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ATS is a combination of anarchy and fascism from what I can tell

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posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:28 AM
Hey, I'm Forteana. (Hi Forteana). I'm a weirdo. New to ATS.

I just can't wrap my head around this balancing act of the moderators. On one hand, you can post any crazy idea you want to. And on the other hand, if it gets out of hand the moderators rule with an iron fist. I just find it very hippocritical in my short time here.

I've been interested in the paranormal/metaphysical/supernatural since I can remember. I'm a lifelong science geek, but it was always most interesting to me those things that science can't explain, or at least hadn't explained yet.

I feel I have an all-encompassing Forteana categorization system, but I'll post that after my 20 posts I suppose. Because apparently you can't submit any real value to the boards unless you post 20 times. After that, you're golden. Complete sense.

If I had a million dollars, I'd totally create a Forteana forum. And the number one rule would be no rules. Talk about whatever you want. In my opinion, we come here to get AWAY from the censorship. Just my two cents...

Hello ATS! I hope my stay is a pleasant one for us all.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by Forteana

Hi Forteana, and welcome to the Introductions Forum, a place to say hello to the ATS community. For now you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive (PM's) Private Messages to Staff only for now. Once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive messages to and from fellow ATS members.

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Take your time and enjoy. If you have any questions just ask.


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:38 AM
Hello and welcome.

Moderators are necessary for a civil and smoothly operating forum. Mods will take out trolls, rude and belligerent posters, and hoaxers. Without this, the system would get clogged and die out, as has happened to many threads before.

Even from your view you've shared, you have in no way shown they are fascist. Its also impossible to be fascist AND anarchist. They are fundamental opposites.
edit on 20-6-2011 by chancemusky because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by Forteana

Well, just like in real life the rules are designed to encompass lowest common denominator, hence the 20 post limit.

Luckily 20 posts is easy to gather together, so don't be put off by that.

And welcome!

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:42 AM

Hilarious introduction.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:52 AM
Welcome to ATS. Have fun! It is a cool site.

The Mods, however, are NOT fascists, they are people. Fellow members. Fellow members who keep this place civil and smooth running so you can enjoy it at will.
They are not paid by ATS to do so and therefore have real jobs out in the world like cooks and truck drivers and nurses and scientists and dog groomers to pay bills and such and THEN spend a few hours here, free of pay, to make sure you have smooth posting pleasure.
It's HARD to moderate ATS. I tried and couldn't do it as well as I thought I could. There were few perks and lots of staring at the screen and reading.
Don't bust their chops too much, you have no idea what they go through.

Post clearly. Don't lie. Don't steal. Link sources. Be nice.

Do this and the Mods will never see you but to Applaud ya.

Read lots. Keep a salt shaker handy for pinching. Have fun.


posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 01:52 AM
forteana hi I am also new my name is theviruskennewick
some important things to remember that i thought you may find beneficial
that i also use to help navigate the nasty world of opinions
1: do not get it twisted
in other words before your conversation has become a heated debate try to remember that a thoughtful informative
answer based on fact is usually preferred over opinion
2: comment and run
this means that sometimes even though someone may be wrong their dialogue has turned into a complete rant
and this person is usually trumped with a simple rebuttle.
3:kill em with kindness
this usually means that someone is so highly intelligent and they have done so much homework on the subject
that anything that anyone comments about is considered moot.these people must be dealt with simplicity as their minds will soon turn to mush or they suffer mental disorders due to a high i.q.
4:this is america dammit!
this means if anyone who feels the need to represent another country should be reminded that this is the greatest nation on earth and should take a flying leap off a cliff of the grand canyon if they dont like it .

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 02:18 AM

Originally posted by Forteana
If I had a million dollars, I'd totally create a Forteana forum. And the number one rule would be no rules. Talk about whatever you want. In my opinion, we come here to get AWAY from the censorship. Just my two cents...

Hello ATS! I hope my stay is a pleasant one for us all.

Be careful. You can't criticize the mods on here even in a joking manner or you'll be put on a post ban. Be sure to read the Patriot Act of ATS er..uh the T&C's which are obviously open to interpretation but as long as you don't say anything too off-hand you should be fine.

Also, do you always refer to yourself in the third-person?

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 02:30 AM
reply to post by PhantomLimb

I agree with what you said, but in the interest of self-protection, I'll say that I'm not gonna comment anymore on what I think of the moderation SYSTEM here, not necessarily the moderators.

