posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 06:58 AM
Hello Everyone:
Been awhile since I've posted but I continue to follow ATS on just about a daily basis. I just wanted to mention something I witnessed a little while
ago (woulda been around 4:30ish AM CST.) I live about 20-30 minutes from Huntsville, AL which is home to the "Redstone Arsenal", "Marshall Space
Flight Center", and the "Space and Rocket Center" including the infamous Space Camp. Awwww, I'm dragging this out so let's get to the point.
I woke up, decided to go outside and have a smoke, and hopefully be ready to crash again. As I was killing time I was also checking out the sky. I
noticed a star sitting still start to slowly move to the right about one inch from my vantage point and then just "blink out." As I was looking to
locate it again, a shooting star shot across the sky exactly where the "slowly moving star" was. (Time difference of star blinking out and shooting
star appearing to cross the other one's path was only about a second. Keep in mind I have no way of verifying the coordinants of either "star." But
it sure did remind me of the infamous space shuttle video where a similar situation occurred.)
Anyway, I'm just telling you what I saw. I'm not making any kind of claims, period. It was probably a strong gust of swamp gas making the star move,
so please keep any negativity to yourselves.Out of curiosity, has anyone else out there witnessed anything similar to this?