "good ole boys" clique. You will often find Judges, District Attorneys, and opposing lawyers having a good time together at their favorite "haunt" when court recesses for lunch.

2) Gender Bias-Women definitely have the upper hand!

Just for the hell of it:
What do you call 4000 lawyers laying on the bottom of the ocean?

I would call it a pretty damn good start!

See ya, Milt

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 03:04 AM
Some people are just used to make "an example out of" to get people to pay their child support.

If you're smart you will get your future spouse to sign a Pre-nup agreement.

If anyone in the agreement cheats on the other, the other person has a right to kill them.
If both parties split, no child support will be paid. Boys will go to the male, girls will go to the female.

Contracts between parties can trump State Law/Judges.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 01:39 PM
I really wish the right wing had not gotten control of the Supreme court. Right wing preservers of the constitution - BULL

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:51 PM
reply to post by spyder550

I really wish the right wing had not gotten control of the Supreme court.

I tend to lean to the right with my political views, but I will definitely agree with your "wish". THERE SHOULD BE ABSOLUTELY NO BIAS within our judicial system! This is a major flaw.

See ya, Milt

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by jude11

funny, I was thinking that I find myself getting more and more pissed off at what I'm seeing happen in America. Granted the guy should pay for his backpay why not have court ordered assistance in finding a job or doing the things that will get him ahead in life. Instead they're creating a dependent state of the populace when even the gooberment can't sustain a populace like that.

me = wishing there was a place to escape to. With the fall of America's rights I'm afraid there is no free country out there, except Mexico but then you need to steer clear of the cartels. We've become a society full of so much red tape that nothing gets done and those without the proper "forms" are jailed.

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