In that instance, I meant "Forteana" in a capital F Charles Fort sense, I wasn't referring to myself. I'm crazy, but I ain't like that.

Let me say a big THANK YOU to everyone who's posted a reply, I'm overwhelmed by the activity. I really appreciate it and it makes me feel like a part of the clique for sure

My thanks again, -Forteana

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 02:38 AM
Theres another forum around which pretty much does what you said ...

However ... I refuse to go near that forum ... as its not moderated in the same way as ATS ...

Therefor, as soon as you enter that forum, you have to sift through all the petty minded racist posts and comments ... all the hatred posts ... the silly little 14 year old boy pretending to be someone hes not attention seeking posts .... the cursing ... etc etc

Although, i acknowledge these things also exist on ATS, and are also on the increase .. and although ATS appears (to me) to be heading in the same downward slope of distastefulness as its traffic and members is on the increase ... I am hopeful that it will never reach the same low as this other site, due to the amount of moderators in this forum ...

If i had it my way ... the moderators would be more heavy handed on the 'hatred' filled posts / threads in here ... they are too soft in my opinion ...

Just wait and see ... a lot of the old timers will be posting here less and less .. as their well thought out detailed interesting threads lose visibility swiftly amongst all the silly boyish pointless threads .. and all the duplicate threads that come out for the next few days after ... cos theres just sooo many ...

I did something similar with a file sharing hub ... I was sick of being on the receiving end of terms and conditions in hubs .. and more so when i would sometimes get banned, by an admin on a power trip ... there was no consistency between admin ...

So i decided to open my own hub .. with zero rules ...
Well .. i swiftly had to change that .. because .. unfortunately .. there are faaar too many people, that seem mentally limited at the other end of a keyboard ... like they never grew up ...
They get a kick out of wreaking havoc ... and trying to ruin what is initially a good relaxed environment .... Cos .. theres no rules ....

There are too many ignorant stupid people around just now .. and they seem to outnumber the amount of responsible, considerate decent thinking people .... IMO .. without rules .. ATS wouldnt exist as we know it ...

Im pretty sure id be avoiding ATS just as i do that other site if there were no rules ...

Welcome to ATS by the way ... Tho sounds as tho you may be one of the people that would prefer that other forum ... that appears far less moderated than ATS .. haaa ... go give it a try .. see you back here in 5 minutes if you prefer civility

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Welcome to the board! I sorta agree that some of the rules are a bit strange, but when you realize the reasoning behind these rules, it makes sense. Unfortunately, there are a lot of dishonest people on the internet, so the 20 post rule, as an example, is to prevent spammers.

You described your interests, and I think that you will be a great addition to the board. I bet you will learn some things too, and at the very least you will be exposed to the various personality types that encompass the "weird" and "conspiracy" communities.

edit on 6/20/11 by JiggyPotamus because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 02:55 AM
Alright, maybe a pure anarchist forum with zero censorship isn't the way to go.

But still, I feel that if a thread is going the wrong direction, why would the thread be removed? It's not a variable of the THREAD, it's a variable of the people posting. Remove those PEOPLE.

Why censor IDEAS? I was upset when I read they censored the idea of holographic planes hitting the WTC. While I believe that idea is absolutely ridiculous, I don't understand censoring an IDEA. Racists, bigots, people who seriously need medication, trolls, yes I understand censoring PEOPLE... But when you start censoring an abstract idea, I think you enter very delicate waters... that's fascist. Just me?

Just the way I feel...

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:07 AM

Originally posted by Forteana
Hey, I'm Forteana. (Hi Forteana). I'm a weirdo. New to ATS.

I just can't wrap my head around this balancing act of the moderators. On one hand, you can post any crazy idea you want to. And on the other hand, if it gets out of hand the moderators rule with an iron fist. I just find it very hippocritical in my short time here.

I've been interested in the paranormal/metaphysical/supernatural since I can remember. I'm a lifelong science geek, but it was always most interesting to me those things that science can't explain, or at least hadn't explained yet.

I feel I have an all-encompassing Forteana categorization system, but I'll post that after my 20 posts I suppose. Because apparently you can't submit any real value to the boards unless you post 20 times. After that, you're golden. Complete sense.

If I had a million dollars, I'd totally create a Forteana forum. And the number one rule would be no rules. Talk about whatever you want. In my opinion, we come here to get AWAY from the censorship. Just my two cents...

Hello ATS! I hope my stay is a pleasant one for us all.

