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Duke Nukem Forever should have got a 7.0 on IGN.

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posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 07:03 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

I played the demo earlier, it was fun.
I like the humor, the limbs flying all around and peeing.

I might have to get this game. Just a good crack, some MP wouldn't go a miss.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 07:23 PM
reply to post by Chukkles

Corridors, corridors, and more corridors. They might as well just have big signs that scream "GO THIS WAY" the whole game, for instance any doors that you don't need to go through are usually locked.

posted on Jun, 23 2011 @ 11:36 PM
But is the "corridor" thing bad? I mean, it's typical of 90s shooters and besides, until I read your post I never noticed that at all and I'm maybe midway through the game (got it a day before release thanks to a Feb pre-order but lack of time and all...)

It's very open in a lot of levels to explore and find things but the good thing is, it also highlights certain objects so you're not getting yourself lost or stuck on what to do next like a lot of games do.

My personal opinion but before DNF came out, the last great FPS I enjoyed playing was Goldeneye 007 on N64.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by curious7
I grew up playing games both on computer and Nintendo 64. One of my fave was Golden Eye 007. And as for corridors I know all about em. One of the first video games I played was doom. It was pretty much corridors throughout the whole game. I played all the doom games and a few mods of the old doom games. Love every one of them. I started playing Duke Nukem with the first one. It was in a way a corridor game but in a 2D format.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by paranormal78

Doom, and Wolfenstein 3D, loved em.
I did quite enjoy playing the demo, I hope the full game is better polished.
I'll get it when it's cheap though.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 03:42 AM
It honestly isn't as terrible as most people say.

I believe the main reason it got such a low score was people's expectations were a little bit too high. It's enjoyable, and I laughed at the jokes. What more can I ask for?

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by Chukkles
reply to post by paranormal78

Doom, and Wolfenstein 3D, loved em.
I did quite enjoy playing the demo, I hope the full game is better polished.
I'll get it when it's cheap though.

I think that's the thing, people hated it because of the demo (AI was horrible, couldn't step on shrunk enemies on the Ghost Town level) and didn't wanna give the full game a chance even though it's polished and with the bugs in the demo fixed as you said you hoped.

The humour's great and it has a lot of references to movies, tv and video games along with the obligatory Army of Darkness quotes from the Duke Nukem 3D game and it's what we need in an era when FPS games are way too serious.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:19 PM
reply to post by paranormal78

Ha, yeah, played Doom for the first time in 94 when a friend's older brother had it (ahh to be 10 years old and discovering that game again...)

I still remember the fun to be had with Goldeneye's multiplayer, especially on the Aztec level with the false walls, banning people from playing as Oddjob because of his height and everyone arguing over who gets to be Alex Trevelyan (for some reason we all wanted to be that guy) or shouting "I am invincible!" after getting a kill while playing as Boris.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 02:29 PM
reply to post by curious7
I will always remember the old games. The games i grew up playing on windows 95&98. All the games i had on N64 i wish i still had. I might re buy all of them because i started remembering how cool they were. Hers a pic of duke nukem 1991. Its nothing like the new one. But thats how people make games now. I perfer most new games now. mabe because of how old i am but i might never truly grow out of the old ones.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 04:24 PM
I'm the same, still break out my original NES sometimes and pop in Rad Gravity, Ghostbusters 2, Robocop, that kind of thing.

It's also why I tend to stick to buying only a minute amount of games. I have a 360 but I think the majority of gamjes for it are horrible and overrated. Don't even get me started on PS3, never liked any Playstation games save for GTA3, GTA: Vice City and the WCW and WWE games. Oh and Dynasty Warriors, almost forgot those.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 06:57 PM
reply to post by curious7

Thats good to know, I was disapointed I couldn't crush the shunken ones.

When I used to play Goldeneye with friends we also used to ban the use of OddJob. LMAO.
Good Times, though Perfect Dark did surpass it IMO, for the multiplayer at least, always used Facility and Complex. Oh and the laptop gun was the bomb.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 04:28 PM
reply to post by curious7
PS3 aint all bad. If anything its better than XBox now. Let me point out the reasons why. 1 its reliable, 2 its got at least three cool features that the xbox 360 faild at:free live blue ray player and wireless controllers that dont need AA batterys, 3 It looks allot better over all and sony doesnt over charge for everything to make the live work, originaly the wireless net working conector that you plug in to the 360 was up to $70. 4 better graphics. But that still doesnt stop me from playing older classic games. Hell I still play pong every now and then. The only game I would really play on XBox is the Halo games.

posted on Jun, 25 2011 @ 10:56 PM

Originally posted by paranormal78
reply to post by curious7
PS3 aint all bad. If anything its better than XBox now. Let me point out the reasons why. 1 its reliable, 2 its got at least three cool features that the xbox 360 faild at:free live blue ray player and wireless controllers that dont need AA batterys, 3 It looks allot better over all and sony doesnt over charge for everything to make the live work, originaly the wireless net working conector that you plug in to the 360 was up to $70. 4 better graphics. But that still doesnt stop me from playing older classic games. Hell I still play pong every now and then. The only game I would really play on XBox is the Halo games.

