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World's oceans in 'shocking' decline

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:15 PM
Chill out Folks - the goal here is to keep the population in a constant state of fear!

I have been watching this develop with the demise of the global warming scare - the phrase the started popping up are "ocean acidification" and "biodiversity".

They know now that it will be impossible to pass legislation to tax us based on carbon units, (or at least unpopular enough to cost a few elections). Now they need another "global" problem to tax us with.

I challenge everyone to start debunking these scares immediately and try to get ahead of the curve.


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 09:52 PM
There are so many things wrong with the world right now, I can't shake the thought that something big and bad is coming. There's the Japanese nuclear melt-through causing radioactive materials to enter both the atmosphere and the ocean, the Oil Spill/Corexit double whammy which probably isn't making marine life too happy, the US debt/unemployment, the US dropping bombs and fighting wars that only a small fraction of the people (to my understanding) support, floodings, earthquakes, cracks in the earth appearing as well as sinkholes, global warming caused by pollution from vehicles and industrialization, volcanic activity and wildfires (that's nothing new though), an increasing lack of trust among citizens in both the government and media, and a US media system which completely distracts the population from important world events with petty news stories that make us forget all of the above problems.

My only advice is enjoy every day like it's your last, because considering the above conditions as well as the hundreds of other problems which I failed to mention, it very well might be your last one.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 10:05 PM
reply to post by HulaMan

think about it, it's simple really. Humans as a whole treat their own bodies(drugs, toxins, chemicals in food), grossly altering food itself!) with a lack of respect and i'm not innocent either, so the regard for even things our very existence depends on, is even less.

edit on 20-6-2011 by ahmonrarh because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:26 AM
I blame capitalism

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:05 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Nothing to be worried on how this world will end. One thing is for sure, if we disturb the natural and ecological balance on this earth, earth can take care (with quakes and natural disasters, eliminating the cause) of itself.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:32 AM

Originally posted by Asktheanimals
Nearly half of the world's protein comes from the oceans. The effects of this on places such as Western Europe, East and Southeast Asia will be catastrophic. Just think BP disasters' effects on the Gulf Coast X100.

We thought the oceans were inexhaustible and that we could fish and pollute all we want without repercussion.
Within the next decade we will see the effects of this happening the world over and may well be the trigger for resource wars by nations facing starvation.

I would have to agree with you on this. Since I was a young girl I was a huge fan of the ecology of our world which has led me to be a wildlife biologist. I want my work to show the importance of a single stream, an organism, a forest, a species etc. in order for the government to take action. Our earth is so perfect and never wasteful, every single organism, rock, river etc. has its purpose and they all intertwine within this perfect balance that we as a race disrupt. That is why reports such as this scares the living hell out of me. THE WHOLE OCEAN!! This affects not only the organisms within the ocean but it will affect ocean currents which lead to global temperature and weather systems changing, the carbon cycle, not to mention all the terrestrial life that depends on the oceans organisms, and ultimately us. I knew through my courses I've taken that it was bad, but the accelerated rate of this reality is what is scary and devastating to me.

To the OP, Thank you for finding this article and sharing it here with our ATS family. It is sad that we were born into this life this way, it is almost impossible in America to live any way other than polluting and wasteful, hell I've heard you can even get in trouble if you don't live with electricity and sewage. We can do all we can only so much though only to a degree, live as sustainable as possible, but our footprint is still rather large. We are forced to drive and use gas to go to work, forced to use electricity and toilets and on and on. I would love it if we could live again at harmony with this planet like past ancestors, but ultimately the easy way to do things is what led us to this. The easy way out. Why use a rag with a lil soap and water to wash your counters when you can have a plastic tupper-ware container that inside contains disposable already chemically soaked towelettes to clean them, then hey, just throw each one away when your done. (sorry for the rant, but you all get my drift here, its all just about making things easier for US, lazy)

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:36 AM

Originally posted by TiredofControlFreaks
Chill out Folks - the goal here is to keep the population in a constant state of fear!

I have been watching this develop with the demise of the global warming scare - the phrase the started popping up are "ocean acidification" and "biodiversity".

They know now that it will be impossible to pass legislation to tax us based on carbon units, (or at least unpopular enough to cost a few elections). Now they need another "global" problem to tax us with.

I challenge everyone to start debunking these scares immediately and try to get ahead of the curve.


