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Most of you people have lost your minds

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posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:32 AM
I have been coming to this site for years. If I had to estimate I would say since around 98 or 99, when it first started. Back when it first started, the theories were actually intelligent and factually based. They were well documentented and collaberated. I used to believe most of the things I read on here as well. I am a conservative republican, by the way. Now that I come back here, I see this as nothing but a propaganda machine. This site has turned from being a theorist and philosophers discussion tool into a breeding ground for hate. Even if the bias was turned the other way, and all of you were bashing republicans or conservatives, I would still be sickened. For example, I've read the things about september 11th being staged and I see no evidence whatsoever. Yet, if you look back you can see that the oklahoma city bombing had a lot of weird things going on. And I used to commend you all, because you made these questions about it hit the mainstream media, prompting further investigation. I'm only 15 years of age, my mind has not been filled with propaganda yet (excluding things on this site and things like it, but I now sift through everything before I believe things), so I think the things I am saying is the closest to the truth. And you can't say "well he's too young to accept the horrors of the world blah blah blah" because I am not. Like I said, in the span of 2-5 years ago I believed most of this. I mean, this goes to all of you, wake up. You are not some geniuses and experts. Most of you are paranoid pyschos like I used to be. Do I believe in the New World Order? I think so, but I don't let it control my existance. This site is turning you into extremists, it's pretty sad now. Thank god I took a break from all this bull# for a while so I could learn how the world really works. Otherwise I'd be some Michael Moore anarchist like you all.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:42 AM
So...why did you never comment on anthing that was being said. I think this site has done a great job to accept all types of people no matter what their beliefs. Just because you dont agree with something, or see no factual information in what they are saying, does not make what they are saying "wrong".

PS- The fact is that you ARE only 15 years old. This is not a dig at you or anything, but you have not learned everything there is to know about the world. Open your eyes a little and let this site soak up, however, this being said....keep this in mind. My grandfather used to say this to me all the time..."Dont believe anything you hear, and only half of what you see."

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:43 AM
You should understand one thing.... I doubt most of the political complaining is against republicans. Well, it is.. and for good reason..... The reason is... They have the presidency. If Bush wins, he will be on the chopping block for 4 more years. If Kerry wins, then it is the republican turn to put him on the chopping block. Don`t take it personal, it will be just whomever is in charge.

Now, think about this as well. What are the two things that will get people fighting and complaining within minutes? Religion and Politics. They are also the two hardest to get a black and white picture on them. I usually stay out of those forums myself, because of this.

But, you are complaining about ATS... Have you looked at many of the Science Posts? There is allot of good and researched information. Have you read the research forums? Again..... Check out many of the threads.

If you only stick to politics, then that is what you will get. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. The politician lie outright to get voted it, they make the policies to benefit themselves and friends. They put money to line their friends pockets for favors later. This is ALL sides and yes, this IS THE REAL WORLD. Now, the policies that actually benefit people... hmm... even the professionals in their respective field give different spins on everything. There will also be the doubt of what if....

So, if Bush wins you can be happy, but cry about how unfair the site is to the Republicans, but if Kerry wins, the you will be sad, but you will have a fun time for the next 4 years bashing his policies. Either way you can be happy and sad..... ha ha

Have you seen the campaign forum? Most everything in there is researched. Take a look around, there is something for everyone.

Good luck and welcome.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by JCMinJapan]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:43 AM
You paint with a very large brush. If you have been offline for a long time I can understand you being unaware that 9-11 was an inside operation.


posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:44 AM
But you don't get it, I have opened my eyes up to this site for 3 years. I believed in all of this stuff. But now I realize most of it is insane. And I never commented on anything because I wasn't really agitated that much but now I am. Not to mention you can't really argue with people who think they're right on the craziest of things.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:45 AM
I think you need to find an outdoor hobby.

If you were frequenting this site when you were 10 yrs old-- trying to understand the world... i think you kinda need to get out of the house more.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by 1amc
You paint with a very large brush. If you have been offline for a long time I can understand you being unaware that 9-11 was an inside operation.


Lol, like I said, so crazy that they believe they are right no matter what. Do you have any evidence at all?

And by the way, I have read all the science articles and I find them pretty good. They are about the only things that make sense and are well documented. And I it's not jsut because bush is in charge. I have checked your political compass scores and about 90% of you fall in the left lower quadrant. Most of you are extremely to that side.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:52 AM
You must use your brain to be able to decipher what is real to you and what is not. Use it and learn with it. Most here are not paranoid and delusional. A few are. ha ha But, not most.

I agree that you need to get outside and away from the computer for a while. Outdoors is where you should be at your age.

Now, if you have questions, then ask. Contribute.. there are many smart people on this board that will help you. You will easily know whom to listen to and whom not. If you just sit back and never contribute, then yes, you will probably be sad and upset with this board. Share your ideas... some may be on the mark, some may not. But, you will be able to get answer that help your questions.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:53 AM

Originally posted by SupaFly
I think you need to find an outdoor hobby.