1. I've seen as many PS3's die as X-Box's.
2. What cool features that X-Box failed at?
3.Are you atlking about how the console itself looks? That don't mean squat. PSN is unreliable and X-Box have 24hr maintenance support wereas PS3 has a shutdown time to do maintenance. X-box have wireless controllers, before you say it's an extra, so was Dual Shock 3 that you never even had to begin with.
4. Graphics aren't that important, especially when gameplay is essential and too many PS3 exclusives have down right horrid gameplay (Heavy Rain, Haze to name a couple).
If your PS3 is pushing to to play the classics, maybe it's not all you make it out to be.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 07:18 PM
I never liked Playstation at all, mainly because the mega fans of Sony's consoles seem to think they innovated when a lot of features (rumble feature, analog sticks, motion controller etc) were brought into the market by Nintendo initially while Sony and Microsoft followed.

Not saying you're one of them at all but I've seen a lot of arguments saying PS3 is better because of lack of hardware issues and the PSN which Chukkles explained above so won't repeat.

Plus a lot of the people myself and my brother know who own PS3s admitted that the console is just an overpriced and glorified blu ray player.

My personal opinion also is that I don't think any of the PS3 exclusive titles other than Heavy Rain looked that good but then again, a vast majority of games on all consoles don't appeal to me. Especially games like Bioshock, Call of Duty etc.

Saying that, I AM looking forward to Saints Row The Third, Batman: Arkham City and WWE '12 (even though I hate the WWE shows and ppvs these days, I still enjoy the games) but that might be going off topic a little.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 03:55 AM
reply to post by curious7
Not to of topic curious7. If its about video games its welcome in this thread. Speaking of video games I am going to re buy an N64 console with all the games I grew up on, Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda Occreaina of time, 007 golden eye, vigilante 8 and V8 second offense, battle tanx, rampage and rampage 2, star wars shadow of the empire, and many other classic games I grew up renting from the video store in the late 1990's.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 04:01 AM
I signed up just to post in this thread, because I am a bit annoyed at how many people are hating on this game.

The first 20 minutes of the game are a slap in the face and I can see why people are upset but after you get going I found the game rather fun. Granted there are parts that slow the game down and drag it down. But I found the Boss fights challenging and entertaining and the puzzles refreshing.

People seem to think Duke Nukem was considered cool back in the 96'. He was annoying, unfunny and offensive back then as well. There where some key differences. For one the games irreverence was a slap in the face too the people who would want to sensor and homogenize everything and there was a back lash from political correct bull #. However What make Duke Nukem 3d a huge success is the game engine that was leaps and bounds beyond the doom engine. I honestly thought Duke was a closet homo back then as well but that wasn't the point of the game. It was a classic FPS, one that paved the way for COD and Halo.

Considering the source material, I honestly don't think Duke Nukem Forever is nearly as bad as people say. Dose it live up to modern standards for AAA FPS's? The answer is no. However is it fun? Yes, I found it entertaining. I can't necessarily say why entirely because there where part of the game that I absolutely hated. However, I found myself pushing forward in spite of that and was surprised. There are moments in DNF where I was having fun, probably the most fun I've had playing a FPS in years, particularly after leaving the Casino, the game picks up. Maybe it's because I HATE modern fps like COD and Halo. I loved Doom and Shadow warrior and QUAKE 1 and even liked DN3D. So maybe it's nostalgia tainting my perspective. I have not played thought an enter single player story in a fps in years. Modern warfare bores me to tears.

Ultimately DNF is very hit or miss and I can see why people may hate it. However I don't think it deserves such whole sail condemnation by the video game community.

/(misspelled, poor grammar, rambling)rant
edit on 27-6-2011 by Drascoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by Drascoll
Well if you ask me Drascoll Duke is allot like Greyson Hunt from Bulletstorm. Same attitude and similar style of a brutal display of physical force.(gives the bad guys a serious kick to the ass) Personally I think that's how most video game characters should be like.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 11:41 AM
I dont even think the first 20 minutes are a slap in the face, it's a fun and interactive beginning to a great and fun game that may not live up to some people's expectations but I love it regardless.

It's like the beginning of the game is welcoming players to Duke's world and status as a babe magnet and celebrity so you can get used to the controls and immerse yourself in the story before it really kicks off and you first pick up your guns and go nuts wasting as much ammo as you can find.

It's a nice way of doing things differently instead of throwing hundreds of aliens at you almost immediately and it's cool how you get to fight the last boss of Duke Nukem 3D right at the start in a Duke videogame within the game world just to give a nod to the game's history.

I'm playing through on the Piece Of Cake difficulty right now and had a tough time with some moments, dying constantly etc so I can't imagine how much harder it'll be on my second playthrough on the Damn I'm Good difficulty but dammit, it's one of those games that despite frustration like with the older game, it's still enjoyable enough to have that "phew" moment when you get past a section and can't wait to see what else awaits.

Those octabrains are even more annoying than before though now they can telepathically throw barrels at you. The humour is still as awesome as before though and I love the last thing you get to do in the Battlelord fight. I was shcoked at how huge that thing was in this game too.

posted on Jun, 27 2011 @ 05:15 PM

It's like the beginning of the game is welcoming players to Duke's world and status as a babe magnet and celebrity so you can get used to the controls and immerse yourself in the story before it really kicks off and you first pick up your guns and go nuts wasting as much ammo as you can find.
I truly agree based on what I have seen in the game. Its what makes Duke Nukem who he is.

posted on Jul, 16 2011 @ 06:09 AM
That game was horrible. I'm pretty sure no one bothered to test it.

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