Aren't the insane amounts of marine life die offs kind of a clue that this isn't a conspiracy, it is reality, the bleaching of the coral reef systems, this has a lot more to do with other things not just global warming.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 04:48 AM
reply to post by ALOSTSOUL

Precisely why they used Corexit 9500 to achieve total decimation of all sea-life, ocean eco-systems, and basically all living things.

Then they can turn around and tell us how bad the ocean systems are now.

Meanwhile they are draining all the remaining sources of good water so they can then sell it back to us at higher than gold prices in a while, after they've told us that all the waters of the world are polluted and are not fit for human consumption anymore.

All part of the great plan to rid the earth of as many living beings as possible.

posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 08:51 AM
reply to post by marriah3330


You know - you are asking a very legitimate question here. How do we know when a threat is real and when its engineered?

Well for one thing - I am going to draw your attention to this link: and this one

Notice how this oceanic survey was only conducted within the last 10 years and what was discovered astonished the surveyors. They found things that they never ever knew existed!

So - now I ask you this question logically - how can anyone say that marine life is in peril when they never knew what was there in the first place (and probably still don't)

I am also going to tell you something. How long has the ocean and marine life existed? Is it still evolving still and still changing and adapting? What makes you think that man can destroy this planet? How do you destroy something this big that constantly adapts and evolves? Does it make sense to you that man should declare that the state of something should be made static by preservation? We have only existed on this planet for a tiny blink of time but somehow we know - for certainly - in what condition it should be in?

If ever we pollute this planet to the point where the ocean dies - then man will die - and the ocean will recover. We are nothing but fleas on the back of an elephant. An elephant that can shake us off at any time.

Global warming theory would have us all breathless with fear for the future because the arctic is melting. But they don't tell you that the arctic has melted before, just like this (in the 1930s) and was well recorded in ship's logs and in the newspapers of the day. And that the arctic used to be a tropical rain forest. So what state of the arctic should we be preserving - the frozen wasteland of today or the rain forest of yesterday?

What makes you think man is capable of preserving and managing anything? Read the story of the Atlantic Ocean cod fishery! That was managed right into extinction! Read the story of the preservation of Yellowstone Park to get an idea of just how bad it can be when man decides that they know better than nature and sets out to preserve something.

You mention coral bleaching.. You are familiar with it because the MSM is quick to make headlines out of it. But have read where the coral is newly growing and expanding. That warming oceans have provided new opportunities of growth in other place. Of course not! That doesn't sell newspapers.

How do you search an ocean and determine how many fish there are? The best you can do is select a small sample area and pray they don't move before you finish counting.

Yes - I believe that we should work to reduce pollution. There is no particular reason why we should deliberately pollute the ocean.

We know for a fact, that carbon has been in the atmosphere at concentrations far higher than we see today. Logically, since oceans act as carbon storehouses, it is logical to assume that the oceans have been saturated with carbon before and have been acidified. And yet the oceans survived.

No scientist ever made his mark by letting the public know what they don't know! Scientists make a living through research grants and grants are scarce when the scientist comes up with undesired findings! The global warming scare has shown us just how badly science has been corrupted by grants that come with strings attached.

I strongly suggest that you read the book "state of fear" of Micheal Chricton. Its a work of fiction but it will give you alot of insight into just why we have been subjected to constant environmental crisis after crisis.


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by linkshot1000
when are we ever going to learn ??

Learn? Humans have spent thousands of years perfecting the many different ways to kill our home. I want to know when we will unlearn.


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 02:12 PM
Hello all thank you for all the star, flags and replys.

I have another article for you all here and this one is serious stuff:

Microscopic marine algae which form the basis of the ocean food chain are dying at a terrifying rate, scientists said today.

Phytoplankton, described as the 'fuel' on which marine ecosystems run, are experiencing declines of about 1 per cent of the average total a year.

According to the researchers from Dalhousie University in Canada the annual falls translate to a 40 per cent drop in phytoplankton since 1950

So the base food of the ocean's food chain is in dramatic decline, 1% a year to be exact. So in one hundred years Phytoplankton will be extinct and perhaps us along with it.

If confirmed, the decline of the phytoplankton would be a more dramatic change change to nature's delicate balance than the loss of the tropical rainforests, scientist said


posted on Jun, 21 2011 @ 07:08 PM
To A Lost Soul:

Oh how you send a thrill of fear running up and down my spine!!!