If you were frequenting this site when you were 10 yrs old-- trying to understand the world... i think you kinda need to get out of the house more.

That was when I just started, I didn't go to this site much and was just interested in the alien stuff. But I believed most of it around 12-13. And I am pretty advanced for my age, so yea. But, I love how you say something completely irrelevent, not even addressing my main idea at all.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by serenitynow]

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:55 AM
The fact is that between what your parents tell you to believe, your church, your school, etc. you have not completely formulated your own belief system at only 15 years old. Perhaps when you get older you will understand this and be able to open up your mind. There are a lot of people on here with factual information and various College Degree's.

PS- if you think you know what "well documented" information is at 15, then you are mistaken. Most kids can't distinguish between fact and fiction until they are older and for us to believe that you can is simply....well.....not "well documented"

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by SupaFly
If you were frequenting this site when you were 10 yrs old-- trying to understand the world... i think you kinda need to get out of the house more.

I'm kinda' new here so excuse the question if it's stupid ...
If you've been coming here for years ... why does your
information on the left side of the screen say that you
just registered today?

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 07:57 AM

Originally posted by serenitynow
so I could learn how the world really works.

SO, hows that working out for you. Got the whole world figured out.

How does it work, can you enlighten us. You must be all knowing to make statements. If you dont like it dont read it.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:08 AM

Originally posted by FlyersFan

Originally posted by SupaFly
If you were frequenting this site when you were 10 yrs old-- trying to understand the world... i think you kinda need to get out of the house more.

I'm kinda' new here so excuse the question if it's stupid ...
If you've been coming here for years ... why does your
information on the left side of the screen say that you
just registered today?

Because I decided to post now. I have observed only before.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:09 AM

Originally posted by SpittinCobra

Originally posted by serenitynow
so I could learn how the world really works.

SO, hows that working out for you. Got the whole world figured out.

How does it work, can you enlighten us. You must be all knowing to make statements. If you dont like it dont read it.

Lol I don't know all of it, my friend. Notice I said "learn". Learning takes time, except if one is like you, and "learns" based on biased, propaganda.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 08:14 AM

Originally posted by serenitynow

Originally posted by SupaFly
I think you need to find an outdoor hobby.

If you were frequenting this site when you were 10 yrs old-- trying to understand the world... i think you kinda need to get out of the house more.

That was when I just started, I didn't go to this site much and was just interested in the alien stuff. But I believed most of it around 12-13. And I am pretty advanced for my age, so yea. But, I love how you say something completely irrelevent, not even addressing my main idea at all.

[edit on 9-8-2004 by serenitynow]

Ok, so how about, instead of whining about how much you don't like this site or the topics then you do something about it. Create some new threads that are based on your new views on life. Ask some tough questions to the people who's vires are different from your own. Get involved!

For now you won't get any of the support you are looking for if you are not contributing to the cause. And on a side note, I don't care how much book smarts you think you have, your age is a limiting factor in your ability to see the real world. Your 15 so I can safely assume you don't have a job, don't pay taxes, don't have to support a family (or even yourself), don't pay rent/mortgage...these are al things that will shape your views in life. You can't have too many opinions on things until you have experienced them first hand, and the issue if politics revolve on all of those things I just mentioned.

Good luck! And remember, there is a big difference between knowledge and intelligence.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 03:26 PM
Serenity, I agree with you completely (I'm almost 40!)

I have gotten tired of this site specifically because when you DO cite facts that refute someone's argument, they just ignore you and keep right on going, or they get personal in a hurry.

Frankly, I am spending less and less time on this site because ALL of its forums are getting, well, boring. Even the 'scientific' and 'paranormal' threads.

A lot of posters, IMO, get here after they've sparked a bowl. They could care less about truth, and they hate politicians for not legalizing their favorite hobby.

Anyway, serenity, I don't know where to go for better posts. I'm open if you've found better material elsewhere.

It's kind of like reading the want-ads in the paper. Funny at first, but after reading your 50'th anti-masonic, ant-bush, alieo-sexual post, you kind of think there's got to be something more relevant in the net.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:13 PM
Actually I knew about this site some years ago by mistake, all I did was to just read, I decided to join this year and I have been here since then, Kind of addicting.

I can say I have lost my mind.

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 05:30 PM
If I had a dime for ever time ive read a post about us all being know the rest

its simple man, if you don't like ats, just leave. No one is forcing you to read posts from us "psychos" (as you so humbely put it).

Peace, Shadow

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 06:12 PM

Originally posted by dr_strangecraft

It's kind of like reading the want-ads in the paper. Funny at first, but after reading your 50'th anti-masonic, ant-bush, alieo-sexual post, you kind of think there's got to be something more relevant in the net.

Alieo-sexual posts?

Where can I find those......LOL

posted on Aug, 9 2004 @ 06:40 PM
If you are 15 now, and you started coming here in 98/99, you would hav e been 10 then.

Ten year olds see the world far differently from 15 year olds, (ever go back to the house of your youth and realised how different it was to what you remember?)

The difference in the site between now and then would account for the changes you say have happened.

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