I'm not sure which forum to post this on.... general conspiracy, global meltdown, social unrest? All of the above? Anway.... today I was called to
work at the home of a very wealthy family I do work for occasionally. While going over the bill regarding work on a door not fitting and not locking
properly, I was talking about the climate here, the extra snow this year (HUGE!), the minor earthquakes, climate, etc, as reasons the door may have
stopped working due to a shift in the frame.
The lady of the house asked me about the earthquakes here and if I had noticed the sun being in a slightly different place, setting further
north than usual for this time of year. I said I thought it seemed different this year. She sighed and said she had noticed this back home and how
when she was driving on a road the sun used to set behind and always glare in her face, it didn't now, and she called an old friend but she wouldn't
be specific, only saying a very high up person in a government science group. The National Academy of Sciences is what I thought she was starting to
say but didn't finish. She said she was told its hush hush and the government doesn't want people to panic but the earth has shifted somewhat,
perhaps due to the 3 large earthquakes recently; Chile, New Zealand, and Japan. The Moon might be affected, the tides, the solar exposure we all get
throughout our travels around the sun in a years time.... I was rather shocked that she would say this. Or reveal this. Or not keep a secret if its
a secret.
I know this sounds pretty crazy, but that's what I thought too, that just doing a service call for a wealthy person (who says one of their other
homes has 18 inch thick stone walls) would end this way with perhaps some inside information about something strange going on. We then talked about
SHTF subjects, she felt bad about being away from her family just for a week because something big might happen. I've worked for her and her family
before. She is probably in her 60's, articulate, intelligent, well bred, and she was certainly sincere in her worries she revealed to me. That's
the only reason I can imagine she would tell a person like me, someone doing work for her on a weekend (for which she appreciated and gave me a $70
dollar tip.... maybe it won't be worth anything very soon? lol).
If its hush hush.... well, I don't know. It was disturbing information but I have seen posts in here about the sun being in an odd place, so
it seemed like some pieces were coming together. I have no reason whatsoever to think she was kidding or whacko. She has been a good customer of
mine in the past and always quite the Lady in her demeanor. I mentioned the underground bases being built such as under Denver Airport, and she
concurred that there were some for government officials, scientists, teachers, and I mentioned the wealthy, knowing I wasn't exactly going to be
invited to one, but she might be. She didn't really respond to that in words but just half nodded and half shrugged.
It was a longer conversation than this, going to other subjects somewhat related but that was us just talking about websites such as ATS, the HAB
Theory, pole shifts, etc.... the point of this post though, is that I may have received information that was supposed to not be general knowledge,
disclosed by someone with great wealth and interesting connections, at a time she may have been feeling the need to share as she was worried about her
family and being away, as if something could happen at any time in the very near future. Make of this what you will, and if you have any questions,
don't hesitate to ask!
edit on 20-6-2011 by jaxnmarko because: an extra word in the wrong place
edit on 20-6-2011 by jaxnmarko
because: paragraphing
edit on 20-6-2011 by jaxnmarko because: distinct paragraphing
edit on 20-6-2011 by jaxnmarko
because: grrr more distinct paragraphing