"if the trend continues....." and what evidence is there that the trend will continue????

IF.... my aunt had balls, then she would be my uncle!

How about if there was a slight depression in algae growth due to the unusually cold winter and late spring caused by the El Nina current....and the trend doesn't continue....think of all that wasted fear.

Maybe we should throw money at the scientists to do another study just like this one. I am sure that they would never skew the study results so that they could get still more money would they? After all "garbage in/garbage out" doesn't apply to real life computer stimulations, does it?


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 12:03 PM

Originally posted by TiredofControlFreaks
reply to post by marriah3330


So - now I ask you this question logically - how can anyone say that marine life is in peril when they never knew what was there in the first place (and probably still don't)................

You mention coral bleaching.. You are familiar with it because the MSM is quick to make headlines out of it. But have read where the coral is newly growing and expanding. That warming oceans have provided new opportunities of growth in other place. Of course not! That doesn't sell newspapers..........

We know for a fact, that carbon has been in the atmosphere at concentrations far higher than we see today. Logically, since oceans act as carbon storehouses, it is logical to assume that the oceans have been saturated with carbon before and have been acidified. And yet the oceans survived...............

No scientist ever made his mark by letting the public know what they don't know! Scientists make a living through research grants and grants are scarce when the scientist comes up with undesired findings! The global warming scare has shown us just how badly science has been corrupted by grants that come with strings attached.

You have a point in some ways, and here is my take. I have spent the last few years in college as a Biology major, I am currently a senior and I have done my own lab work, field work, and typical college studying on this subject. I have spent hours a week on learning about our Earth and the systems within it and how it works. I can tell you that we as biologists (scientists) know and understand that we don't "know" everything and that none of our studies ever "prove"anything. All our job is, is to research, analyze our data, then present to you our findings, but never in a scientific report are we even allowed to use the word "proved" example you can't ever say, "our results proved our hypothesis" we instead replace that word with "supported." We know that science is always changing, science isn't about fact, it's about theory, and its always up for change. So to label the whole science community as a conspiracy because the MSM tells us only the fearful stories is kinda biased.

I do agree with you on your point that we never hear about the fact that climate change is inevitable, and that a volcano can put more CO2 into the atmosphere in an hour than humans can in a year, but it is very obvious due to many many many scientific analyses' that we as humans are accelerating the change of our atmosphere. You ask if I really think humans can ruin this earth, well I can tell you in my educated opinion that we can definitely speed up the process. What, you really don't think humans have driven entire ecosystems and forests and species into extinctions and ruined them?? Humans HAVE wiped out entire species, destroyed a whole damn forest, a whole damn river etc. So, with that being said I can tell you that it is of my knowledge that everything natural on this earth has a system that runs perfectly, whole ecosystems depend on everything from a micro-organism to a pack of wolves, to a species of trees, and from what I have seen through scientific data and my years of studying is that human activities can at least destroy or wipe out at least one of these things, and when one of these is wiped out a whole ecosystem can fail.

For you to say that we as scientists are just money grabbing, media seeking whores is very biased, ignorant and untrue. That's like saying all Germans are Nazi's, I can tell you that I personally along with many fellow lab partners, friends, and professors at my university and community really do CARE DEEPLY about the environment, animals, and the human race and that is usually what drove us to this career in the first place. I'm not saying that we don't want grants and that there aren't biased scientists out there only trying to get the grant to make a buck, but don't put all of us into a box. Yes, I have heard from some of my lab professors that we as biologists get a grant easier if we introduce our studies as how our studies will benefit humans in some form or another, it's sort of an inside joke in the biology community I've been with anyways, a joke as to like, "man I really want to do this study on these Ospreys (or whatever organism) because I love these animals so much and I want them to do well in this area, but in order to get a grant, I have to tell the government that I'm doing this study mainly or solely for the benefit of the people living in that area, when really it's not just people, it's the species that I care about too, but jeese I need this grant so Ill twist my words a little to make it sound like I'm more concerned about humans then these animals!"

And that right there is the only manipulation I've ever personally heard about. And yeah, I have taken a Global Warming class, and I found quite a few conflicting analyses' during that semester, hell my professor was even stumped by a few of my questions. But long story short, I don't get my scientific info from the news, hence your coral reef comment, I get mine from doctors at a university, peer reviewed scholarly science journals, and from fellow and personal data. When you asked me how can "scientists claim the ocean is in peril when there is so much we don't know about the ocean" I will answer you this, we are saying that from what we DO KNOW ALREADY, from what our DATA and RESEARCH is showing.