You don't get censored they just don't like when your rude or disrespectful on a post and if they are its because they have to be but its not like their gonna take someones post off unless its just assenine I don't think you really know how to use this site

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:10 AM

Originally posted by Forteana
But still, I feel that if a thread is going the wrong direction, why would the thread be removed? It's not a variable of the THREAD, it's a variable of the people posting. Remove those PEOPLE.

Why censor IDEAS? I was upset when I read they censored the idea of holographic planes hitting the WTC. While I believe that idea is absolutely ridiculous, I don't understand censoring an IDEA. Racists, bigots, people who seriously need medication, trolls, yes I understand censoring PEOPLE... But when you start censoring an abstract idea, I think you enter very delicate waters... that's fascist. Just me?

Just the way I feel...

Every animal species has their own distinctive instinct. So does too in the human world, governments, NGOs, and corporations. Based on those behaviour you could actually tell what ATS is.

Only spiritual entity has the ability to override those instinct or alter it.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:10 AM
reply to post by Forteana

Hello fellow weirdo!!!
I have been lurking here for many years and you have finally pushed me past the point of no return. You caused me to finally become a member here because while I read your post I felt like we were not only on the same page but the same exact sentence. A forum with "no rules" is what really stuck out to me. I have dreamed of a forum without censorship for a long time. Over the past few years I have joined a number of forums and the moderators of all of them have driven me nuts. I am sick and tired of the "nanny state" of it all. I don't need anyone to protect me from anything on the internet. I am an adult, if I see something I do not agree with or am offended by, I will take a mental note of the person who posted it and avoid them. Stop deleting posts..... LET ME THE READER, be the judge. If someone wants to make an idiot of themselves.. LET THEM!!!! Don't remove it, allow everyone to see it. This is how we can separate the followers from the leaders. Stop the damn censorship! By deleting content you are not protecting the user, you are protecting the offenders by not allowing the users to see the truth.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by Forteana

Sounds like FANARCHY to me!

A good thing if you are dyslexic

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:22 AM
You guys should start your own forum.
Do whatever ya want on it.
You see, this site is owned by someone(s).
And they ALLOW you to use it as long as you abide by the Terms and Conditions of Use that you agreed to when you registered to be a member.

Since it's an owned site, it's not censorship.
Since you don't own it, your posts are moderated if they break Terms and Conditions of Use.

Ya following me?

Post clearly. Don't lie. Don't steal. Be nice...or at least civil.
Moderation will impact you little.

Do otherwise and the moderation becomes more focussed.
We are ATS. We make ATS what it is. It's user generated content and discussion. And it's a family-friendly site, so, it comes up in searches. Moderation keeps it family-friendly.

You're so set to fight The Man, as it were, but, you have no clue what it is that you're fighting.
Read more, complain less. IMHO.

Just sayin'

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:29 AM
Hi and welcome! you get your nick from Charles Fortean I suppose...
ATS is a wonderful mix of flavors, in all senses. I guess that's what makes it quite addictive.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 03:31 AM
So do you have not rules in your house? People can just come over and pee on the floor throw food at the walls break furniture, cuss your neighbors out, and do what ever they like?

What's that; of course they can't that would be rude and cause a fight or chaos etc.? Well ATS is the owners cyber house and they have a few rules to keep the house from getting broken up and dirtied.

posted on Jun, 20 2011 @ 04:07 AM
reply to post by hawkiye

I understand the fine line between complete anarchy and liberty and I can completely see your logic in this but I think it is slightly flawed. The analogy of "in your home" doesn't work. In order for that to be there would need to be an intrusion. For example, If you just wanted to read your e-mail in your own home but when you clicked on your mailbox an ATS thread popped up that showed some idiot's opinion on something, you would have a case. This would be the same as opening a letter at your dinner table as someone kicked open your front door to scream that lizards are ruling us. When you go to any website your are stepping outside of your "home". So instead of using the analogy of "home" lets use a public place such as "park".

Do you disagree with any of the above?

Ok so lets apply our real world analogy to a public place, since that is what this really is... NOT the inside of someones house.

So here we sit in a public park. 20 people are here but 1 guy decides to run around screaming illogical nonsense. Option 1: (delete his post) some powerful force erases our memories of what the lunatic said leaving us wide open for more nonsense. Option 2: (allow everyone to see the nonsense) We collectively disagree with the guy, remember that he is not a reliable source, and set him in the right direction to learn\get help.

Am I wrong? (I'm open to the possibility)

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