posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 05:01 PM
There once was a girl who lived on a beautiful island that had a very sacred and voilent volcano upon it. This girl was a kind and sweet girl who
smiled and watched and listened to others woes and sorrows. This girl began to teach herself how to understand and care about other people. One day
the young girl was struck down and her spirit was beaten. Upon that day the volcano erupted and the girl ran towards the crack that had appeared uon
the Earths crust. She cried and wept for those that had died before tossing herself into its depths never to be seen or heard from again. This girls
spirit was fire and her lesson learned was the loss of others.
There once was a girl who lived in a small sea side village. There were millions of boats littering the docks and she owned a cottage with a lake side
view. This woman was happy and content and had everything she could ever desire. Her spirit was water and her lesson learned was accepting happiness.
This girl lived among the meadows and learned of natures bountiful harvest harvest. She learned the ancient secrets that plants hold and used it to
benefit her life and the life of others. Her spirit was Earth and her lesson learned was lifes lessons.
The air is a mysterious lesson that only can be learned once all three other elements have been harnessed. It is the lesson of accepting all that
there is and living with no regrets while bettering yourself and being at peace with the Earth.
edit on 20-6-2011 by Rishiana because: Forgot a word