Our impact is negatively affecting this planet and its species, ecosystems etc. and there is no doubt in my mind that that is not true. You gave two examples of supposedly failed conservation attempts, but I can give you hundreds of successful ones, and hundreds of examples of species extinction and ecosystem destruction from human actions and human actions ALONE!


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:01 PM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks

I checked out your links, yeah those are way cool and thanks for sharing. But you keep going back to the global warming thing (I think given your temperature resistant organisms link), I never said that I believe in human induced global warming or that I didn't there are way more ways humans are polluting and destroying the ocean, here check out these links....

Here is only 1 example out of like 20 ways that humans are impacting coral reefs....

many examples, kinda boring but informative...

example of a successful marine protected area..

the reality of bottom trawling..

Couple more sorry, this is of personal and recent interest to me, this is a study done by a group of NON PROFIT biologists....

Also, biology has shown us that sometimes all it takes is for the destruction of ONE organism no matter how small in order to destroy an ENTIRE community and even a whole ecosystem. Because there is always a base to the system, a start to the web, you destroy that start faster than another organism can either evolve or fill that niche to keep that system stable, and you can have a major problem.


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:06 PM
Let us not forget too, out in the pacific, the great garbage patch* an area as big as texas ALL lpastic bottles, and anything plastic
imagine all the poly chemicals being leeched outta the plastic into the ocean..
products we use at home, that we buy at stores are just as responsable..lever 2000 soap and many others, use petrolatum* a petroleum skin conditioner* all the chemicals in shampoos, soaps, toothpastes, allg oes downt he drain. its impossible to clean everything up at the sewage treatement plant ya know*

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:49 PM
To All:

And every single one of you forgot the main point:

If we destroy the ecosystem - we will NOT survive and as soon as we are gone - the earth will repair itself and return to its natural state!

Be careful what you read - and remember - behind every news story is a scientist trying to get a grant, and a news media trying to get your attention.

Fear mongering is fear mongering.


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:54 PM

How many times must you be lied to before you begin to understand that the liar has a motive and will never tell you the truth. You might not believe in global warming now - but be honest - you were just as concerned about it at some point in time as you are now concerned about the oceans. Understand that the same scientific community that supported global warming on demand from the government, will now find the evidence to support ocean acidification - for the EXACT SAME REASONS.

I related ocean acidification with global warming because it is all part of the same package and came from the same scientists and is outlined in the same IPPC reports. Ocean acidification is caused by excessive amounts of carbon dioxide in the oceans. The oceans are a natural storehouse for carbon.


posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:57 PM

Originally posted by doobydoll

Originally posted by linkshot1000
when are we ever going to learn ??

When it is too late. As usual.

We consistently see reports of our ecology gradually getting worse - never better, and yet we continue drilling and mining, we continue to destroy acre upon acre of rain forest, and to pollute air, land and ocean.

Roll on the End Times I say - it will be the only way to stop us

This is not a true statement. There have been many examples of sea life near the brink of extinction that were regulated and that species saw a recovery. While there is bad news of course, not all of it is negative.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 03:57 PM
Further MARRIAH3330 - I think you should re-read the climategate emails, particularly the ones from Phil Jones. He will tell you all about how to subvert the peer-review process in order to keep anyone who doesn't agree with you quiet.

I have now uncovered two scientific scams in my lifetime - one relates to tobacco and the other to climate change. Both used exactly the same techniques and propaganda.

No - I am sorry that you went to school to become a scientist but I will tell you true. Try to do research or come out with results that don't agree to the government-santioned school of thought on any subject and watch your grants dry up.

Tired of Control Freaks

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by TiredofControlFreaks

Actually global warming isn't debated at all. It's not hard for scientists to compare today's average temperature to those throughout history and see which is higher.

The debate persists in how this affects climate change and here you can find evidence to back up any argument you want. This is what Al Gore and his people are doing. Any independent scientist not working for someone will tell you that we just have no idea what's affecting climate change or to what degree and it will take quite a bit of study before real conclusions can be drawn.

The people involved in climate-gate were obviously trying to convince people of things that just aren't known yet. They do not know what effects Co2 is actually having if any or how a rise in global temps might impact weather. Anyone who tells you they know these things are lying.

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